
Terms for subject Environment containing industrial | all forms | exact matches only
abandoned industrial siteindustrieller Altstandort
abandoned industrial siteAltstandort
abandoned industrial site Site that cannot be used for any purpose, being contaminated by pollutants, not necessarily radioactiveAltstandort
abandoned industrial siteAltstandorte
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial PolicyAktionsplan für Nachhaltigkeit in Produktion und Verbrauch und für eine nachhaltige Industriepolitik
catalytic purification of industrial effluentskatalytische Reinigung von Industrie-Abwasser
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Major Accident Hazards of Certain Industrial ActivitiesAusschuss zur Anppassung der Richtlinien an den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Fortschritt - Gefahren schwerer Unfälle bei bestimmten Industrietätigkeiten
Committee for the application of the regulation authorizing voluntary participation by undertakings in the industrial sector in a Community eco-management and audit schemeAusschuss für die Anwendung der Verordnung über die freiwillige Teilnahme gewerblicher Unternehmen am Gemeinschaftssystem für das Umweltmanagement und die Umweltbetriebsprüfung
Convention of the Transboundary Impacts of Industrial AccidentsÜbereinkommen über die grenzüberschreitenden Auswirkungen von Industrieunfällen
Convention on the Prevention of Industrial DisastersÜbereinkommen zur Verhütung schwerer Industrieunfälle
conversion into industrial scrapVerarbeitung zu wiederverwendbarem Schrott
discharge of industrial effluentEinleitung von Industrieabwässern
domestic and industrial wasteHaus- und Industrieabfall
European Community scheme for the evaluation and improvement of the environmental performance at industrial production sitesGemeinschaftssystem zur Bewertung und Verbesserung der umweltorientierten Leistungen an den Standorten gewerblicher Produktion
European industrial recycling companyEuropäische Industriegesellschaft für Recycling
European recycling industrial companyEuropäische Industriegesellschaft für Recycling
industrial activity Operations, functions and processes involved in industrial productionIndustrietätigkeit
industrial area Areas allocated for industry within a town-planning scheme or environmental plan. The range of industries accommodated in a plan may include: light industry, service industry, general industry, hazardous, noxious or offensive industry, waterfront industry, extractive industry. Standards are usually defined for industrial areas relating to access and roads, drainage, car parking, aesthetics, landscaping, buffer zones, noise levels, and air and water pollutionIndustriegebiet
industrial building A building directly used in manufacturing or technically productive enterprises. Industrial buildings are not generally or typically accessible to other than workers. Industrial buildings include buildings used directly in the production of power, the manufacture of products, the mining of raw materials, and the storage of textiles, petroleum products, wood and paper products, chemicals, plastics, and metalsBetriebsgebäude
industrial buildingBetriebsgebäude
industrial CO2 emissionsCO2-Emissionen der Industrie
industrial CO2 emissions-kg per 1987 US$ of GDPKohlendioxid-Emissionen der Industrie in kg pro USD des BIP 1987
industrial CO2 emissions-ktKohlendoixid-Emissionen der Industrie in 1000t
industrial CO2 emissions-metric tons per capitaKohlendoixid-Emissionen der Industrie in metrischen Tonnen pro Kopf
industrial crop Any crop that provides materials for industrial processes and products such as soybeans, cotton (lint and seed), flax, and tobaccoIndustriepflanze
industrial cropIndustriepflanze
industrial developmentIndustrielle Entwicklung
industrial dumping The disposal of any waste generated by a manufacturing or processing process by the agency or body which produced itIndustriehalde
industrial dumpingIndustriehalde
industrial dust separatorindustrieller Abscheider
industrial ecologyUmweltschutzmaßnahmen im industriellen Bereich
industrial economicsIndustrieökonomik
industrial economics The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services resulting from all manufacturing businessIndustrieökonomie
industrial economicsIndustrieökonomie
industrial effectSüss-Effekt
industrial effluentindustrielle Abwässer
industrial effluentindustrielles Abwasser
industrial effluent Materials generally discarded from industrial operations or derived from manufacturing processesIndustrieabwasser
industrial effluent treatment plantKläranlage für industrielle Abwässer
industrial emissionIndustrieemission
industrial emission Gas-borne pollutants discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks of industrial plantsIndustrieemission
industrial environment in generalIndustrieumwelt
