
Terms for subject Microsoft containing inventory | all forms | exact matches only
Catalog and Inventory Schema ManagerKatalog- und Inventarschema-Manager (A user interface in Commerce Server that allows users to edit, add, or remove catalog properties and property definitions)
Configuration Manager hardware inventoryKonfigurations-Manager-Hardwareinventur (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about hardware on Legacy Client computers in a Configuration Manager site)
Configuration Manager inventoryKonfigurations-Manager-Inventur (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about hardware and software on Advanced Client computers in a Configuration Manager site)
Configuration Manager software inventoryConfiguration Manager-Softwareinventur, Konfigurations-Manager-Softwareinventur (A Configuration Manager feature that automatically gathers information about software on clients in a Configuration Manager site)
delta inventoryDeltaintervall (A hardware or software inventory cycle that creates a delta inventory file containing all the information that was added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory. The delta inventory file is smaller than the complete inventory file)
delta inventory fileDeltainventurdatei (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle)
delta inventory fileDeltaintervalldatei (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle)
destination inventory locationLagerplatz für Ziellagerbestand (An inventory location where materials required by a final kanban production activity or transfer activity are received)
detailed inventorydetaillierte Inventur (The reading of the header area of a tape in the library to identify the on-media identifier (OMID) on each tape)
fast inventoryschnelle Inventur (The reading of the barcode of each tape in the library)
FIFO inventory valuation methodFIFO-Methode (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
first out inventory valuation methodFIFO-Methode (A method of inventory valuation in which inventory is assumed for accounting purposes to move in the order it was received, regardless of its actual physical movement)
full inventoryvollständige Inventur (An inventory method for which Removable Storage mounts each tape or disk in your library and reads the on-media identifier)
Hardware Inventory Client AgentHardwareinventurclient-Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager hardware inventory feature. It is a program running on an SMS/Configuration Manager client that gathers detailed information about the hardware in use on the client)
inventoried nameinventarisierter Name (In software inventory, the name of a company or product exactly as it appears in the header of the product files)
Inventory AgentInventur-Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager inventory feature that scans Advanced Clients and collects hardware or software inventory and reports the inventory to the SMS/Configuration Manager site database)
inventory catalogInventarkatalog (Data storage that holds inventory data for the products and variants for single or multiple product catalogs. Inventory catalogs are one of two types: the default inventory catalog that is always present and custom inventory catalogs which are added by users)
Inventory ConditionInventarzustand (The state of items in the inventory. Can be one of four values: Out of Stock, In Stock, Back-Ordered, or Pre-Ordered)
inventory decreaseLagerabgang (A transaction where items go out of inventory)
inventory increaseLagerzugang (A transaction where items come into inventory)
inventory itemLagerartikel (An itemized product that participates in an inventory process)
inventory locationLagerplatz für Lagerbestand (A functional storage facility where the stock value is recorded in accounting journals using inventory account classifications)
inventory managementLagerverwaltung (The branch of management that plans and controls the holding of inventory. Inventory management does not manage the inventory itself, but rather plans for such things as levels to maintain)
inventory on handLagerbestand (Items that are physically in stock and available to be used or sold)
inventory orderLagerauftrag (A request for items from inventory. Items might be requested by a sales order or by production)
inventory periodLagerbuchungsperiode (A defined interval of time in which users can post inventory transactions. An inventory period can be closed to prevent any value changes to inventory (expected or invoiced) from being posted with a posting date in the closed period. It is, however, possible to apply an item quantity to an open item ledger entry in a closed period)
inventory receiptLagerzugang (A transaction for the acceptance of items into inventory. An inventory receipt increases inventory on hand)
inventory registration policyLagerregistrierungsrichtlinie (A policy that controls when stock that is stored in a supermarket is registered as inventory)
inventory transactionLagerbuchung (A transaction for items moving to inventory (receipts) or from inventory (issues))
inventory turnoverLagerumschlag (The number of times in a year that a company turns inventory (sells an amount of product equal to the average investment in the product). Inventory turnover is calculated by dividing the annual cost of goods sold by the average inventory investment. Inventory turnover measures the performance of inventory)
inventory turnoverLagerumschlag (The number of times in a year that a company turns inventory (sells an amount of product equal to the average investment in the product). Inventory turnover is calculated by dividing the annual cost of goods sold by the average inventory investment. Inventory turnover measures the performance of inventory)
last in, first out inventory valuation methodLIFO-Methode (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
LIFO inventory valuation methodLIFO-Methode (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
minimum inventoryMindestbestand (The minimum desired inventory level. Inventory is replenished when it reaches the minimum level so that on-hand inventory stays above the minimum)
negative inventorynegativer Lagerbestand (A temporary negative quantity of an item, such as may occur when items have been purchased and received but for which a packing slip has not yet been processed)
negative inventorynegativer Bestand (A temporary negative quantity of an item, such as may occur when items have been purchased and received but for which a packing slip has not yet been processed)
on-hand inventoryverfügbarer Lagerbestand (Items that are physically in stock and available to be used or sold)
physical inventoryphysischer Bestand, Inventur (The actual count of inventory on hand)
projected available inventoryvoraussichtlich verfügbarer Lagerbestand (The inventory quantities that are expected to be available at a future point in time calculated by adding scheduled supply to on-hand inventory and subtracting scheduled demand)
source inventory locationLagerplatz für Quelllagerbestand (The inventory location where materials required by a kanban production activity or transfer activity are picked)
supplied inventory locationLagerplatz für Verbrauch und Wiederbeschaffung (The inventory location where an item is consumed and where the replenishment of the item is planned)