
Terms for subject Environment containing water | all forms | exact matches only
abstraction of drinking waterTrinkwassergewinnung
abstraction of drinking waterTrinkwasserentnahme
acid rain watersaures Regenwasser
active waterkorrosives Wasser
active wateraktives Wasser
African Ministerial Council on WaterAfrikanischer Ministerrat für Wasser
age of waterAlter eines Wassers
Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Economic Community, on the one hand, and the Republic of Austria, on the other, on cooperation on management of water resources in the Danube BasinVertrag zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft einerseits und der Republik Österreich andererseits über die wasserwirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit im Einzugsgebiet der Donau
agreement on cooperation on management of water resources in the Danube basinÜbereinkommen über die wasserwirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit im Einzugsgebiet der Donau
Agreement on the implementation of a European project on pollution, on the topic "Analysis of organic micropollutants in water"Vereinbarung zur Durchführung einer europäischen konzertierten Aktion auf dem Gebiet des Umweltschutzes zum Thema "Analyse der organischen Mikroverunreinigungen im Wasser"
agricultural waste waterlandwirtschaftliche Abwässer
air-water interaction The physical processes at the air-water interface: momentum, heat and mass transfer across the air-water interface, mixing of surface water by wind stress and wave breaking, directional wave spectra and wave forces on offshore structures. The air-water interaction is measured by the turbulence and gas exchanges resulting from the mixing of the water column by windLuft-Wasser-Wechselwirkung
air-water interactionLuft-Wasser-Wechselwirkung
ambient water quality standardWasserqualitätsnorme
ambient water quality standardWassergütenorme
Antwerp water boardAntwerpener Wasserwerke
Association of Rhine and Meuse Water Supply CompaniesVerband der Rhein- und Maaswasserwerke
automatic system providing information on water qualityautomatisiertes Informationssystem für die Wasserqualität
backwashing waterRücklaufwasser
bank-filtered waterUferfiltrat
bathing water All waters, inland or coastal, except those intended for therapeutic purposes or used in swimming pools, an area either in which bathing is explicitly authorised or in which bathing is not prohibited and is traditionally practised by a large number of bathers. Water in such areas must meet specified quality standards relating to chemical, microbiological and physical parametersBadegewässer
bathing water DirectiveBadegewässerrichtlinie
bathing watersBadegewässer
bilge water Water that builds up in the bottom of a ship's bilgeBilgenwasser
biological water balance The amount of ingoing and outgoing water in a system, which are assumed to be equal in the long term so that the water budget will balanceWasserhaushalt
biological water balanceWasserhaushalt
biological water gradingbiologische Güteklasse
biological water purity surveybiologisches Güteprofil
biologically reclaimed waste waterbiologisch gereinigte Abwässer
biophotolysis of waterWasserphotolyse
calcination waterKalkgrubenwasser
clean strip using high-pressure water blasting"Clean-Strip"-Reinigung mit Hilfe eines Hochdruckwasserstrahlers
Code of conduct on accidental pollution of transboundary inland watersVerhaltenskodex bei unfallbedingter Verschmutzung grenzüberschreitender Binnengewässer
Code of Conduct on Accidental Pollution of Transboundary Inland WatersVerhaltenskodex bei unfallbedingter Verschmutzung grenzüberschneitender Binnengewässer
coking-plant waste waterKokereiabwässer
combined waste waterMischwasser
combined waste water A mixture of domestic or industrial wastewater and surface runoffMischwasser
Committee for implementation of the directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policyAusschuss für die Durchführung der Richtlinie zur Schaffung eines Ordnungsrahmens für Maßnahmen der Gemeinschaft im Bereich der Wasserpolitik
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish lifeAusschuss zur Anpassung an den technischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt - Süßwasser/Fische
Committee for the adaptation to technical progress of Directive 2006/7/EC concerning the management of bathing water qualityAusschuss für die Anpassung der Richtlinie über die Qualität der Badegewässer und deren Bewirtschaftung und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 76/160/EWG
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on a Common Procedure for the Exchange of Information on the Quality of Surface Water in the CommunityAusschuss zur Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt im Bereich gemeinsames Verfahren zum Informationsaustausch über die Qualität des Oberflächenwassers in der Gemeinschaft
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Bathing WaterAusschuss zur Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt im Bereich Badegewässer
