
Terms containing And | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishNorwegian Bokmål
comp., MSActive Directory Users and ComputersActive Directory-brukere og -datamaskiner (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
immigr.Africa-EU Migration, Mobility and Employment PartnershipAfrika–EU migrasjons-, mobilitets- og sysselsettingspartnerskap
math.age-dependent birth and death processalder avhengig av fødsel og død prosess
environ.agriculture and cattle industry Large scale growing of crops and livestock grazing for profitjordbruk og kvegdrift
comp., MSApps for Office and SharePoint Developer CenterApper for Office og SharePoint Developer Center (A website that provides tools and resources to help developers create apps for Office and SharePoint)
comp., MSAudio and Video Tuning Wizard...Justeringsveiviser for lyd og bilde (An item on the Tools menu (in a Conversation window) or Actions menu (in the main Communicator window) that runs a wizard that helps the user verify that the camera, speakers, and microphone are working properly on the user's computer)
comp., MSAudit and Control Management ServerServer for sporing og kontrollbehandling (A Microsoft Office product that provides non-intrusive auditing of changes made to Excel spreadsheets and Access databases, and supports alerts, notifications and automatic workflows based on user activities such as macro or formula changes)
comp., MSAuthentic, Energetic, Reflective, and Openautentisk, energisk, reflektert og åpen (The visual experience of the premium Windows Vista editions. Windows Aero builds on the Basic and Standard user experiences to offer customers our best-designed, highest-performing desktop environment. A noticeable element of the new Windows Aero experience is the professional-looking, transparent glass design, which creates an open, lightweight environment but more importantly enables users to focus on their content rather than the interface)
isol.ball and socket couplingkuleboltkobling
math.birth and death processtilgangs- og avgangsprosess
math.birth and death processfødsels- og dødsprosess
math.birth, death and immigration processfødsel, død og innvandring prosess
comp., MSblack and white effectsvart-hvitt-effekt (One of a group of photo modifications someone can make to a color photo that mimic different effects that would be achieved by taking the same photo using black and white film stock. One effect uses strict conversion to monochrome by throwing away all of the color information. Others mimic the result when a black and white photo is taken through a colored filter-orange, red, or yellow-to enhance or suppress certain color information. Two effects perform strict conversions to monochrome and then apply a color tint-sepia or cyan-in one step)
comp., MSBlack and white effectsSvart-hvitt-effekter (The panel item that opens the image editing tool that enables the user to apply a black and white effect)
math.box and whisker plotboksen og whisker plot
math.branch and bound methodssprang og grensene metoder
math.branch and bound methodsgren og bundet metoder
food.ind.Bread, bakery products and confectioneryBrød, bakevarer og godteri
gen.brothers and sisterssšsken
isol.cap and pin insulatorkappe- og boltisolator
comp., MScause and effect diagramårsaks- og virkningsdiagram (A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect))
immigr.Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and ImmigrationSenter for informasjon, diskusjon og utveksling om grensepassering og innvandring
environ.CFC and halons prohibition An interdiction on the manufacture or use of products that discharge chlorofluorocarbons and bromine-containing compounds into the atmosphere, thereby contributing to the depletion of the ozone layerKFK- og halonforbud
comp., MSChange the task status to Completed and close the formEndre statusen til Fullført og lukk skjemaet (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
math.classification and regression treesklassifisering og regresjon trær
isol.clevis and tongue couplinggaffelkobling
comp., MSClick and Type pointer shapeklikk og skriv-pekerform (A visual cue to indicate which formatting will be applied when you double-click: a left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned tab stop; a left indent; or left or right text wrapping)
el.gen.combined heat and powerkraftvarmestasjon
immigr.Committee on Immigration and AsylumKomiteen for innvandrings- og asylspørsmål
comp., MScomplex type (An element that can contain other elements or attributes and appears askompleks type
immigr.Cooperation Platform on Migration and DevelopmentSamarbeidsplattform om migrasjon og utvikling
math.Cox and Stuart's testsCox-Stuarts test
environ.custom and usage A group pattern of habitual activity usually transmitted across generations and, in some instances, having the force of lawskikk og bruk
food.ind.dairy products, fats and oilsmelkeprodukter, fett og oljer
comp., MSDelete Group and ContactsSlett gruppe og kontakter (An item on the right-click menu for a group that removes the selected group and its contacts from the user's contact list)
comp., MSDiscovery and Risk AssessmentOppdaging og risikovurdering (A Microsoft Office product that identifies business-critical Excel spreadsheets and Access databases by discovering files across network shares and SharePoint libraries, and that provides flexible risk assessment and categorization based on relevance, materiality and business impact)
