
Terms for subject Microsoft containing foundation | all forms
Windows driver foundationкаркас для WDM-драйвера (A framework that provides prewritten support for the requirements of Windows driver model (WDM), giving Microsoft Windows device-driver developers the ability to better focus on their device models. The driver framework reduces the amount of new code required to provide a full-featured WDM device driver)
Windows Presentation FoundationСистема подання графіки (A new strategic graphics subsystem in Windows Vista that provides a unified approach to user interface, 2D and 3D graphics, documents and media. Built on the .NET Framework foundation and utilizing Direct3D for vector-based rendering, it provides a powerful solution for building immersive applications of all kinds)
Windows Workflow FoundationКерування робочими циклами Windows (An extensible programming model and runtime components for building solutions on the Windows platform)
Windows Workflow FoundationКерування бізнес-процесами Windows (An extensible programming model and runtime components for building solutions on the Windows platform)
workflow foundationсистема керування робочими циклами (An extensible programming model and components that can be used to design and implement custom applications for common business processes, such as document approval. Components include version control, tracking, and reporting)