
Terms containing portal | all forms | exact matches only
med.accessory portal system of SappeyVenae adumbilicales
med.accessory portal system of SappeyVenae parumbilicales Sappey
med.accessory portal system of SappeySappeysche Parum bilikalvenen
comp., MSACS management portalACS-Verwaltungsportal (A Web-based user interface that ACS administrators can use to manage the configuration settings of a specific ACS namespace)
construct.articulated portalPendelportal
comp., MScaptive portalErfassungsportal (A Web page that a user of a public-access network has to view and interact with for authentication, accepting terms of use, or security updates)
med.cavernoma of portal veinPfortaderkavernom (cavernoma venae portae)
med.cavernoma of portal veinportales Kavernom (cavernoma venae portae)
med.cavernoma of portal veinCavernoma venae portae (cavernoma venae portae)
comp., MScertificate manager Web portalZertifikat-Manager-Webportal (A Web application running on the Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) server. This portal allows certificate administrators to administer other users' certificates and smart cards. The certificate subscriber and certificate manager Web portals are both accessed through the same universal resource locator (URL); however, the content displayed is based on a user's roles and permissions)
comp., MScertificate subscriber Web portalZertifikatabonnent-Webportal (A Web application running on the Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) server. This component of the CLM server interacts directly with users in a self-service mode. The specific functionality is based upon Active Directory group memberships and permissions. The certificate subscriber and certificate manager Web portals are both accessed through the same universal resource locator (URL); however, the content displayed is based on a user's roles and permissions)
радиоакт.collimator portalAustrittsöffnung des Kollimators
med.appl.collimator portalBlendenöffnung
радиоакт.collimator portalKollimatoröffnung
construct.columnar portalSäulenportal
construct.crane portal framePortalkran
construct.crane tower base portalTurmunterbau eines Krans
construct.deep stage without portalPodiumbühne
med.appl.diaphragm portalBlendenöffnung
met.double portal cutting machinePortal-Brennschneidmaschine mit doppeltem Schnittbereich
mining.dredger portalBaggerdurchfahrt
mining.dredger portalBaggerportal
transp., construct.elevated roadway with collapsible portal framesHochstrasse mit einklappbarem Portalrahmen
nucl.phys., med.emergent ray portalAustrittsstelle (des Zentralstrahls)
comp., MSenterprise portalEnterprise Portal (A Web site that provides a single point of entry for internal and external users of an organization to access a wide variety of business information)
transp., construct.entrance portalEingangsportal
nucl.phys., med.entry portalEinfallsfeld
nucl.phys., med.entry portalEinfallfeld
med.entry portalEingangsporte
immigr., ITEU Immigration PortalEU-Zuwanderungsportal
empl.EURES PortalEuropäisches Portal zur beruflichen Mobilität
gen.EURES PortalEURES-Portal
relig.European Cultural Portaleuropäisches Kulturportal
law, ITEuropean e-justice portalEuropäisches Justizportal
law, ITEuropean e-justice portalEuropäisches E-Justiz-Portal
gen.European e-justice portalEU-Justizportal
gen.European Innovation PortalEuropäisches Innovationsportal
empl.European Job Mobility portalEuropäisches Portal zur beruflichen Mobilität
gen.European Job Mobility portalEURES-Portal
law, ITEuropean justice portalEuropäisches Justizportal
law, ITEuropean justice portalEuropäisches E-Justiz-Portal
gen.European justice portalEU-Justizportal
busin.European Tourist Destinations PortalEuropäisches Tourismus-Destinations-Portal
social.sc., ed., ITEuropean Youth Portaleuropäisches Jugendportal
construct.excavation before portalVoreinschnitt
construct.excavation before portalPortaleinschnitt
transp., construct.exit portalAusgangsportal
nucl.phys., med.exit portalAustrittsfeld
construct.false portalPortalüberdachung
construct.fencing of access ramp to tunnel portalFlügemauern am Tunneleingang
construct.fixing panels to portal framesBefestigung der Wand- bzw. Deckenelemente an den Rahmen
med.hepatic portal veinVena portae (vena portae hepatis)
med.hepatic portal veinPorta (vena portae hepatis)
med.hepatic portal veinPfortader (vena portae hepatis)
med.idiopathic portal hypertensionidiopathische portale Hypertonie
immigr.Immigration PortalEU-Zuwanderungsportal
gen.industry portalBranchenportal
gen.information portalInformationsportal
commun., ITInternet portalOnline-Portal
comp.Internet portalPortal
comp.Internet portalStartseite
comp.Internet portalTor
comp., MSLive Meeting intranet portalLive Meeting-Intranetportal (A site on an intranet for creating and joining Live Meetings and that can be used as an option to a Web-based Live Meeting conference center)
comp., MSManagement PortalVerwaltungsportal (The secure Web portal for managing Windows Azure hosted applications and services)
comp., MSManagement Portal for Windows Azure SQL DatabaseVerwaltungsportal für Windows Azure SQL-Datenbank (A web-based, lightweight database management tool for SQL Azure databases that supports database development tasks, schema modification, Transact-SQL, and extract/deploy operations with data-tier applications)