industrial environmental policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for the protection of natural resources from pollution generated by manufacturing or business enterprisesIndustrie-Umweltpolitik
industrial environmental policyIndustrie-Umweltpolitik
industrial equipment Equipment related to industrial activitiesIndustrieausrüstung
industrial fallowindustrielle Altgebäude
industrial federationIndustrieverband
industrial fume Any smokelike or vaporous exhalation from matters or substances, especially of an odorous or harmful nature, which result from trading, commercial or manufacturing processesIndustrielles Abgas
industrial fumeIndustrielles Abgas
industrial gasestechnische Gase
industrial gasesIndustriegase
industrial gases in high pressure cylinders, LPG containers and industrial aerosol containers including halonsIndustriegase in Hochdruckgastanks, Fluessiggasbehaelter und industrielle Aerosole einschliesslich Halone
industrial heatingErzeugung von Industriewaerme
industrial heatingErzeugung von Prozesswaerme
industrial heatingIndustriefeuerung
industrial installationIndustrieanlage
industrial installationAnlagenbau
industrial installation A device, system or piece of equipment installed for a particular industryIndustrieanlage
industrial legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate working conditions or the acquisition, processing and disposal of materials by the aggregate of factories, companies and enterprises in one or more manufacturing or technically productive fieldsIndustrierecht
industrial legislationIndustrierecht
industrial manufactureindustrielle Fertigung
industrial manufacturing To make or process (a raw material) into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operationIndustrielle Fertigung
industrial manufacturingIndustrielle Fertigung
industrial materialIndustrieller Stoff
industrial material No definition neededIndustrieller Stoff
industrial medicine The branch of medicine which deals with the relationship of humans to their occupations, for the purpose of the prevention of disease and injury and the promotion of optimal health, productivity, and social adjustmentArbeitsmedizin
industrial melanismIndustriemelanose
industrial melanismIndustriemelanismus
industrial metabolismindustrieller Metabolismus
industrial noiseBetriebslärm
industrial noiseIndustrielärm
industrial noiseIndustrie- und Gewerbelärm
industrial noiseIndustrielaerm
industrial noise Noise produced by industrial plants activitiesIndustrielärm
industrial or commercialIndustriell oder kommerziell
industrial planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the manufacturing, producing and processing of goods or merchandiseIndustrieplanung
industrial plant buildingIndustrieanlage
industrial plant Plants employed in industry, e.g. cotton, flax, hemp, peanuts, etc.; organismIndustriepflanze
industrial policy Course of action adopted by national government to support and promote industrial activitiesIndustriepolitik
industrial pollutionIndustriebedingte Umweltverschmutzung
industrial pollution Pollution as a result of industrial processes and manufacturingIndustriebedingte Umweltverschmutzung
industrial processIndustrielle Verfahren
industrial process No definition neededIndustrielle Verfahren
industrial product No definition neededIndustrieprodukt
industrial production Any process of converting or transforming raw materials and other resources into goods or services which have valueIndustrieproduktion
industrial production statisticsIndustrieproduktionsstatistik
industrial production statistics No definition neededIndustrieproduktionsstatistik
industrial property right A justifiable claim granted by government or some other authority that offers protection or excludes others from making, using or selling an invention, a unique design of an article of manufacture or some other creation or discoverySchutzrecht
industrial property rightSchutzrecht
industrial rejectsIndustrieabgase und -abwässer
industrial safety Measures or techniques implemented to reduce the risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment in any facility or place involving the manufacturing, producing and processing of goods or merchandiseArbeitsschutz
industrial siteIndustriestandort
industrial site The location for the individual manufacturing firmIndustriestandort
industrial sludgeIndustrieschlamm
industrial sludge Sludge produced as a result of industrial production processes or manufacturingIndustrieschlamm
industrial society A large-scale community with diverse manufacturing sectors and an infrastructure and economy based on the science, technology and instrumental rationality of the modern WestIndustriegesellschaft
industrial structure No definition neededIndustriestruktur
industrial symbiosisIndustriesymbiose
industrial usersindustrielle Anwender
industrial wastageindustrielles Abwasser
industrial wastageindustrielle Abwässer
industrial waste Waste materials discarded from industrial operations, or derived from manufacturing processes; may be solid, sludge (wet solids) or liquid wastes and may or may not be considered hazardousIndustrieabfall
