
Terms for subject Microsoft containing transactions | all forms
balance sheet transactionBilanzbuchung (A posted ledger transaction that is associated with a balance account, asset account, or liability account)
blocking transactionblockierende Transaktion (A transaction that causes another transaction to fail)
bridged transactionunterwegs befindliche Buchung (A journal transaction that is posted to a bridging account)
central bank transaction codeTransaktionscode der Zentralbank (A statistical code defined by the Central Bank of Russia used to describe the subjects of payments denominated in Russian roubles for cross-border transactions)
chargeable transactionfakturierbare Buchung (A transaction that can be included on an invoice and charged to a customer)
credit balance transactionGuthabenbuchung (A transaction with an unapplied balance that decreases the customer's or supplier's balance. Examples include credit memos, returns, payments, and receipts)
deferred transactionverzögerte Transaktion (A transaction that is not committed when the roll forward phase of recovery completes and that cannot be rolled back during database startup because data needed by roll back is offline. This data can reside in either a page or a file)
distributed transactionverteilte Transaktion (A transaction that spans multiple data sources)
distributed transaction coordinatorDistributed Transaction Coordinator (A service, integrated with COM+, that makes distributed transactions work. DTC makes it possible to scale transactions from one to many computers without the need for special code)
explicit transactionexplizite Transaktion (A group of SQL statements enclosed within transaction delimiters that define both the start and end of the transaction)
failed transactionTransaktionsfehler (A transaction that encountered an error and was not able to complete)
fee transactionGebührenbuchung (A transaction that registers revenue with no matching cost)
hour transactionStundenbuchung (A transaction that registers employee costs based on number of hours)
implicit transactionimplizite Transaktion (A connection option in which each SQL statement executed by the connection is considered a separate transaction)
intercompany economic transactionwirtschaftsbezogene Intercompany-Buchung (An economic transaction between legal entities that are part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of the legal entities)
intercompany transactioninnerbetriebliche Buchung (A transaction that contains distributions to another company within the same legal entity)
international ACH transactionInternationale ACH-Buchung (An Automated Clearing House (ACH) funds transfer between an originating party and a receiving party that involves at least one depository financial institution that is not located in the territorial jurisdiction of the United States)
inventory transactionLagerbuchung (A transaction for items moving to inventory (receipts) or from inventory (issues))
last transactionletzte Transaktion (The most recent transfer of data recorded by the server)
ledger update transactionKontenaktualisierungsbuchung (A system transaction that tracks and reports what has been posted to the ledger)
multicurrency transactionTransaktion in mehreren Währungen (An exchange of money for goods or services between a buyer and a business or between a supplier and a business, in which the preferred currency of the buyer or supplier is different than the base currency specified for the site)
NFC transactionNFC-Transaktion (An exchange of information between two devices using NFC, or near field communication. Using NFC transactions, a person can use their phone to make payments in a store or as a bus pass)
nonchargeable transactionnicht fakturierbare Buchung (A transaction that cannot be included on an invoice and charged to a customer)
offset transactionGegenbuchung (An accounting entry that balances a debit with a credit or a credit with a debit)
offset transactionGegengeschäft
online transaction processingOnlinetransaktionsverarbeitung (A system for processing transactions as soon as the computer receives them and updating master files immediately in a database management system. OLTP is useful in financial record keeping and inventory tracking)
profit and loss transactionGewinn- und Verlustbuchung (A posted ledger transaction that is associated with a profit and loss account, revenue account, or cost account)
secure transaction technologyTechnologie für sichere Transaktionen, STT (The use of the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), S-HTTP (Secure HTTP), or both in online transactions, such as form transmission or credit card purchases)
subscription transactionDauerauftragsbuchung (A transaction that modifies a subscription. There are four types of subscription transactions: regular subscription, non-regular subscription, price change, and reduction days)
synthetic transactionsynthetische Transaktion (A feature that can be used to test the availability or performance of a given service or application from the perspective of an end user, or to confirm the functionality of a low level service)
transaction currency unitEinheit der Buchungswährung (A currency unit that a party accepts for payment)
transaction dataBuchungsdaten (Entities that document economic, resource flow, and accounting events and record their financial, legal, and operational consequences)
transaction historyTransaktionsverlauf (A record of data transfers between the user's computer and the server)
transaction isolation levelTransaktionsisolationsstufe (The property of a transaction that controls the degree to which data is isolated for use by one process, and is guarded against interference from other processes)
transaction logTransaktionsprotokoll (A file that records transactional changes occurring in a database, providing a basis for updating a master file and establishing an audit trail)
transaction log fileTransaktionsprotokolldatei (A file that contains a record of the changes that were made to an Exchange database. All changes to the database are recorded in the transaction log files before they are written into the database files. If a database shuts down unexpectedly, unfinished transactions can be restored by replaying the transaction log files into the database)
transaction managerTransaktions-Manager (A service that coordinates transactions)
transaction numberTransaktionsnummer (The 32-character number assigned to each new computer use time transfer between the prepaid card and the server)
transaction processingTransaktionsverarbeitung (A processing method in which transactions are executed immediately after they are received by the system)
transaction retention periodTransaktionsbeibehaltungsdauer (In transactional replication, the amount of time transactions are stored in the distribution database)
transaction rollbackTransaktionsrollback (Rollback of a user-specified transaction to the last savepoint inside a transaction or to the beginning of a transaction)
transaction rollbackTransaktionszurücksetzung (Rollback of a user-specified transaction to the last savepoint inside a transaction or to the beginning of a transaction)
transaction serviceTransaction Service (A program that enables real-time, synchronous communication between the POS, the store database, and the head office database)
transaction textBuchungstext (A description for a journal line. Transaction text stays with the journal line until an event causes new transaction text to be added, such as when the transaction is settled)
transaction valueTransaktionswert (The value assigned to a financial exchange, such as the cost of an expense or an amount of income)