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Quality of Bathing WaterAusschuss zur Anpassung der Richtlinien an den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Fortschritt - Qualität der Badegewässer
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Surface Fresh Water QualityAusschuss zur Anpassung der Richtlinien an den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Fortschritt - Quälitat des Oberflächensüsswassers
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Surface Water intended for the Abstraction of Drinking WaterAusschuss zur Anpassung der Richtlinien an den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Fortschritt - Oberflächenwasser für die Trinkwassergewinnung
Committee on the adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the directive concerning the management of bathing water quality and repealing Directive 76/160/EECAusschuss für die Anpassung der Richtlinie über die Qualität der Badegewässer und deren Bewirtschaftung und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 76/160/EWG
Community action in the field of water policyMaßnahmen der Gemeinschaft im Bereich der Wasserpolitik
Community Water PolicyWasserpolitik der Gemeinschaft
Compensation for Oil Pollution in European watersEntschädigung für Ölverschmutzung in europäischen Gewässern
contamination of ground water suppliesKontaminierung des Grundwassers
cooling water Water used to make something less hot, such as the irradiated elements from a nuclear reactor or the engine of a machineKühlwasser
corrosive waterSchadewasser
corrosive wateraggressives Wasser
corrosive waterangreifendes Wasser
damage to waterSchädigung der Gewässer
Declaration on the cooperation of the Danubian countries on problems of the Danubian water management, in particular for the protection of the River Danube against pollutionDeklaration über die Zusammenarbeit der Donaustaaten betreffend die Donauwasserwirtschaft
Declaration on the cooperation of the Danubian countries on problems of the Danubian water management, in particular for the protection of the River Danube against pollutionBukarester Donau-Deklaration
Declaration on the cooperation of the Danubian countries on problems of the Danubian water management, in particular for the protection of the River Danube against pollutionBukarester Deklaration
decontamination of potential sources of drinking water potable waterDekontamination des Rohtrinkwassers
demercurization of waste waterBeseitigung des Quecksilbers aus Brauchwasser
desalination of sea and brackish waterMeer-und Brackwasserentsalzung
desalination waterEntsalzungswasser
discharge into fresh waterEinleitung in Süßwasser
discharge into salt waterEinleiten in Meeresgewässer
discharge into salt waterEinleitung in Salzwasser
discharge of waste waterAbleitung von Abwasser
discharge of waste waterEinleitung von Abwasser
discharge to receiving watersEinleitung in die Gewässer
domestic waste water Wastewater principally derived from households, business buildings, institutions, etc., which may or may not contain surface runoff, groundwater or storm waterHaushaltsabwasser
domestic waste waterHaushaltsabwasser
domestic waste waterhäusliches Abwasser
drainage water Incidental surface waters from diverse sources such as rainfall, snow melt or permafrost meltDränwasser
drinking water Water that is agreeable to drink, does not present health hazards and whose quality is normally regulated by legislationTrinkwasser
drinking water abstraction pointTrinkwassereinzugsgebiet
drinking water action planPlan zur Sanierung von Trinkwasser
Drinking Water MonographTrinkwassermonographie
drinking water protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwaterTrinkwasserschutzgebiet
drinking water protection areaTrinkwasserschutzgebiet
drinking water quality standardTrinkwasserqualitätsnorm
drinking water reserveTrinkwasserreserve
drinking water supply The provision and storage of potable water, or the amount of potable water stored, for the use of a municipality, or other potable water userTrinkwasserversorgung
drinking water treatment The Directive on the Quality of Surface Water Intended for Drinking Water defines three categories of water treatment (A1, A2, A3) from simple physical treatment and disinfection to intensive physical and chemical treatment. The treatment to be used depends on the quality of the water abstracted. The Directive uses imperative values for parameters known to have an adverse effect on health and also guide values for those which are less adverse. There is also a directive which complements the "surface water abstraction" Directive by indicating the methods of measurement and the frequency of sampling and analysis requiredTrinkwasserbehandlung
EC directive on water protection Directive concerning the use and management of water resources for a rational economical and social development and the protection of the related environmental featuresEU-Wasserschutzrichtlinie