comp., MSdrag-and-dropdra og slipp- (Pertaining to an operation or feature that involves moving objects on the screen with a mouse or similar input device)
environ.EC regulation on eco-management and auditEU-regelverk for miljøstyring
environ.employment and environment Issues or initiatives pertaining to the inter-relationship between ecological concerns and the economics of employment, including sustained, environmentally safe development; the effect of environmental activism on jobs; and the creation of environmental occupationssysselsetting og miljø
immigr.Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and DevelopmentDen europeisk-afrikanske dialogen om migrasjon
immigr.European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights andDen europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen
comp., MSevents and attractionsarrangementer og attraksjoner (A sub-heading in Local Scout. Events are activities in the area that are taking place over the next few days, and attractions are places or ongoing activities taking place in that area)
comp., MSFade, In and OutTon, inn og ut (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
comp., MSFile and Registry Virtualizationfil- og registervirtualisering (A feature that allows standard users to run applications that normally write to per-computer files and registry keys. If these write operations fail, they are automatically redirected to equivalent per-user locations)
comp., MSFinance and Accounting System ImplementationImplementering av økonomi- og regnskapssystem (A template that outlines the steps needed to implement a finance and accounting system. It assumes an existing system or process is in place and a new system will be replacing it. It also assumes that the new application software system has already been chosen)
food.ind.fish, shellfish and molluscsfisk, skalldyr og bløtdyr
comp., MSFly In, Left and RightGli inn, venstre og høyre (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
bot.fox-and-cubsraudsvæve (Pilosella aurantiaca (L.) F. W. Schultz & Sch. Bip; Hieracium aurantiacum L.)
bot.fox-and-cubshagesvæve (Pilosella aurantiaca (L.) F. W. Schultz & Sch. Bip; Hieracium aurantiacum L.)
comp., MSFriends and FamilyVenner og familie (A privacy relationship setting that allows the most amount of information to be viewed)
food.ind.fruit and berriesfrukt og bær
immigr.Geneva Convention of 1951 and Protocol of 1967Genève-konvesjonen 1951 og Genève-protokollen
immigr.Global Approach to Migration and Mobilityglobal tilnarming til migrasjon og mobilitet
immigr.Global Forum on Migration and DevelopmentGlobalt forum for migrasjon og utvikling
environ.goods and services The total of economic assets, including both physical or storable objects and intangible acts of human assistancevarer og tjenester
food.ind.grain products, flours, nuts and seedskornprodukter, mel, nøtter og frø
milk.half-and-half milk and creamhalvblanding av melk og fløte
comp., MSHardware and Devices troubleshooterfeilsøking for maskinvare og enheter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems about hardware and devices)
comp., MSHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability ActDen amerikanske loven Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (A US federal law that provides rights and protections for participants and beneficiaries in group health plans)
environ.heat and power station Power station which produces both electricity and hot water for the local population. A CHP (Combined Heat and Power Station) plant may operate on almost any fuel, including refusekraftvarmeverk
comp., MSHelp and how-toHjelp og veiledning (A section of windowsphone.com containing procedural topics, videos, and links to support information about Windows Phone and related technologies)
comp., MSHelp and Support CenterHjelp og støtte (A unified place where a user can access all Help and Support content and services from Microsoft, the OEM, and the corporation)
comp., MSHelp and Support Center taxonomyklassifisering for Hjelp og støtte (In the Windows XP Help and Support Center, the classification system that organizes Help topics into specific categories)
immigr.High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Migrationhøynivågruppen for asyl og migrasjon
immigr.Immigration and Asylum CommitteeKomiteen for innvandrings- og asylspørsmål
PSPindoor switchgear and controlgearinnendørs koblings- og kontrollutstyr
gen.information and communication technologyikt
immigr.Information and Coordination Network for Member States’ Migration Management ServicesICONet
el.mach.inherently short-circuit and earth fault proof, qualifierjord- og kortslutningssikker forlegning
comp., MSInstall and Configure ModeInstallerings- og konfigurasjonsmodus (A mode that enables administrators to configure User Account Control to run in auto-elevation mode (i.e. "auto-approval") for specific times)
PSPinsulation-enclosed switchgear and controlgearisolerkapslet koblings- og kontrollutstyr
immigr.Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and RefugeesFlernasjonal informasjonsutveksling om migrasjons, asyl- og flyktningspørsmål
environ.intervention in nature and landscape Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving the natural world or scenerynatur- og landskapsinngrep
