
Terms for subject Microsoft containing gradient | all forms | exact matches only
gradient brushFarbverlaufspinsel (A brush that paints an area in a gradual progression from one color to another or from one shade to another shade of the same color)
gradient sliderSchieberegler für den Farbverlauf (A user interface control (typically a slider bar) that lets you select a color for a gradient stop and where the color appears in the gradient spectrum that is applied to a brush)
gradient stopFarbverlaufsstopp (A marker on a gradient spectrum that denotes where a different color is introduced. The color (and alpha) values can be unique to each stop along the gradient that a user creates)
Gradient TransformFarbverlaufstransformation (A tool that lets you alter the appearance of a gradient fill or stroke. For example, you can use the Gradient Transform tool to change where the first and last points of a gradient should appear in an object)
linear gradientlinearer Farbverlauf (A brush where one color gradually transitions into another along a line)
radial gradientradialer Farbverlauf (A brush where one color gradually transitions into another in a radial fashion)