comp., MSMicrosoft Office 365 portalMicrosoft Office 365-Portal (The website through which administrators and partners purchase and manage Office 365 services and where users access and use Office 365 collaborative tools)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Customer PortalMicrosoft Online Services-Kundenportal (The Web site through which potential Microsoft Online Services customers can try, buy, and manage subscriptions to Microsoft Online Services)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services My Company PortalMicrosoft Online Services-Unternehmensportal (The Web site provided by Microsoft Online Services for end users to access company services)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services Partner Sales PortalMicrosoft Online Services-Partnervertriebsportal (The portal that Microsoft authorized partners use to set up trials and create quotes for paid subscriptions, which they then send to their customers)
ed., commun."mobility" portal siteMobilitätsportal
nucl.phys., радиогр.multi-portal techniqueMehrfelderbestrahlung
comp., MSMulti-Factor Authentication Management PortalMulti-Factor Authentication-Verwaltungsportal (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
comp., MSMulti-Factor Authentication User PortalMulti-Factor Authentication-Benutzerportal (Allows users to complete the Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process and manage their settings, such as phone number and PIN, through a simple web interface)
gen.occlusion of the portal veinPfortaderverschluss
commun., lab.law.online recruitment portalJobbörse
commun., lab.law.online recruitment portalKarriereportal
construct.open-portal underbridgeUnterführung mit offenem Rahmen
construct.perspective portalPortal
construct.portal archPortalbögen
med.portal blockportaler Block
construct.portal-boom cranePortalauslegerkran
cultur.portal borderPortalblende
construct.portal bracingWindportal
construct.portal bracingPortalrahmen
cultur.portal bridgePortalbrücke
construct.portal bridge cranePortalkabelkran
mech.eng.portal cable craneBrueckenkabelkran
med.portal canalinterlobulärer Raum
met.portal cantilever cutting machinePortal-und Auslegerbrennschneidmaschine
med.portal circulationPfortaderkreislauf
med.portal circulationPortalkreislauf
met.portal craneTorkran (Portalkran m)
gen.portal craneBockkran
mech.eng., construct.portal craneTorkrananlage
mech.eng., construct.portal craneBrückenkrananlage
gen.portal cranePortalkran
construct.portal craneTorkran
construct.portal craneVollportalkran mit Drehkran
met.portal cutting machine geometryPortal-Brennschneidmaschine
construct.portal deep stageBühnenportal
construct.portal deep stageBühnenöffnung
construct.portal effectPortalwirkung
med.portal fissurePorta hepatis (fossa transversalis hepatis)
med.portal fissureLeberpforte (fossa transversalis hepatis)
agric.portal frameSchutzdach
construct.portal framePortalrahmen
construct.portal frameRahmen
construct.portal framePortal
construct.portal framebiegesteifer Rahmen
construct.portal frameHalbrahmen
met., mech.eng.portal-frame-type milling machinePortal-Fräsmaschine
gen.portal headpieces over landingsSchutzdach an den Fuelloertern
med.portal hypertensionportale Hypertension
med.portal hypertensionportale Hypertension Pfortaderhypertonie
med.portal hypertensionPfortaderhypertonie
med.portal hypertensionPfortaderhochdruck
med.portal hypertensionportale Hypertonie
med.appl.portal hypertension determinationBestimmung der portalen Hypertension
med.portal hypertoniaPfortaderhochdruck
med.portal hypertoniaPfortaderhypertonie
construct.portal legRahmenstiel
construct.portal methodPortal-Methode (Statik)
med.portal odoursPfortengerüche
med.portal of infectionInfektionspforte
construct.portal of tunnelTunnelportal
ed.Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European SpacePortal für Lernangebote in Europa
gen.Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European SpacePLOTEUS-Portal
comp.portal pagePortal
comp.portal pageStartseite
comp.portal pageTor
met., mech.eng.portal pressSäulenpresse
met., mech.eng.portal pressDreiwalzenbiegemaschine
med.portal pyemiasuppurative Pylephlebitis
med.portal pyemiaportale Pyämie
med.portal pyemic abscesspyämischer Pfortaderabszess
mech.eng.portal reclaimerPortalrückverlader
tech.portal scaffoldPortalgerüst
transp.portal sign-signal gantryPortalbrücke für Schildersignale
comp., MSportal sitePortalwebsite (A type of SharePoint site that provides the top-level Web view (home page and related pages) of the portal)
el.tract.portal structure in electric tractionQuerjochtragwerk in der elektrischen Zugförderung
construct.portal structurePortalmast
pwr.lines.portal supportPortal
med.portal systemPortalsystem
econ., amer.portal-to-portal paidArbeitsgrundlohn (berechnet für die Zeit vom Betreten des Betriebes bis zum Erreichen des Arbeitsplatzes und umgekehrt bis zum Verlassen des Betriebstores)
econ.portal-to-portal workgerechnet vom Betreten bis zum Verlassen der Arbeitsstelle (z.B. in einem Bergwerk oder bei anderen wegeaufwendigen Arbeitsplätzen)
econ.portal-to-portal workArbeitszeit
