
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing party | all forms | exact matches only
Ad hoc Working Party on Fundamental Rights and CitizenshipAd-hoc-Gruppe "Grundrechte und Unionsbürgerschaft"
Ad hoc Working Party on Joint EU-Africa StrategyAd-hoc-Gruppe "Gemeinsame Strategie EU-Afrika"
Ad hoc Working Party on the European Institute of Technology EITAd-hoc-Gruppe "Europäisches Technologieinstitut EIT"
Ad-hoc Working Party on ChemicalsAd-hoc-Gruppe "Chemische Stoffe"
Working Party on Atomic Questions Ad hoc Working Party on Nuclear SafetyGruppe "Atomfragen" Ad-hoc-Gruppe "Nukleare Sicherheit"
Working Party on Central and Southeast EuropeGruppe "Mittel- und Südosteuropa"
Working Party on Civil Law MattersAusschuss für Zivilrecht
Working Party on EnlargementGruppe "Erweiterung"
Working Party on Free Movement of PersonsGruppe "Freizügigkeit"
Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens' Rights and Free Movement of PersonsAd-hoc-Gruppe "Grundrechte und Unionsbürgerschaft"
Working Party on Information Exchange and Data ProtectionAd-hoc-Gruppe "Informationsaustausch"
Working Party on Latin AmericaGruppe "Lateinamerika"
Working Party on Latin America and the CaribbeanGruppe "Lateinamerika"
Working Party on the European Judicial NetworkGruppe "Europäisches Justizielles Netz"