
Terms for subject Optics branch of physics containing ring | all forms | exact matches only
Airy's ringsAirysche Spiralen (fringes)
annular ring illumination sourceringförmige Lichtquelle
coloured ringfarbiger Ring
coloured ringFarbring
diaphragm ringBlendenring
diaphragm setting ringBlendeneinstellring
diffraction ringBeugungsring (fringe)
exposure setting ringBelichtungseinstellring
eye ringRamsdenscher Kreis
eye ringAugenkreis (point)
focussing ringEinstellung
knurled ringRändelring
Landolt ringLandoltscher Ring
light ringLichtring
milled ringRändelring
Newton's ringsNewtonsche Ringe (a series of bands or rings produced by the interference of light reflected from two or more nearly parallel surfaces that are in contact at one point)
Newton's ringsNewton-Ringe
phase-retarding ringPhasenring
retainer ringVorschraubring
retainer ringBefestigungsring
retaining ringVorschraubring
retaining ringBefestigungsring
ring current trans-formerRingstromwandler
ring gaugeKaliberlehre
ring gaugeKaliberring
ring gaugeHülsenlehre
ring gaugeEinstellehrring
ring imageRingbild
ring lampRingleuchte
ring mountRingfassung
ring mountingRinghalterung
ring patternRingfigur
ring-shaped at one endringförmig an einem Ende
ring-type spherometerRingsphärometer
rotating ringDrehring
screw ringSchraubring
setting ringEinstellung
shutter speed ringEinstellung für die Belichtungszeit
snap ringSchnappring
successive rings of the diffraction patternaufeinanderfolgende Ringe der Beugungsfigur
threaded retainer ringGewindevorschraubring