EC directive on water protectionEU-Wasserschutzrichtlinie
ECE Declaration of policy on prevention and control of water pollution, including transboundary pollutionGrundsatzerklärung der ECE über die Verhütung und Bekämpfung der Wasserverschmutzung, einschließlich der grenzüberschreitenden Verschmutzung
ECE Declaration of policy on the rational use of waterGrundsatzerklärung der ECE über die rationelle Nutzung des Wassers
ecological quality of waterökologische Wasserqualität
ecological water qualityökologische Wasserqualität
emission to waterEinleitung ins Wasser
emission to water The discharge of solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants or contaminants into a body of waterEinleitung ins Wasser
emissions to waterEinleitungen in das Wasser
enrichment of water by nutrientsAnreicherung des Wassers mit Nährstoffen
environment and water management fundUmwelt- und Wasserwirtschaftsfonds
Environment-friendly water technologiesUmweltfreundliche Wassertechnologie
erosion by waterErosion durch Wasser
European Topic Centre on Inland WatersETC/Binnengewässer
European Topic Centre on Inland Waterseuropäisches thematisches Zentrum für Binnengewässer
European Topic Centre on WaterEuropäisches Themenzentrum für Wasser
European Water InstituteEuropäisches Wasserinstitut
exploitation of underground waterUntergrundwassergewinnung
exploitation of underground water The process of extracting underground water from a sourceUntergrundwassergewinnung
extending crest flushing system by water under pressureDruckwasserüberlaufkantenspülung
federal institution of water-Bundesanstalt für Wasser-
federal institution of water-Boden-und Lufthygiene
feed water softeningEnthärtung
flow of waterWasserzufluss
flow of waterWasserdurchsatz
flowing waterFließendwasser
flowing waterFließgewässer
flowing water Moving waters like rivers and streamsFließgewässer
flowing waterfließendes Wasser
flowing water bodiesFliessgewässer
flowing-water ecosystemFließend-Wasser-Ökosystem
flume waterSchwemmwasser
flume waterSchlammwasser
foul waterSchmutzwasser
foul waterAbwasser
foul waterverunreinigtes Wasser
framework proposal on waterRahmenvorschlag Wasser
fresh waterSüsswasser
fresh water communityFrischwassergemeinschaft
fresh-water drilling muds and wastesSchlaemme und Abfaelle aus Frischwasserbohrungen
fresh-water limitSüßwassergrenze
fresh water pollution The direct or indirect human alteration of the biological, physical, chemical or radiological integrity of freshwaterSüßwasserverschmutzung
fresh watersSüsswasser
Global Water Quality Monitoring ProgrammeGlobales Umweltüberwachungssystem/Wasser
good water statusguter Zustand der Gewässer
gravitational waterSickerwasser
grease and oil mixture from oil/waste water separationFett- und OElmischungen aus OElabscheidern
grey waterhäusliches Abwasser
ground waterGrundwasserspiegel
ground waterGrundwassefluß
ground water flowGrundwassefluß
ground water flowGrundwasser
ground water flowGrundwasserspiegel
ground water layerGrundwasser
ground water levelGrundwasser
ground water levelGrundwassefluß
ground water levelGrundwasserspiegel
ground water outflowGrundwasserabstrom
ground water pumpingExtraktion von Grundwässern
heavily modified water bodyerheblich veränderter Wasserkörper
high ecological water qualityhohe ökologische Wasserqualität
high tide waterGezeitenhochwasser
high tide water The level of water when the tide is at its highest levelGezeitenhochwasser
high watergroße Wasser
high water level alarmWasserstandsalarm
high water markFlutgrenze
hot water No definition neededWarmwasser
household waste waterhäusliches Abwasser
husbandry of waterBewirtschaftung des Wassers
Hydrology and Water Resources ProgrammeHydrologie- und Wasservorräteprogramm
immersion in salt waterEinbringung in Meeresgewässer
impoundment of waterAufstauung von Wasser
inland water A lake, river, or other body of water wholly within the boundaries of a stateBinnengewässer
integrated circuit-water treatment plantintegrierte Kreislaufwasserbehandlungsanlage
integrated management of water resourcesintegrierte Bewirtschaftung der Wasserressourcen
integrated water resource managementintegrierte Bewirtschaftung der Wasserressourcen
Land and water use and management research programmeForschungsprogramm Nutzung und Bewirtschaftung der Böden und Gewässer
landlocked watersvom Land umschlossene Gewässer
lavatory waterAbortwasser
lavatory watersanitäres Abwasser
lavatory waterAbortabwasser
management of water resourcesWasserwirtschaft
management of water resourceswirtschaftliche Nutzung der Wasserressourcen
management of water resourcesBewirtschaftung der Wasservorkommen
MED-TECHNO initiative in the field of treatment and re-use of waste water using renewable sources of energyMED-TECHNO-Initiative im Bereich Behandlung und Wiederverwendung von Abwasser unter Verwendung erneuerbarer Energiequellen
metal-contaminated waste watermetallverseuchte Abwässer
mine susceptible to water inrusheswassereinbruchgefährdetes Bergwerk
