
Terms for subject Microsoft containing pair | all forms | exact matches only
key-value pairпара "ключ-значення" (A set of data items that contains a unique identifier, called a key, and a value that is the actual data for the key)
name/value pairпара "ім'я-значення" (The name of a form field and the value of the field at the time the form is submitted)
pair wise consistency checkперевірка узгодженості пар параметрів (A combinatorial testing method that tests all possible discrete combinations of each input parameter pair)
Pairing accessoryЗ'єднання із пристроєм (The screen title prompting a user to enter the same PIN to pair the phone and the Bluetooth accessory)
pairing requestзапит на з'єднання (A requisition to connect a phone and an accessory)
tap to pairторкніться, щоб з'єднатися (A text string that the user can tap to connect an accessory over Bluetooth)