environ.iron and steel industry Sector of the metallurgical industry dealing with the production of cast iron, steel and iron alloys. Emissions from these industries tend to settle quickly from the atmosphere and can lead to rising concentrations in the soil. The main raw material input to the production process is iron ore. Also recycled scrap is usedjern- og stålindustri
gen.knives and spoonsspisebestikk
environ.land and property register The system of registering certain legal estates or interests in land. It describes the land and any additional rights incidental to it, such as rights of way over adjoining landland- og eiendomsregister
environ.land management and planning Operations for preparing and controlling the implementation of plans for organizing human activities on landarealforvaltning og -planlegging
math.leaps and bounds methodssprang og grensene metoder
math.leaps and bounds methodsgren og bundet metoder
comp., MSLocation and Other SensorsSensorer for plassering og annet (An area within the Windows Control Panel that provides support for sensors such as enabling, disabling or uninstalling sensors and sensor-enabled applications, changing sensor settings, etc)
bot.lords-and-ladiesflekkmunkehette (Arum maculatum L.)
comp., MSMarketing Event Planning and ExecutionPlanlegging og utføring av markedsføringsarrangement (A template that outlines the main categories that you should consider when beginning to plan a marketing event. Use this template to assist you in walking through key event elements while you are in the planning stages)
food.ind.meat, poultry and gamekjøtt, fjærfe og vilt
PSPmetal-enclosed switchgear and controlgearmetallkapslet koblings- og kontrollutstyr
comp., MSMicrosoft Data Categorization and Recommendation ServiceMicrosoft-tjeneste for datakategorisering og anbefaling (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you)
comp., MSMicrosoft Office 365 for professionals and small businessesMicrosoft Office 365 for eksperter og småbedrifter (An online suite of services from Microsoft that combines the familiar Office desktop suite with cloud-based versions of communications and collaboration services: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and others to be added in the future. The professionals and small businesses version includes a smaller feature set than the enterprises version, suited to smaller companies and affordability)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Help and How-toHjelp og Slik gjør du det for Microsoft Online Services (The Web site that acts as a portal for all Help for Microsoft Online Services, including Help topics, links to blogs, hot topics, and so on)
comp., MSMicrosoft Safety and Security CenterMicrosoft Sikkerhetssenter (The Microsoft website of information on and resources for computer security, digital privacy, and online safety)
comp., MSMy friends and their friendsMine venner og deres venner (The UI label for a permissions setting that indicates an item is being shared with (made available to) all of someone's friends, and all of those friends' friends)
comp., MSNetwork and Sharing CenterNettverks- og delingssenter (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
comp., MSnondefault drag-and-drop operationikke-standard dra og slipp-operasjon (A drag (transfer) operation whose interpretation is determined by a user's choice of command. These commands are included in a shortcut menu displayed at the destination where the object is dropped)
comp., MSNon-Plug and Playikke-Plug and Play (Pertaining to a device, such as a game controller or printer, that does not automatically work when you plug it in to your computer. After connecting it to your computer, you have to install the necessary drivers and configure the hardware settings)
comp., MSobject linking and embeddingkobling og innebygging av objekter (A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications. When an object, such as an image file created with a paint program, is linked to a compound document, such as a spreadsheet or a document created with a word processing program, the document contains only a reference to the object; any changes made to the contents of a linked object will be seen in the compound document. When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object will not be seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated)
comp., MSobject linking and embedding for POSOPOS (A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows™ family of operating systems)
environ.oil and fat industry Industry for the production and processing of edible oils and fatsolje- og fettindustri
gen.one and a halfhalvannen
PSPoutdoor switchgear and controlgearutendørs koblings- og kontrollutstyr
comp., MSPack and Go Wizardpakkeveiviser (A wizard that packages a publication and its linked files into a single file that you can take to another computer to be edited, or to a commercial printer or a copy shop to be printed)
pwr.lines.pad and chimney foundationplate- og sjaktfundament
comp., MSPerformance Logs and AlertsYtelseslogger og -varsler (A Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) API that enables application programmers to log system performance and diagnosis data, and to generate alert notifications based on performance counter thresholds)
comp., MSPlug and Play BIOSPlug and Play-BIOS (A BIOS with responsibility for configuring Plug and Play cards and system-board devices during system power up. Provides runtime configuration services for system board devices after startup)
