
Terms for subject Agriculture containing terms | all forms | exact matches only
agrotechnical termsagrotechnische Termine
correction termKorrekturglied
depreciation termAmortisationsdauer
depreciation termAmortisationszeitpunkt
depreciation termAmortisationstermin
depreciation termAmortisationsfrist
depreciation termZeitraum der Amortisation
long term experimentlangfristiger Feldversuch
long-term fire dangerlangfristige Waldbrandgefahr
long-term planPerspektivplan
long term storagelangfristige Lagerung
long term storage contractlangfristiger Lagervertrag
long-term test plotVersuchsparzelle von langer Dauer
margarine expressed in terms of crude fatMargarine in Rohfett
perpetual or long-term leaseErbpachtvertrag
rent for perpetual or long-term leaseErbzins
short term creditProduktionskredit
short-term leaseKurzpacht
short-term pasteurizationKurzzeiterhitzung
short-term pasteurizationMomenterhitzung
short-term pasteurizationkurzzeitiges Pasteurisieren
sowing termsAussaattermine
tenancy on cash termsGeldpacht
term applied to white wine which has become reddish or dark in colour from various causeshochfarbig
term "château"Bezeichnung "château"
term of leaseMietdauer
term of leasePachtzeit
traditional specific termspezifischer traditioneller Begriff
white products expressed in terms of crude fatandere genießbare Fette in Rohfett