
Terms for subject Microsoft containing entity | all forms | exact matches only
base entityβασική οντότητα (A generic entity that all other entities in the system inherit base functionality from)
character entityοντότητα χαρακτήρα (A code that's used in HTML to describe symbols, international letters, and other special characters. Character entities are maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO))
disregarded entityοντότητα που δεν λαμβάνεται υπόψη (A business that is owned by an individual but is not treated as a separate entity from the business owner for tax purposes)
entity containerκοντέινερ οντοτήτων (A container of specified entity sets and association sets that will be implemented in a specified namespace)
Entity Data ModelΜοντέλο οντοτήτων δεδομένων (A data model for defining application data as sets of entities and relationships to which CLR types and storage structures can be mapped)
Entity Data Model schemaΣχήμα μοντέλου οντοτήτων δεδομένων (An XML text file that describes entity and relationship types. The schema also defines a container within which instances of these types are logically organized)
entity extractionεξαγωγή οντότητας (The process of extracting information from unstructured text in an item and storing that information as additional managed properties for the item)
entity extractorλειτουργία εξαγωγής οντότητας (A content processing feature that extracts information from unstructured text in an item and stores that information as additional managed properties for the item. The additional managed properties can be used to refine results)
Entity FrameworkΠλαίσιο οντοτήτων (A set of technologies that supports development of data-oriented software applications by enabling developers to work with conceptual models that are mapped to logical schemas in data sources)
entity objectοντότητα αντικειμένου (An instance of an entity type that exists within an object context)
entity relationshipσχέση οντοτήτων (A relationship between records of one record type and records of another record type. An entity relationship is represented in both the structure of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database and the user interface. A custom entity relationship may be created. There are three types of custom entity relationship: N:1, 1:N, and N:N)
entity setσύνολο οντοτήτων (A logical container for entities of a given type and its subtypes mapped to tables in a database)
Entity SQLΟντότητα SQL (A storage-independent dialect of SQL that works directly with conceptual entity schemas and that supports entity data model features such as inheritance and relationships)
entity typeτύπος οντότητας (The specification for a data type that includes a named set of properties and represents a top-level item in a data model)
LINQ to EntitiesLINQ σε οντότητες (A LINQ technology that enables developers to create flexible, strongly typed queries against the Entity Framework by using LINQ expressions and the LINQ Standard Query Operators)
Multi-Entity Quick FindΓρήγορη εύρεση πολλών οντοτήτων (A search field that allows the user to search across multiple entities such as contacts, accounts, and leads)
multiple entity sets per typeπολλαπλά σύνολα οντοτήτων ανά τύπο (The ability for an entity type to be defined in more than one entity set)
named entityεπώνυμη οντότητα (A code that's used in HTML to describe symbols, international letters, and other special characters. Character entities are maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO))
National Register of Legal EntitiesΕθνικό μητρώο νομικών προσώπων (A 14-digit identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for tax purposes)
person-type entityοντότητα ατόμου (An entity that represents a person, declared as such in metadata)
synchronization entityοντότητα συγχρονισμού (A Navision or Outlook object containing data to be synchronized. Navision objects are tables and fields; Outlook objects are items, collections, and properties)