
Terms for subject Microsoft containing soft | all forms | exact matches only
soft bookingnicht verbindliche Buchung (A project booking that tentatively assigns a resource to a project or activity without committing it to the schedule)
soft breakbedingter Umbruch (A break which is simulated by the debugger. It is used if a native program cannot be stopped for some reason (for example, the program is executing in kernel mode). The debugger freezes all threads and simulates a break)
soft deletevorläufiges Löschen (The process of moving an item to the Deleted Items folder)
soft edgesweiche Kanten (A picture, shape, or video effect that uses gradation as opposed to a hard outline. The edges of the object disappear or fade into the background)
soft fontladbare Schriftart (A set of characters that are copied from a computers disk to a printers memory when requested for printing a document. Downloadable fonts are most commonly used with laser printers, although dot matrix printers can accept some of them)
soft hyphenbedingter Trennstrich (" A hyphen that is used to control where a word or phrase breaks if it falls at the end of a line. For example, you can specify that the word "nonprinting" breaks as "non-printing" rather than "nonprint-ing.")
soft keySoftkey (" One of the two unlabeled keys located just below the display area on a mobile phone. These keys are called "soft" because their functions change to fit the context. Labels in the lower part of the mobile screen tell users what the soft keys do.")
soft keyboardBildschirmtastatur (A keyboard representation on the screen that allows users to type using touch, a stylus, or other input device)
soft pageweiche Seite (A rendered page that can be slightly larger than the size specified using the InteractiveHeight and InteractiveWidth properties of a report (HTML and WinForm control))
soft page-break rendererRenderer für bedingten Seitenumbruch (A rendering extension that maintains the report layout and formatting so that the resulting file is optimized for screen-based viewing and delivery, such as on a Web page or in the ReportViewer controls)
soft quotaweiche Kontingentgrenze (A quota that does not enforce the quota limit, but generates all configured notifications)
soft rebootSoftneustart (The restarting of a running computer without first turning off the power)
soft resetTeilrückstellung (A type of reset on a mobile device that clears unused memory, but keeps all software. Some minor settings revert to factory default but data should not be lost)
soft SAschwache Sicherheitszuordnung (A security association (SA) in which the Negotiate security filter action is enabled, but there is no authentication or encryption being performed because the computer with which communication occurs is not running IPSec)
soft shadowingweicher Schatten (A shadowing effect that uses gradation as opposed to a hard outline)
soft startVorlauf (In a preset recording interval, a starting point which includes extra buffer time allocated to a planned scheduled recording in case the program starts a little early)
soft stopNachlauf (In a preset recording interval, an end point which includes extra buffer time allocated to a planned scheduled recording in case the program ends a little late)