comp., MSpost and transferposter og overfør (The process of making temporary transactions a part of the permanent ledger and updating accounts by transaction amounts, if the line is error-free)
comp., MSPost Bill and AR adjustmentsEtterfakturering og AR-justeringer (The total credits applied to a Windows Azure customer's account since a customer's last bill)
comp., MSpress and holdtrykk-og-hold (A gesture represented by placing a finger on the screen and holding it there for a part of a second or more)
comp., MSpress and holdtrykke og holde (To place a finger on the screen and hold it there for a part of a second or more)
comp., MSpress and holdtrykke og holde nede (One of the right-click equivalent actions performed with a finger or a tablet pen. The action entails pressing a finger or the tip of a pen on the screen, holding it down until a mouse icon or menu appears, and then lifting the finger or pen)
comp., MSPrinciples for the data access and the testability of digital documentsPrinsippene for datatilgang og testbarhet for digitale dokumenter (A German law that requires tax authorities to be capable of digitally checking data from electronic bookkeeping systems)
comp., MSPrinters and FaxesSkrivere og telefakser (The folder in Control Panel that contains the Add Printer Wizard and icons for all the printers installed on your computer)
comp., MSProduct and Service ItemsProdukter og tjenester (A dialog box that allows a user to add a new product to an Opportunity or the Product and Service Items list)
comp., MSProduct and Service Items listliste over produkter og tjenester (A tabulation of goods and services that one purchases or sells, or offers for purchase or sale)
comp., MSprofit and loss accountresultatkonto (A revenue or expense account whose balance will be transferred to a retained earnings account at the end of a fiscal year. Balances in profit and loss accounts determine the net income or net loss for the year)
comp., MSprofit and loss statementresultatregnskap (A report that summarizes a company's costs, expenses, and revenues for a specific accounting period)
comp., MSprofit and loss transactionresultattransaksjon (A posted ledger transaction that is associated with a profit and loss account, revenue account, or cost account)
comp., MSProgram, Evaluation and Review Technique analysis A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios: best-case, expected-case, and worst-casePERT-analyse (Program, Evaluation and Review Technique)
comp., MSProgram Evaluation and Review Technique chartPERT-diagram (A project optimization tool that enables scheduling and tracking of tasks, goal setting, and timelines)
environ.promotion of trade and industry Any activity that encourages or supports the buying, selling or exchanging of goods or services with other countries, which could include marketing, diplomatic pressure or the provision of export incentives such as credits and guarantees, government subsidies, training and consultation or advicehandels- og industrifremmende tiltak
el.mach.protection by limitation of steady-state current and electric chargestrøm- og ladningsbegrensende beskyttelse
isol.protective earthing and functional bonding conductorkombinert beskyttende og funksjonell utjevningsleder
isol.protective earthing and functional earthing conductorkombinert beskyttende og funksjonell leder
isol.protective grounding and functional bonding conductorkombinert beskyttende og funksjonell utjevningsleder
isol.protective grounding and functional grounding conductorkombinert beskyttende og funksjonell leder
environ.public institution of industrial and commercial nature Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issuesoffentlig institusjon for handel og industri
comp., MSpuff and sip deviceblåse- og sugeenhet (An assistive computer technology for people with mobility impairments. A puff and sip device is a head-mounted alternative to using the mouse. The device allows a user to move the mouse pointer without using his or her hands by puffing air into a tube)
comp., MSrate and reviewgi karakter og vurdering (An option to rate the content and add a review of an app)
environ.recycling management and waste law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to establish and regulate provisions for the minimization of waste generation through recovery and reprocessing of re-usable productslov om resirkuleringsstyring og avfall
light.rise and fall pendantheve/senke armatur
environ.rural management and planning The activity or process of overseeing and preparing for the future physical arrangement and condition of any agricultural or pastoral area, which may involve protecting and developing natural and human resources that affect an area's economic vitalityrural styring- og planlegging
comp., MSsafe and easysikkert og lettvint (Secure and posing no difficulty)
comp., MSsales and operations planningsalgs- og driftsplanlegging (The development of tactical plans that provide management with the ability to strategically direct its businesses to achieve competitive advantage on a continuous basis by integrating customer-focused marketing plans for new and existing product with the management of the supply chain)
environ.scientific and technical information Knowledge communicated or received pertaining to the systematic study of the physical world or to the mechanical or industrial artsvitenskaplig og teknisk informasjon
