
Terms containing relative | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
math.asymptotic relative efficiencyasymptotiske relative effektivitet
math.chain-relativelink relative
magn.complex relative permeabilitykompleks relativ permeabilitet
magn.complex relative permittivitykompleks relativ permittivitet
magn.effective complex relative permittivityeffektiv kompleks relativ permittivitet
math.link relativelink relative
math.link relativekjede-relative
magn.real relative permeabilityreell relativ permeabilitet
magn.real relative permittivityreell relativ permittivitet
comp., MSrelative addressrelativ adresse (A location, as in a computer's memory, that is specified in terms of its distance (displacement or offset) from a starting point (base address))
comp., MSrelative cell referencerelativ cellereferanse (In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to. If you copy the formula, the reference automatically adjusts)
light.relative colour stimulus functionrelativ fargestimulusfunksjon
el., sec.sys.relative density of a gas or a vapourrelativ tetthet
math.relative efficiency of a sample designrelativ effisiens
math.relative frequencyrelativ hyppighet
math.relative frequencyrelativ frekvens
comp., MSrelative ID masterrelativ hoved-ID (A domain controller that holds the RID operations master role in Active Directory. The RID master is assigned to allocate unique sequences of relative IDs to each domain controller in its domain. As the domain controllers use the IDs allocated, they contact the RID master and are allocated additional sequences as needed. At any time, the RID master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in each domain)
math.relative indexrelativ indeks
math.relative informationrelativ informasjon
comp., MSrelative linkrelativ kobling (When a hyperlink uses a path based on a relative link, you can move the file that contains the hyperlink and the hyperlink destination without breaking the hyperlink. Move the file that contains the hyperlink and its destination together)
light.relative optical air massrelativ optisk luftmasse
comp., MSrelative pathrelativ bane (A path that is implied by the current working directory. When a user enters a command that refers to a file, if the full pathname is not entered, the current working directory becomes the relative path of the file referred to)
magn.relative permeabilityrelativ permeabilitet
magn.relative permittivityrelativ permittivitet
comp., MSrelative PIDLrelativ PIDL (A PIDL that is relative to a root object in the shell namespace other than the desktop folder. This is commonly the parent folder of the item)
comp., MSrelative positioningrelativ plassering (Placement of an element in the natural HTML flow of a document, but such that its position is offset from the preceding content)
math.relative potencyrelativ styrke
math.relative precisionrelativ presisjon
comp., MSrelative referencerelativ referanse (In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to. If you copy the formula, the reference automatically adjusts)
light.relative responsivityrelativ responsivitet
math.relative riskrelativ risiko
light.relative sensitivity of a detectorrelativ responsivitet
light.relative spectral distribution of a radiant, luminous or photon quantityrelativ spektralfordeling
light.relative spectral responsivityrelativ spektralresponsivitet
light.relative spectral sensitivity of a detectorrelativ spektralresponsivitet
light.relative sunshine durationrelativ solskinnsvarighet
comp., MSrelative URLrelativ URL (A form of URL in which the domain and some or all directory names are omitted, leaving only the document name and extension (and perhaps a partial list of directory names). The indicated file is found in a location relative to the pathname of the current document)
comp., MSrelative URLrelativ URL-adresse (A form of URL in which the domain and some or all directory names are omitted, leaving only the document name and extension (and perhaps a partial list of directory names). The indicated file is found in a location relative to the pathname of the current document)
math.relative variancerelativ varians
magn.relative voltage changerelativ spenningsendring