
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Anti | all forms | exact matches only
anti-aliasinganticrénelage (A software technique for smoothing the jagged appearance of curved or diagonal lines caused by poor resolution on a display screen. Methods of anti-aliasing include surrounding pixels with intermediate shades and manipulating the size and horizontal alignment of the pixels)
anti-bullying supervision policystratégie de prévention de l'intimidation (" E-mail policy settings that administrators use to prevent a bully from sending e-mail messages to specific people by adding the bully's e-mail address as an entry on the "victim's" supervision list. This functionality supports anti-harassment policies in schools and other organizations.")
anti-hammeringanti-martèlement (A type of software or hardware method that increases the difficulty and cost of a key search attack on a PIN or password)
anti-phishinganti-hameçonnage (Pertaining to methods employed to protect users from phishing)
anti-shakeanti-tremblement (An image stabilization technique that's used to reduce the appearance of camera shake in a video image)
anti-spam stampingcachet anti-courrier indésirable (" Functionality in Exchange Server 2007 that helps the messaging administrator diagnose spam-related problems by applying diagnostic metadata, or "stamps," such as sender-specific information, puzzle validation results, and content filtering results, to messages as they pass through the anti-spam features that filter inbound messages from the Internet.")