
Terms for subject Packaging containing seam | all forms | exact matches only
bag with two side seamsZweinahtbeutel
bottom seamBodenfalz
butt seam weldingStumpfnahtschweißung
circumferential seamRundnaht
double seamDoppelfalz (bei Blechverpackungen)
double-seam flat bagZweinahtbeutel
flat bag with three or two sealed seams and sealed closureSiegelrandbeutel
lap-seam weldüberlappte Schweißnaht
lock seamDoppelfalz (of metal containers, bei Blechverpackungen)
reinforcing seam or creaseSicke
resistance of welding seams to severing or crackingSchweißnahtfestigkeit
riveted seamNietnaht
sealed-seam strengthSiegelnahtfestigkeit
seam weldingNahtschweißen
welding seamSchweißlinie