mineral water Water containing naturally or artificially supplied minerals or gasesMineralwasser
mixtures of water/hydrocarbons/solid matterWasser-Öl-Feststoffgemische
National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water ManagementNationaler Fonds für Umweltschutz und Wasserbehandlung
natural mineral water used for curative purposesnatürliches Mineralwasser,das für Kurzwecke verwendet wird
natural purification capacity of the waternatürliches Reinigungsvermögen des Wassers
natural respiration of waternatürliche Atmung des Wassers
natural respiration of waternatuerliche Atmung des Wassers
natural structure of the waternatürliche Zusammensetzung des Wassers
natural waterRohwasser
net water intakereine Wasserentnahme
Network for monitoring European water resourcesWaternet
Network for monitoring European water resourcesNetzwerk zur Überwachung der europäischen Wasserressourcen
non-demesnial water A body of water that is owned and maintained by an individual or entity other than the national governmentÖffentliches Gewässer
non-demesnial waterÖffentliches Gewässer
novel modular water treatment system by combination of solar photooxidation and air ionisationneues System der modularen Wasseraufbereitung durch Kombination von solarer Photooxidation und Luftionisation
officially protected region for subsoil waterengere Schutzzone
Oil Companies' International Study Group for Conservation of Clean Air and Water in EuropeInternationale Studiengruppe der Ölgesellschaften zur Erhaltung der Sauberkeit von Luft und Wasser in Europa
oil-water mixturesWasser- Öl-Gemische
oil/water separator contentsInhalte von OEl-/Wasserabscheidern
oil/water separator contentsInhalte von Öl-/Wasserabscheidern
oil/water separator sludgesSchlaemme aus OEl-/Wasserabscheidern
oil/water separator solidsFeststoffe aus OEl-/Wasserabscheidern
oily-water separatorÖl-Wasser-Separatoranlage
oligo-mesotrophic wateroligo- bis mesotrophes Gewässer
oligo-mesotrophic wateroligomesotrophe Gewässer
oligotrophic wateroligotrophes Gewässer
open waterWasserfläche
overfertilization of watersÜberdüngung von Gewässern
overhead broad irrigation with waste waterBewässerung mit Abwasser
oxygen supply from the water surfaceSauerstoffzufuhr von der Wasseroberfläche
oxygenation of waterSauerstoffzuführung in Gewässern
oxygenation of waterSauerstoffaufnahme in Gewässern
ozone waterozonisiertes Wasser
paper mill waste waterAbwasser aus der Papiererzeugung
perched waterWasserstau
perched water tableStaunässe
percolating water Subsurface water that passes, under the force of gravity, through rocks or soil along the line of least resistanceSickerwasser
Phare Topic Link on inland watersPhare Topic Link Binnengewässer
phototransformation in waterphotochemische Umwandlung in Wasser
polluted waterAbwasser
polluted waterSchmutzwasser
polluted waterverunreinigtes Wasser
pollution load capacity of waterBelastbarkeit eines Gewässers mit Schmutzstoffen
pollution of the water tableVerschmutzung des Grundwassers
pollution of the water tableGrundwasserverunreinigung
predicted environmental concentration in surface watervoraussichtliche Umweltkonzentration im Oberflächenwasser
process waterIndustriewasser
process waterNutzwasser
process waterProzesswasser
process waterProzeßwasser
process water Water used in a manufacturing or treatment process or in the actual product manufactured. Examples would include water used for washing, rinsing, direct contact, cooling, solution make-up, chemical reactions, and gas scrubbing in industrial and food processing applications. In many cases, water is specifically treated to produce the quality of water needed for the processBetriebswasser
process waterBetriebswasser
process waterProzess-Heisswasser
protection of ambient waterGewässerschutz
purification of water by catalytic oxidationoxidativ-katalytische Wasserreinigung
purification of water by catalytic oxidationoxydativ-katalytische Wasserreinigung
radioactive pollution of waterradioaktive Wasserverschmutzung
rain water sewer systemRegenwasserkanalisation
rain water sewer system Channels for clearing away rain waterRegenwasserkanalisation
rational management of water resourcesrationelle Wasserwirtschaft
raw water Water that has not been treatedRohwasser
receiving bodies of wateraufnehmende Gewässer
receiving body of wateraufnehmender Wasserlauf
receiving body of waterEmpfangswasser
receiving body of wateraufnehmende Gewässer
receiving body of waterVorfluter
receiving water courseaufnehmender Wasserlauf
receiving water mediumVorfluter
receiving water mediumaufnehmende Gewässer
receiving water mediumEmpfangswasser
receiving watersaufnehmende Gewässer
recycled water processRecyclewasserverfahren
regulation of water coursesRegulierung von Wasserläufen
regulation of water coursesFlussregulierung
Regulatory Committee on Municipal Waste Water TreatmentRegelungsausschuß für die Behandlung kommunaler Abwässer
release of solid waste into a water bodyEinleitung fester Abfälle in ein Gewässer
reoxidation capacity of waterVermögen des Wassers, seinen Sauerstoffgehalt zu erhöhen
