
Terms for subject Microsoft containing locking | all forms
CAPS LOCKFESTSTELLTASTE (A toggle key that, when on, shifts the alphabetic characters on the keyboard to uppercase)
coarse-grained lockundifferenzierte Sperre (A lock that applies to a large amount of code or data)
credentials lockAnmeldedatensperre (A type of device lock in Windows Mobile that requires the user to enter credentials to gain access to phone resources)
dynamic lockingdynamische Sperre (The process used by SQL Server to determine the most cost-effective locks to use at any one time)
exclusive lockexklusive Sperre (A lock that prevents any other transaction from acquiring a lock on a resource until the original lock on the resource is released at the end of the transaction)
fine-grained lockdifferenzierte Sperre (A lock that applies to a small amount of code or data)
intent lockbeabsichtigte Sperre (A lock that is placed on one level of a resource hierarchy to protect shared or exclusive locks on lower-level resources)
key range lockSchlüsselbereichssperre (A lock that is used to lock ranges between records in a table to prevent phantom additions to, or deletions from, a set of records. Ensures serializable transactions)
Lock ConferenceKonferenz sperren (A button on Conference Controls that prevents anybody else from joining the current conference)
opportunistic lockopportunistische Sperre (A lock placed by a client on a file residing on a server)
panning direction lockRichtungsarretierung nach Verschiebung (Functionality that constrains the panning direction to a primary axis. A distance threshold is used to determine the user's intent and select the primary axis)
pessimistic lockingpessimistisches Sperren (A type of locking in which the page containing one or more records, including the record being edited, is unavailable to other users when you use the Edit method, and remains unavailable until you use the Update method)
rotation lock buttonRotationssperrentaste (The button or slider on tablets and convertible tablets that rotates the display)
shared lockgemeinsame Sperre (A lock created by nonupdate (read) operations)
subsidy lockNetlock (A type of phone lock that original equipment manufacturers embed into their mobile phones at the request of mobile phone operators to prevent their use on a cellular network other than the one for which the phone was originally intended)