transp., construct.portal transitionPortaluebergang
construct.portal-type culvert headPortalrohrkopf
mech.eng.portal-type frametorartiger Ständer
mech.eng.portal-type framerahmenförmiges Gestell
med.portal type of tumourPortatyp
med.portal type of tumourPfortadertyp
med.portal type of tumourLebertyp
construct.portal-type travelling formworkPortaltyp-Wanderschalung
comp., MSportal URLPortal-URL (An internal Web address for accessing Live Meeting Manager on an intranet)
med.portal veinVena portae (vena portae hepatis)
gen.portal veinPfortader
emerg.careportal veinPfortader
med.portal veinPorta (vena portae hepatis)
med.portal veinPfortader (vena portae hepatis)
med.portal vein of liverPorta (vena portae hepatis)
med.portal vein of liverVena portae (vena portae hepatis)
med.portal vein of liverPfortader (vena portae hepatis)
med.portal vein pressurePfortaderdruck
emerg.careportal vein systemPfortaderkreislauf
gen.portal vein thrombosisPfortaderthrombose
gen.portal vein thrombosisPortalvenenthrombose
med.portal vein thrombosisPylethrombose
med.portal vein timePfortaderzeit
med.portal venous systemPfortadersystem
med.portal vesselPfortadergefäß
cultur.portal wingPortalturm
construct.portal wingsPortalkulissen
med.postsinusoidal portal hypertensionpostsinusoidale portale Hypertonie
med.presinusoidal portal hypertensionpräsinusoidale portale Hypertonie
comp., MSproject portalProjektportal (The site used to store and present non-code work products and reports for a team project)
nucl.phys.radiation portal monitorPortal-Strahlungsmonitor
health.ray exit portalStrahlenaustrittsfenster
transp., el.rigid portal structureQuerjochtragwerk
transp., el.rigid portal structureQuerjoch
comp., MSSelf-Service PortalSelf-Service-Portal (A Web interface that is configured by an administrator so that end users can search knowledge, create requests, and read IT announcements)
construct.semi-portal slewing craneHalbportal-Drehkran
comp., MSService Manager IT portalService Manager-IT-Portal (A Web interface designed for information technology (IT) managers and IT professionals so that they can view and manage incidents, changes, and assets. It can also be used to examine metrics and reports)
construct.side portalSeitenportal (entrance)
construct.skew tunnel portalgeneigtes Tunnelportal
construct.steel framed portal type buildingPortalrahmen/stahlkonstruktion
gen.stepped portalStufenportal
construct.stepped tunnel portalabgetrepptes Tunnelportal
comp., MSstewardship portalVerwaltungsportal (A feature of MDS that provides centralized control over master data, including members and hierarchies and enables data model administrators to ensure data quality by developing, reviewing, and managing data models and enforcing them consistently across domains)
construct.straight tunnel portalgerades Tunnelportal
met.strain portal of electric railwaysportalartiger Fahrleitungsmast für elektrische Bahnen
construct.structural portal of stageBühnenportal
comp., MSteam project portalTeamprojektportal (The Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) site for each team project. A team project portal allows team members to store and share documents, reports, and information related to a specific team project)
construct.three-portal stagedreigeteilte Bühne
med.thrombosis of portal veinPfortaderthrombose
med.thrombosis of portal veinPylethrombose
med.transverse part of the left brach of the portal veinPars transversa rami sinistri venae portae
gen.tunnel portalTunnelmund
construct.tunnel portalStolleneingang
construct.tunnel portalStollenportal
construct.tunnel portalTunneleinfahrt
gen.tunnel portalTunnelportal
gen.tunnel portalTunneleingang
transp., construct.tunnel portal transitionsStollenuebergang
transp., construct.tunnel portal transitionsStollenmund
med.umbilical part of the left branch of the portal veinPars umbilicalis rami sinistri venae portae
comp., MSVirtual Machine Manager Self-Service PortalVirtual Machine Manager-Self-Service-Portal (The Web site that users with the needed permissions and settings can use to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment. The Virtual Machine Manager administrator configures self-service policies to determine which users can use the self-service portal and what they can do)
comp., MSweb portalWebportal (A user interface implemented by a software application via a component of a web server, such as IIS)
ed.web portalWebportal
comp.Web portalPortal
comp.Web portalStartseite
comp.Web portalTor
comp., MSWindows Azure Management PortalWindows Azure-Verwaltungsportal (The secure Web portal for managing Windows Azure hosted applications and services)
comp., MSWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management PortalWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication-Verwaltungsportal (Used by administrators to manage company-wide Multi-Factor Authentication settings and view centralized usage reports)
comp., MSWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication User PortalWindows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication-Benutzerportal (Allows users to complete the Multi-Factor Authentication enrollment process and manage their settings, such as phone number and PIN, through a simple web interface)