reoxygenation capacity of waterVermögen des Wassers,seinen Sauerstoffgehalt zu erhöhen
Requirements for Water MonitoringErfordernisse betreffend Wasserbeobachtung
residual amount of water Amount of water left in a water course after it has fed a hydropower plant in order to maintain a satisfactory dry-weather-flow for allowing the survival of biotic communitiesRestwassermenge
residual amount of waterRestwassermenge
restoration of water Any treatment process in which contaminated water is cleansed or corrected, particularly by use of a pump-and-treat approachGewässersanierung
restoration of waterGewässersanierung
reverse osmosis/deionised waterDeionat
reverse osmosis/deionised waterentionisiertes Wasser
reverse osmosis/deionized waterDeionat
reverse osmosis/deionized waterentionisiertes Wasser
rippling of water surfaceBewegung der Wasseroberflaeche
run-off rain waterabfließendes Regenwasser
run-off rain waterNiederschlagswasser
saline water conversionWasserentsalzung
salmonid watersSalmonidengewässer
salt water Water of the seas, distinguished by high salinitySalzwasser
scarcity of water resourcesWasserverknappung
sea water Aqueous solution of salts in more or less constant ratio, whose composition depends on several factors among which predominate living organisms, detrital sedimentation and the related chemical reactions. Sea-water accounts for more than 98% of the mass of the hydrosphere and covers just over 70% of the globe. Because of the composition and stability of the oceans, and the way they are controlled, they are of great importance to the climate, and great attention has been given to studying the effects of pollution. Man's activities are believed to be accelerating the change in the composition of sea-waterMeerwasser
sea water desalinationMeerwasserentsalzung
sea water desalination Removing salt from ocean or brackish waterMeerwasserentsalzung
sea water protectionMeeresgewässerschutz
sea water to be used for bathingMeerwasser zum Baden geeignet
Second World Water ForumWeltwasserforum
secondary waste-water collector systemsekundäres Abwassersammelsystem
segregated waste water collection systemgesondertes Abwassersammelsystem
self-restoring capacity of waterRegenerierungsfähigkeit des Wassers
septic sewage waterfauliges Abwasser
service waterGebrauchswasser
shellfish waterMuschelzuchtgewässer
shellfish waterMuschelgewässer
sludges from the treatment of industrial waste waterSchlaemme aus der Behandlung von industriellem Abwasser
sludges from treatment of urban waste waterSchlaemme aus der Behandlung von kommunalem Abwasser
sludges from water clarificationSchlaemme aus der Wasserklaerung
solar-powered water-heaterWarmwasserboiler
standard for drinking water qualityTrinkwassernorm
state of water bindingZustand der Wasserbindung
strong sewage waterstark verschmutzte Abwässer
Swiss Water Pollution Control AssociationVerband Schweizerischer Abwasserfachleute
Swiss Water Pollution Control AssociationVerband Schweizer Abwasser-und Gewässerschutzfachleute
Swiss Water Pollution Control AssociationVSA
territorial watersHoheitswasser
the results of measurements of the radium-226 content of river water and river muds and siltsMessergebnisse für den Gehalt des Flusswassers und des Flussschlamms an Radium 226
thermal water Water, generally of a spring or geyser, whose temperature is appreciably above the local mean annual air temperatureThermalwasser
tract of waterWasserstand
tract of waterWasserspiegel
trade watersindustrielles Abwasser
transboundary watersgrenzüberschreitende Wasserläufe
transboundary watersgrenzüberschreitende Gewässer
transitional waterÜbergangsgewässer
treatment of waste waterAbwasserbehandlung
turbid waterSchlamm
UNECE Water ConventionÜbereinkommen zum Schutz und zur Nutzung grenzüberschreitender Wasserläufe und internationaler Seen
unspiked waterRohwasser
upper water massobere Wassermasse
urban waste waterkommunales Abwasser
urban waste water treatmentkommunale Abwasserreinigung
urban waste water treatmentBehandlung von kommunalem Abwasser
urban waste water treatment plantAbwasserbehandlungsanlage
urban waste water treatment plantKläranlage
urban waste water treatment plantkommunale Abwasserbehandlungsanlage
urban waste water treatment plantAbwasseraufbereitungsanlage
urban waterStadtwasser
urban water Water destined for private and public use in a townStadtwasser
urban water supply The distribution of water, including collection, treatment and storage, for use in a town, city or municipal area, and used generally for domestic and industrial needsStädtische Wasserversorgung
urban water supplyStädtische Wasserversorgung
used water Wastewater or utilized water from a home, community, farm or industry, which is often discharged after utilizationBenutztes Wasser
used waterBenutztes Wasser
virtual watervirtuelles Wasser
waste domestic waterhäusliches Brauchwasser
waste domestic waterBrauchwasser aus Haushalten
waste from water-based inkAbfaelle von wassermischbaren Druckfarben