comp., MSsearch and pin calendarssøke etter og feste kalendere (A feature that enables a user to search for another user's or group's calendar and pin it to their calendar list)
comp., MSSearch tasks and templatesSøk etter oppgaver og maler (The name of a search box where the user can enter keywords and look for tasks and templates that match the query)
immigr.secondary movement of asylum seekers and refugeessekundarflytting
comp., MSself-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technologyteknologi for selvovervåking, analyse og rapportering (An industry-standard, reliability-prediction indicator for both IDE/ATA and SCSI hard disk drives. SMART provides early warning for some hard disk drive failures so that critical data can be protected)
comp., MSSharePoint Products and TechnologiesSharePoint-produkter og -teknologier (A set of products and technologies that allow users in an organization to create, manage, and build their own collaborative Web sites and make them available throughout their organizations)
comp., MSSharpen and SoftenGjør skarpere og mykere (A feature that allows the user to digitally alter a picture to increase or decrease the sharpness of focus)
comp., MSshipping and handlingforsendelse og transport (The process of packing and distributing merchandise for a charge)
math.shock and error modelmodell med forstyrrelse på likninger og feil i de variable
environ.slash and burn culture A traditional farming system that has been used by generations of farmers in tropical forests and the savannah of north and east Africa. It is known to be an ecologically sound form of cultivation, and because the soil is poor in tropical rain forests it is a sustainable method of farming. It is still practised today, primarily in the developing countries. Small areas of bush or forests are cleared and the smaller trees burned. This unlocks the nutrients in the vegetation and gives the soil fertilizer that is easily taken up by plants. A few years later the soil is degraded and the farmer moves on to do the same at another site. The original ground is left fallow for anything up to 20 years so that the forest can regenerate. With the growth in population and in the subsequent need for more farming land to produce food, the method is increasingly being used today to clear large areas of tropical forests for cattle ranching, and in most cases the ground is not left fallow for long enough and, with modern mechanized farming systems, not enough tree stumps or suitable habitats for plant life are left to start the regeneration processsvedjebruk
environ.small and medium sized industry No definition neededsmå og mellomstore bedrifter
comp., MSSOX Compliance and Technology OptionsSOX-overensstemmelse og teknologialternativer (A template that addresses the general activities involved in efforts to achieve more efficient SOX compliance. This project assumes that the organization is already SOX compliant)
food.ind.spices, herbs and condimentskryddere og urter
comp., MSStandards and formatsStandarder og formater (A Regional and Language Options setting that determines the formats used to display dates, times, currency, numbers, and the sorting order of text)
comp., MSstore-and-forward replicationlagre-og-videresend-replikasjon (A replication model, used by Active Directory, in which changes are not sent directly from one domain controller to all other domain controllers. Instead, a system of replication partners is created automatically by the system, taking advantage of the existing connections. Replication through neighboring systems is also called transitive replication)
immigr.Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and AsylumStrategikomité for innvandrings-, grense- og asylspørsmål
comp., MSstrengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysisanalyse av sterke sider, svakheter, muligheter og trusler (An analysis of the internal and external environmental factors performed as part of developing the organizational strategy)
baker.sugar and egg white icingmelis- og eggehviteglasur
environ.supply and demand The relationship between the amount or quantity of a commodity that is available for purchase and the desire or ability of consumers to buy or purchase the commodity, which, in theory, determines the commodity's price in a free markettilbud og etterspørsel
environ.swans, geese and ducks A family of waterfowl, including ducks, gees, mergansers, pochards and swans, in the order Anseriformesandefugl
PSPswitchgear and controlgearkoblings- og kontrollutstyr
el.mach.switchgear and controlgearkoblingsutstyr
comp., MSSyncing folders and program settingsSynkroniseringsmapper og programinnstillinger (The list item for reporting that the syncing folders and program settings feature is problematic. The list is displayed in the problem reporting utility built in to beta versions of Windows Live Sync)
comp., MSTap and DoKlappet og klart (A gesture that enables proximity-based authentication between two devices)
comp., MStap and holdtrykke og holde (To tap a device screen and hold one's finger or stylus in place)
comp., MSTap and HoldKlapp sammen (A feature that provides a progressive disclosure method that remains active only as long as the user holds (presses down) their finger on the touch surface)
comp., MSTap and SendBerør og send (" The feature that allows you to "tap" a PC or phone against another device (or put it close to another device), and share content between the two.")
