
Terms for subject Microsoft containing scheduling | all forms | exact matches only
effort-driven schedulingпланування з фіксованим обсягом роботи (The default method of scheduling in Project; the duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources are added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort necessary to complete a task remains unchanged)
manual schedulingпланування вручну (A type of scheduling that gives the user control over start and finish dates of their tasks. Tasks do not automatically get moved by the scheduling engine. The user can enter blank dates, textual dates, or dates that do not follow dependencies, calendar, and other scheduling engine rules)
Scheduling Assistantпомічник із планування (An Outlook and Outlook Web Access feature that automatically suggests the best meeting times for a given a group of attendees, allowing users to schedule people and resources quickly and efficiently)
user-controlled schedulingкероване планування (A feature that allows the user to specify manual or automatic scheduling on a per-task basis)