
Terms for subject Environment containing territorial | all forms | exact matches only
Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous ZoneÜbereinkommen über das Küstenmeer und die Anschlusszone
territorial behaviourTerritorialität
territorial community An infrastructure, body of people or homogenous constituency that is physically situated in a localized exurban areaTerritoriale Gemeinschaft
territorial communityTerritoriale Gemeinschaft
territorial defenceRevierverteidigung
territorial government An administrative body or system in which political direction or control is exercised over a designated area or an administrative division of a city, county or larger geographical areaGebietsregierung
territorial governmentGebietsregierung
territorial impact assessmentRaumverträglichkeitsprüfung
territorial policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which determines the present and future use of each parcel of land in an areaGebietspolitik
territorial policyGebietspolitik
territorial watersHoheitswasser