waste from water-based paints and varnishesAbfaelle von Farben und Lacken auf Wasserbasis
waste water Used water, or water that is not needed, which is permitted to escape, or unavoidably escapes from canals, ditches, reservoirs or other bodies of water, for which the owners of these structures are legally responsibleAbwasser
waste water charge Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the management of spent or used water that contains dissolved or suspended matter from a home, community farm, or industryAbwasserabgabe
waste water chargeAbwasserabgabe
waste water dischargeAbwassereinleitung
waste water discharge The flow of treated effluent from any wastewater treatment processAbwassereinleitung
waste water disposalAbwasserbeseitigung
waste water disposal Collection and removal of wastewater deriving from industrial and urban settlements by means of a system of pipes and treatment plantsAbwasserentsorgung
waste water disposalAbwasserentsorgung
waste water disposalEntsorgung von Abwasser
waste-water disposal systemAbwasserentsorgungsanlage
waste-water disposal systemAbwasserabflusssystem
waste water from flotation plantsAbwasser von Schwimmaufbereitungsanlagen
waste water legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the outflow and disposal of spent or used water from a home, community, farm or industry that contains dissolved or suspended matterAbwasserrecht
waste water legislationAbwasserrecht
waste water load The amount of spent or used water, often containing dissolved and suspended matter, that is found in a stream or some other body of waterAbwasserlast
waste water loadAbwasserlast
waste water pollution The impairment of the quality of some medium due to the introduction of spent or used water from a community or industryAbwasserbelastung
waste water pollutionAbwasserbelastung
waste water purificationAbwasserreinigung
waste water purification Processing of waste water for reuseAbwasserreinigung
waste water quality The state or condition of spent or used water that contains dissolved or suspended matter from a home, community farm or industryAbwasserbeschaffenheit
waste water qualityAbwasserbeschaffenheit
waste water reduction The act or process of lessening the volume of used or spent water that is discharged from homes, businesses or industriesAbwasserminderung
waste water reductionAbwasserminderung
waste water sludgeAbwasserschlamm
waste water sludge The removed materials resulting from physical, biological and chemical treatment of waste waterAbwasserschlamm
waste water spillageOberflächenbewässerung
waste water statisticsAbwasserstatistik
waste water statistics No definition neededAbwasserstatistik
waste water treatment Any process to which wastewater is subjected which would remove, or otherwise render harmless to human health and the environment, its constituent wastesAbwasserbehandlung
waste water treatmentAbwasserreinigung
waste water treatmentAufbereitung von Abwässern
waste water treatment plant Plant where, through physical-chemical and biological processes, organic matter, bacteria, viruses and solids are removed from residential, commercial and industrial wastewaters before they are discharged in rivers, lakes and seasAbwasserbehandlungsanlage
waste water treatment plantKläranlage
waste water treatment plantAbwasserbehandlungsanlage
waste water treatment plantabwassertechnische Anlage
waste water treatment plantAbwasseraufbereitungsanlage
waste water treatment using marine plantsAbwasseraufbereitung mittels Meerespflanzen
waste waters containing mercuryquecksilberhaltige Abwässer
wastes from the preparation of drinking water or water for industrial useAbfaelle aus der Zubereitung von Trinkwasser oder industriellem Brauchwasser
wastes from the preparation of drinking water or water for industrial useAbfälle aus der Zubereitung von Trinkwasser oder industriellem Brauchwasser
wastes from the preparation of water intended for human consumption or water for industrial useAbfälle aus der Zubereitung von Trinkwasser oder industriellem Brauchwasser
wastes from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the preparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial useAbfälle aus Abfallbehandlungsanlagen,öffentlichen Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen und der öffentlichen Wasserversorgung
wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryAbfälle aus Abfallbehandlungsanlagen,öffentlichen Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen und der öffentlichen Wasserversorgung
Wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryAbfaelle aus Abfallbehandlungsanlagen, oeffentlichen Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen und der oeffentlichen Wasserversorgung
wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specifiedAbfaelle aus Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen a. n. g.
wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specifiedAbfälle aus Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen a.n.g.
