
Terms for subject Microsoft containing real time | all forms | in specified order only
real timeEchtzeit (The actual time in which events occur)
real-timeEchtzeit- (Of or relating to a time frame imposed by external constraints. Real-time operations are those in which the computer's activities match the human perception of time or those in which computer operations proceed at the same rate as a physical or external process. Real-time operations are characteristic of aircraft guidance systems, transaction-processing systems, scientific applications, and other areas in which a computer must respond to situations as they occur (for example, animating a graphic in a flight simulator or making corrections based on measurements))
real-time animationEchtzeitanimation (Computer animation in which images are computed and updated on the screen at the same rate at which the objects simulated might move in the real world. Real-time animation allows dynamic involvement by the user because the computer can accept and incorporate keystrokes or controller movements as it is drawing the next image in the animation sequence. Arcade-style animation (such as in a flight simulator program) makes use of real-time animation in translating game plays into on-screen actions. In contrast, in animation done in virtual time, image frames are first calculated and stored and later replayed at a higher rate to achieve smoother movement)
real-time block listEchtzeit-Sperrliste (A dynamic list that is maintained inside an organization or by a remote third-party organization that contains a list of known unsolicited e-mail sources. The receiving mail server may refuse connections from addresses that are on a RBL)
real-time block list serviceEchtzeitsperrlisten-Dienst (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
Real-time Co-authoringgemeinsame Dokumenterstellung in Echtzeit (The ability of multiple authors, who are editing a shared document, to simultaneously see text and formatting changes made by co-authors as they add them)
Real-Time Control ProtocolReal-Time Control-Protokoll (A scalable transport control protocol that works with the Real-Time Protocol (RTP) to monitor real-time transmissions to multiple participants over a network-for example, during videoconferencing. The Real-Time Control Protocol, or RTCP, transmits packets of control information at regular intervals and is used to determine how well information is being delivered to recipients)
Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling diagramROOM-Strukturdiagramm (A graphical model of a system's components and their relationships (the structure), and of the system's response to events (its behavior))
real-time operating systemEchtzeitbetriebssystem (An operating system designed for the needs of a process-controlled environment. A real-time operating system recognizes that responses must be made and tasks handled instantly, with no lag time. Real-time operating systems are typically used as embedded systems in devices and applications requiring time-critical reaction, such as telecommunications, air traffic control, and robotic functions)
Real-time protectionEchtzeitschutz (An option in Windows AntiSpyware that, when selected, provides spyware protection in real time)
Real-Time Streaming ProtocolReal-Time Streaming-Protokoll (A network protocol, defined in RFC 2326, for controlling one or more digital media streams or a presentation (the aggregate of related media streams))
real-time systemEchtzeitsystem (A computer and/or a software system that reacts to events before the events become obsolete. For example, airline collision avoidance systems must process radar input, detect a possible collision, and warn air traffic controllers or pilots while they still have time to react)
Real-Time Transport ProtocolReal-Time Transport-Protokoll (An Internet-standard network transport protocol used in delivering real-time data, including audio and video. The Real-Time Protocol, or RTP, works with both unicast (single sender, single recipient) and multicast (single sender, multiple recipients) services. RTP is often used in conjunction with the Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP), which monitors delivery)