
Terms for subject Biology containing numbers | all forms
Abbe's numberAbbe Zahl
blood cell numberBlutkörperchenzahl
blood cell numberBlutzellenzahl
critical Reynolds numberkritische Reynoldszahl
diminution in the number of leucocytes in the bloodLeukopenie
diminution in the number of leucocytes in the bloodLeukozytenverminderung
diminution in the number of leucocytes in the bloodLeukozytopenie
increase in the number of leucocytes in the bloodLeukozytenvermehrung
increase in the number of leucocytes in the bloodLeukozytose
number of blood cellsBlutkörperchenzahl
number of blood cellsBlutzellenzahl
pyramid of numbersHaeufigkeitspyramide
Richardson numberRichardsonzahl
Rossby numberRossby-Zahl