wastes from water and steam degreasing processes except 11 00 00Abfaelle aus der Wasser- und Dampfentfettung ausser 11 00 00
wastes from water and steam degreasing processes except 11Abfälle aus der Wasser-und Dampfentfettungaußer 11 00 00
wastes from water-based adhesives and sealantsAbfaelle von wassermischbaren Klebstoffen und Dichtungsmassen
water and sanitationWasseraufbereitung und Abwasserentsorgung
water and sanitationWasser und Abwasser
water and sanitationWasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung
water and sanitationWasserver- und -entsorgung
water and sanitationSanitärmaßnahmen
water and steam degreasing processWasser- und Dampfentfettung
Water AuthorityÖffentlich-rechtlicher Wasserverband
water availabilityWasserdargebot
water availabilityverfügbares Wasser
water availabilityVefügbarkeit von Wasser
water-based detergentReinigungsmittel auf Wasserbasis
water based developer and activator solutionsEntwickler und Aktivatoren auf Wasserbasis
water-based inkwassermischbare Druckfarbe
water based offset plate developer solutionsOffsetplatten-Entwickler auf Wasserbasis
water binding forcesWasserbindungskraft
water bloomVerkrautung der Gewässer
Water BoardWasserwirtschaftsamt
Water BoardWasserverband
Water BoardÖffentlich-rechtlicher Wasserverband
water-borne sewage systemSchwemmkanalisation
water bow turtleWasser-Dosenschildkröte (Terrapene coahuila)
water capable of supporting shellfishMuschelzuchtgebiet
water catchment areaWasserentnahmestelle
water catchment protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the environmental integrity of drainage areas used to catch water, such as reservoirs or basinsSchutz des Wassereinzugsbereichs
water catchment protectionSchutz des Wassereinzugsbereichs
water celerySchierlings-Wasserfenchel (Oenanthe crocata)
water controlRegulierung des Wasserhaushalts
water control structuresAnlagen zur Wasserstandsregulierung
water control structuresAnlagen zur Wasserstandsregelung
water control workWasserkontrollanlage
water corrosivity Complex series of reactions between the water and metal surfaces and materials in which the water is stored or transported. The corrosion process is an oxidation/reduction reaction that returns refined or processed metal to their more stable ore state. With respect to the corrosion potential of drinking water, the primary concerns include the potential presence of toxic metals , such as lead and copperKorrodierende Wirkung von Wasser
water corrosivityKorrodierende Wirkung von Wasser
water curtain scrubberGaswäscher in Flüssigkeit
water cyclehydrologischer Kreislauf
water damageSchädigung der Gewässer
water-deficiency areaTrockengebiet
water-deficiency areaarides Gebiet
Water DirectiveGewässerschutz-Richtlinie
water discharge endWasserauslaß
water distribution systemWasserverteilungssystem
water distribution system The system of pipes supplying water to communities and industriesWasserverteilungssystem
water economyBewirtschaftung der Wasservorkommen
water ecosystemaquatisches Ökosystem
water ecosystemÖkosystem der Gewässer
water engineeringWasserwirtschaft
water engineeringBewirtschaftung der Wasservorkommen
water erosionErosion durch Wasser
water for agricultural use Water used in agriculture for irrigation and livestock. Livestock watering is only 1 percent of the total water withdrawal for agricultural use. Of all functional water uses, irrigation is the largest agricultural use of waterLandwirtschaftliches Brauchwasser
water for agricultural useLandwirtschaftliches Brauchwasser
water for consumption Consumptive water use starts with withdrawal, but in this case without any return, e.g. irrigation, steam escaping into the atmosphere, water contained in final products, i.e. it is no longer available directly for subsequent useGebrauchswasser
water for consumptionGebrauchswasser
water for industrial useBrauchwasser (Industrie)
water for industrial useBrauchwasser (Industrie
Water Framework DirectiveRichtlinie 2000/60/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Schaffung eines Ordnungsrahmens für Maßnahmen der Gemeinschaft im Bereich der Wasserpolitik
water improvementBewirtschaftung von Wasser
water infiltration into the groundWasserinfiltration in den Boden
water infiltration into the ground The movement of surface water into soil or rock through cracks and poresWasserinfiltration in den Boden
Water Information System for EuropeWasserinformationssystem für Europa
water intended to replenish water-bearing bedszur Anhebung des Grundwasserspiegels bestimmtes Wasser
water lossaktuelle Verdunstung
water managementBewirtschaftung des Wassers
water management schemeSystem zur Wasseregulierung
water monitoringÜberwachung der Gewässergüte
water pollutantwasserverunreinigender Stoff
water pollutantWasserverunreinigender Stoff
water pollution prevention Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert or hinder human-made or human-induced alteration of the physical, biological, chemical and radiological integrity of waterGewässerschutz
water pollution preventionGewässerschutz
water power Energy obtained from natural or artificial waterfalls, either directly by turning a water wheel or turbine, or indirectly by generating electricity in a dynamo driven by a turbineWasserkraft
water protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwaterWasserschutzgebiet
