
Terms for subject Medical containing matter | all forms | exact matches only
central grey matterSubstantia grisea (substantia grisea)
conducting matterLeitmaterial
faecal matterKot
foreign matter causing focal reactionsHerdstoff
gelatinous matterSubstantia gelatinosa
gray mattergraue Gehirnsubstanz (substantia grísea)
gray mattergraue Substanz
grey mattergraue Substanz (substantia grisea)
grey matter in the braingraue Gehirnzellen
infectious matteransteckendes Material
laminar heterotopic grey matterdiffuse laminäre Heterotopie
morbid matterKrankheitsstoff
organism living on dead.decaying matterSaprophyt
sclerosis of white matterLeukodystrophie
sclerosis of white matterLeukodystrophia
sebaceous matterHauttalg (sebum cutaneum)
sebaceous matterSebum cutaneum (sebum cutaneum)
sebaceous matterTalg
sebaceous matterHautfett
vaccine matterImpfstoff
white matterMarksubstanz (substantia alba)
white matterGehirnmark (substantia alba)
white matterweiße Substanz (substantia alba)
white matterweiße Hirnsubstanz (substantia alba)
white matterweisse Hirnsubstanz (substantia alba)
white matterSubstantia alba (substantia alba)
white matterCorpus medullare (corpus medullare)
white matter of cerebellumCorpus medullare (corpus medullare)