
Terms for subject Food industry containing oil | all forms | exact matches only
African oil palmÖlpalme (palm kernels, Palmkerne; Elaeis guineensis)
argan oilArganöl (Argania spinosa)
babassu oilBabassuöl (Attalea speciosa)
cameline oilLeindotteröl (Camelina sativa)
canbra oilSpeise-Rapsöl (colza oil, Kolzaöl/Rüböl/Rübsenöl/Kohlsaatöl)
canbra oilRapsöl (colza oil)
canned foods in oilÖlkonserven
canola oilSpeise-Rapsöl (Kolzaöl/Rüböl/Rübsenöl/Kohlsaatöl)
citronella oilCitronellöl (Cymbopogon nardus u.a.)
cod-liver oilLebertran (Fischleberöl/Dorschleberöl)
corn germ oilMaiskeimöl
crude fish oilrohes Fischöl
deep-frying oilFrittieröl
deep-frying oilFrittürefett
deep-frying oilAusbackfett
deep-frying oilFrittierfett
dill oilDillkrautöl
evening primrose oilNachtkerzenöl (Oenothera biennis)
extra virgin olive oilnaturreines Olivenμl extra
Federation of the Olive Oil Industry of the EUVerband der Olivenölindustrie der EU
flax oilSesamöl
flaxseed oilSesamöl
glycerol esters of condensed castor oil fatty acidsPolyglycerinester von umgeesterter Rizinolsäure
glycerol esters of condensed castor oil fatty acidsPolyglycerin-Polyricinoleat
glycerol esters of condensed castor oil fatty acidsGlycerinester von kondensierten Rizinusölfettsäuren
hemp oilHanföl (Cannabis sativa)
hyssop oilYsopöl
Joint declaration on the adjustment of the'acquis communautaire'in the vegetable oils and fats sectorGemeinsame Erklärung über die Anpassung des gemeinschaftlichen Besitzstandes auf dem Sektor pflanzliche Fette
madia oilMadiaöl (Chilean tar weed, Modia sativa)
meadowfoam seed oilWiesenschaumkrautöl
neat s-foot oilKlauenöl (from knucklebones of cattle)
non-stick cooking oilAntihaftöl (Trennfett zum Backen/Kochen)
non-stick cooking oilTrennfett (Antihaftöl zum Backen/Kochen)
ölliefernde Pflanzen oil cropsÖlsaat
oil palmÖlpalme (Palmkerne; Elaeis guineensis)
oil radishÖlrettich (Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis)
oil spreadStreichfett
olive-pomace oilOliventresteröl
olive-residue oilOliventresteroel
olive-residue oilOliventresteröl
palm oilPalmöl (Elaeis guineensis u.a.)
polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids from castor oilPolyglycerin-Polyricinoleat
polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids from castor oilGlycerinester von kondensierten Rizinusölfettsäuren
polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids from castor oilPolyglycerinester von umgeesterter Rizinolsäure
pure refined olive oilraffiniertes reines Olivenoel
pure refined olive oilraffiniertes Olivenoel
radish oilRettichöl
rapeseed oilSpeise-Rapsöl (Kolzaöl/Rüböl/Rübsenöl/Kohlsaatöl)
refined olive oilraffiniertes Olivenoel
refined olive oilraffiniertes reines Olivenoel
seal oilRobbenöl
sesame oilSesamöl
shark oilHaiöl
soy oilSojaöl
stillingia oilStillingia-Öl (Sapium sebiferum)
sunflower oil for foodSonnenblumenöl für Speisen
teaseed oilCamelliaöl (Camellia oleifera)
teaseed oilTeesamenöl (Camellia oleifera)
tecuma oilTucum-Öl (Astrocaryum vulgare)
tecuma oilAwarra-Öl (Astrocaryum vulgare)
thermally oxidised soya bean oilE 479 a
thermally oxidised soya bean oilthermooxidiertes Sojaöl
thermally oxidised soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acidsE 479 b
thermally oxidised soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acidsthermooxidiertes Sojaöl mit Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren
tsubaki oilKameliensamenöl (Camellia japonica)
tucuma oilTucum-Öl (Astrocaryum vulgare)
tucuma oilAwarra-Öl (Astrocaryum vulgare)
vegetable oil spreadpflanzliches Streichfett (<80% oil)
vegetable oil spreadPflanzenstreichfett (<80% oil)