comp., MStime and material projectetter regning-prosjekt (An external project that is invoiced as work progresses based on the consumption of hours, expenses, items, fees, and on-account transactions)
comp., MStime and materialstid og materialer (A type of contract in which the final price paid is based on the amount of time it took to complete the project and the cost of the materials used)
comp., MStime and materials projectEtter regning-prosjekt (A project where the vendor invoices the customer based on work completed on the job. There is a direct relationship between the invoice lines and the usage already performed on the job)
environ.trade and consumption The act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities and the use of goods and serviceshandel og forbruk
comp., MSTradeshow Planning, Execution and Wrap-UpPlanlegging, utføring og avslutning av varemesse (A template used to help in planning for tradeshows)
immigr.unaccompanied and separated childenslig mindrearig
math.up and down methodBruceton metode
comp., MSup and runningfungerende, i gang (In operation; operating, working)
environ.urban planning and development The activity or process of preparing for the future arrangement and condition of an urban center, particularly the development of its physical lay-out, which would include the construction, reconstruction, conversion, alteration or enlargement of buildings and other structures, and the extension or use of undeveloped landurban planlegging- og utvikling
comp., MSUsage and Health Data CollectionInnsamling av bruks- og tilstandsdata (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
comp., MSusername (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thebrukernavn
food.ind.vegetables, legumes and mushroomsgrønnsaker, belgfrukter og sopper
comp., MSVendor Evaluation and ConsolidationLeverandørevaluering og -konsolidering (A template that addresses the general activities that make up the vendor evaluation and consolidation process)
environ.waste-fed heating and power plant Heating and power production plant where fuel is provided from refuseavfallsfyrt kraftvarmeverk
gen.way to and from schoolskolevei
comp., MSWindows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboardinstrumentbord for maskinvare og skrivebordsapper for Windows Utviklingssenter (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
comp., MSWindows Diagnosis and RecoveryWindows Diagnostisering og gjenoppretting (A feature in Windows that allows users to run system diagnostics and troubleshooting)
comp., MSWindows Fax and ScanWindows Faksing og skanning (A feature in Windows Vista that allows the user to manage faxing and scanning functions)
comp., MSWindows Sensor and Location platformWindows Sensor and Location-plattform (A Windows platform that provides a standard way for device manufacturers to expose sensor devices to software developers and consumers, while providing developers with a standardized application programming interface (API) for working with sensors and sensor data. Examples of sensors include ambient light sensors, location sensors, motion detection sensors, etc)
comp., MSWindows Tablet and Touch TechnologyWindows tavle- og berøringsteknologi (Human interface technology that enables alternate ways to browse documents and programs using a digital pen or your fingertip in addition to the possibility of using a keyboard or other interface devices)
comp., MSWWW Service Administration and Monitoring componentkomponent for administrering og overvåking av webtjeneste (A component of the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) in IIS that is responsible for configuration, by means of the metabase, and for worker process management)
comp., MSZoom, Up and InZoom, opp og inn (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)