water protection directiveGewässerschutzrichtlinie
water protection legislationGewässerschutzrecht
water pump A machine or apparatus used to lift water, usually from a well or borehole, which is powered manually or by engine, wind or some other sourceWasserpumpe
water purification plant Plant where water, through physical and chemical processes, is made suitable for human consumption and other purposesWasserreinigungsanlage
water purification plantKläranlage
water purification plantWasserreinigungsanlage
water purification stationKläranlage
water-purifying plantWassereinigungsanlage
water quality criteriaKriterien zur Beurteilung der Wasserqualität
water quality criteriaKriterien zur Gewässergütebestimmung
water quality directiveGewässergüterichtlinie
water quality directive EC Directive establishing the rules relating to water for human consumptionGewässergüterichtlinie
water quality improvementWassergüteverbesserung
water quality improvement Progress in, or betterment of, the environmental condition and integrity of waterWassergüteverbesserung
water quality management Water quality management concerns four major elements: the use (recreation, drinking water, fish and wildlife propagation, industrial or agricultural) to be made of the water; criteria to protect those uses; implementation plans (for needed industrial-municipal waste treatment improvements) and enforcement plans, and an anti-degradation statement to protect existing high quality watersWassergütewirtschaft
water quality managementWassergütewirtschaft
Water Quality of Large RiversWasserqualität großer Flüsse
water quantity managementWassermengenwirtschaft
water quantity management The administration or handling of the amount of available potable waterWassermengenwirtschaft
water re-aerationWasserbelüftung
water re-aerationBelüftung des Wassers
water regulationRegulierung von Wasserläufen
water regulatory authority The power of a government agency or its administrators to administer and implement regulations, laws and government policies relating to the preservation and protection of water resourcesWasserbehörde
water regulatory authorityWasserbehörde
water resources conservation Controlled utilization or protection of any supply of water so that it is potentially useful for some purpose, such as for an economic, recreational or life-sustaining purposeSchutz der Wasserressourcen
water resources conservationSchutz der Wasserressourcen
water resources developmentWasserwirtschaftliche Planung
water resources legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to manage and protect an area's natural water supply and waterwaysWasserressourcenrecht
water resources management Measures and activities concerning the supply of water, the improvement of efficiency in its use, the reduction of losses and waste, water-saving practices to reduce costs and to slow the depletion of the water supply to ensure future water availabilityWasserbewirtschaftung
water resources managementBewirtschaftung der Wasservorkommen
water restorationWiederherstellung der Wasserqualität
water scarcity and droughtWasserknappheit und Dürre
water schemewasserwirtschaftliche Anlage
water schemeRegelung des Wasserhaushalts
water-shortage areaarides Gebiet
water-shortage areaTrockengebiet
water slopeWasserkeil, Wasserecke
water-soluble saltswasserlösliche Salze
water supply mapPlan für Wasserentnahmestellen
water-supply systemWasserversorgungsnetz
water supply systemwasserwirtschaftliche Anlage
water supply systemWasserhaushalt
water supply systemWasserwirtschaft
water supply systemRegelung des Wasserhaushalts
water table Water that occupies pores, cavities, cracks and other spaces in the crustal rocks. It includes water precipitated from the atmosphere which has percolated through the soil, water that has risen from deep magmatic sources liberated during igneous activity and fossil water retained in sedimentary rocks since their formation. The presence of groundwater is necessary for virtually all weathering processes to operate. Phreatic water is synonymous with groundwater and is the most important source of any water supplyFreies Grundwasser
water table protection Water table is inherently susceptible to contamination from landuse activities. Remediation is very expensive and often impractical. Prevention of contamination is therefore critical in effective groundwater managementWasserstandschutz
water table protectionWasserstandschutz
water-table replenishmentden Grundwasserspiegel anheben
water treatment methodWasseraufbereitungsverfahren
water treatment plantKläranlage
water treatment plantAbwasserbehandlungsanlage
water treatment plantsKläranlagen
water treatment systemKläranlage
water weed cutting Cutting down by scythe or machine at intervals the vegetation growth and grasses on banks and berms of irrigation and drainage channels or cropped areasSchneiden von Wasserpflanzen
water weed cuttingSchneiden von Wasserpflanzen
waters favourable to shellfish growthMuschelzuchtgewässer
waters protectionGewässerschutz
weediness of watersVerkrautung der Gewässer
WHO international Standard for Drinking-Waterinternationale Norm der WGO für die Beschaffenheit des Trinkwassers
World Day for WaterWeltwassertag
World Water DayWeltwassertag
World Water ForumWeltwasserforum
World Water WeekWeltwasserwoche
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