industrial wasteIndustrieabfälle
industrial waste gasIndustrieabgas
industrial waste gas Waste gases resulting from manufacturing and other industrial processes which may be treated and released, treated and reused or released without treatmentIndustrieabgas
industrial waste gasIndustrierestgas
industrial waste water Waste water that results from industrial processes and manufacturing. It may either be disposed of separately or become part of the sanitary or combined sewageIndustrieabwasser
industrial waste waterindustrielles Abwasser
industrial waste waterindustrielle Abwässer
industrial wasteland Area of land which is no longer usable for cultivation or for any other purpose after having been the site of an industrial plantIndustriebrachland
industrial wastelandIndustriebrachland
industrial wastewatersindustrielle Abwässer
industrial wastewatersindustrielles Abwasser
industrial waterNutzwasser
industrial waterIndustriewasser
industrial waterBetriebswasser
industrial working noiseBetriebslärm
industrial working noiseIndustrielaerm
industrial zoning A system of land use planning that forms zones or boundaries to be used only by manufacturing or business enterprisesIndustrieansiedlung
industrial zoningIndustrieansiedlung
lukewarm industrial effluentlauwarme gewerbliche Abwässer
major industrial accident hazardGefahr eines schweren Unfalls bei bestimmten Industrietätigkeiten
major-accident hazards of certain industrial activitiesGefahren schwerer Unfälle bei bestimmten Industrietätigkeiten
Municipal wastes and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes including separately collected fractionsSiedlungsabfaelle und ähnliche gewerbliche und industrielle Abfaelle sowie Abfaelle aus Einrichtungen, einschliesslich getrennt gesammelte Fraktionen
municipal wastes and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes including separately collected fractionsSiedlungsabfälle und ähnliche gewerbliche und industrielle Abfälle sowie Abfälle aus Einrichtungen,einschließlich getrennt gesammelte Fraktionen
noisy industrial plantlärmstarke Betriebe
noisy industrial plantLärm verursachende Industrie
obsolete industrial zoneIndustriebrache
obsolete industrial zoneindustrielle Altgebäude
periodic disposal of industrial wasteperiodische Entsorgung von Industriemüll
pollution factor for industrial sewageIndustriebeiwert
public institution of industrial and commercial nature Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issuesÖffentliche Industrie- und Handelseinrichtung
public institution of industrial and commercial natureÖffentliche Industrie- und Handelseinrichtung
redevelopment of derelict industrial landSanierung von Industriebranchen
to rehabilitate a polluted industrial siteSanierung eines verseuchten Industriestandortes
sludges from the treatment of industrial waste waterSchlaemme aus der Behandlung von industriellem Abwasser
special industrial waste Discarded material produced in any industrial process for which there is no specified mode of disposalSonderindustrieabfall
special industrial wasteSonderindustrieabfall
utilisation of industrial waste heatAbwärmeverwertung
utilisation of industrial waste heatAbwärmenutzung
vacant industrial landIndustriebrache
waste industrial gasesAbgase der Industrie
wastes from incineration of pyrolysis of municipal and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastesAbfälle aus der Verbrennung oder Pyrolyse von Siedlungs-und ähnlichen Abfällen aus Gewerbe,Industrie und Einrichtungen
wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of municipal and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastesAbfaelle aus der Verbrennung oder Pyrolyse von Siedlungs- und aehnlichen Abfaellen aus Gewerbe, Industrie und Einrichtungen
wastes from specific physico/chemical treatments of industrial wastes e.g.dechromatation,decyanidation,neutralisationAbfälle von spezifischen physikalisch-chemischen Behandlungen industrieller Abfällez.B.Dechromatisierung,Cyanidentfernung,Neutralisation
wastes from the preparation of drinking water or water for industrial useAbfaelle aus der Zubereitung von Trinkwasser oder industriellem Brauchwasser
wastes from the preparation of drinking water or water for industrial useAbfälle aus der Zubereitung von Trinkwasser oder industriellem Brauchwasser
wastes from the preparation of water intended for human consumption or water for industrial useAbfälle aus der Zubereitung von Trinkwasser oder industriellem Brauchwasser
wastes from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the preparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial useAbfälle aus Abfallbehandlungsanlagen,öffentlichen Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen und der öffentlichen Wasserversorgung
water for industrial useBrauchwasser (Industrie)
water for industrial useBrauchwasser (Industrie