
Terms containing fuzzy | all forms | exact matches only
gen.fast fuzzy control shellschnelle Steueroberfläche in Fuzzy-Logik
gen.fast fuzzy control shellschnelle Fuzzy-Steuerungsoberfläche
comp.fuzzy algorithmAlgorithmus mit Unschärfe
comp.fuzzy algorithmFuzzy-Algorithmus
AI.fuzzy automatonunscharfer Automat
AI.fuzzy automatonFuzzy-Automat
AI.fuzzy controlFuzzy-Steuerung
auto.ctrl.fuzzy controlFuzzyregelung
AI.fuzzy controlunscharfe Steuerung
gen.fuzzy controlFuzzy-Regelung
ITfuzzy controller"fuzzy" controller
ITfuzzy controller"fuzzy" Steuerung
AI.fuzzy decision makingungefähres Entscheiden
AI.fuzzy decision makingunscharfes Entscheiden
gen.fuzzy dicePlüschwürfel
microel.fuzzy edgeunscharfe Kante
industr., construct.fuzzy grainplüschartig
industr., construct.fuzzy grainbehaarte Faser
comp.fuzzy graphunbestimmter Graph
comp., MSfuzzy groupingFuzzygruppierung (In Integration Services, a data cleaning methodology that examines values in a dataset and identifies groups of related data rows and the one data row that is the canonical representation of the group)
gen.fuzzy headWuschelkopf
inf.fuzzy-headednicht ganz klar im Kopf
AI.fuzzy informationunscharfe Information
AI.fuzzy informationFuzzy-Information
ITfuzzy information processingVerarbeitung von unscharfen Daten
comp.fuzzy instructionunbestimmte Instruktion
comp.fuzzy instructionunscharfe Instruktion
comp.fuzzy instructionFuzzy-Instruktion
AI.fuzzy knowledgeunscharfes Wissen
comp.fuzzy logicunbestimmte Logik
gen.fuzzy logicunscharfe Logik
comp., MSfuzzy logicFuzzylogik (A form of logic used in some expert systems and other artificial-intelligence applications in which variables can have degrees of truthfulness or falsehood represented by a range of values between 1 (true) and 0 (false). With fuzzy logic, the outcome of an operation can be expressed as a probability rather than as a certainty. For example, an outcome might be probably true, possibly true, possibly false, or probably false)
commun.fuzzy logicFuzzy-Logik (includes ambiguity, data base search)
IT, R&D.fuzzy logicfusselige fuzzy Logik
ITfuzzy logicVagheitslogik
AI.fuzzy logicvage Logik
gen.fuzzy logicFuzzy-Logik
commun.fuzzy logic controlFuzzy-Steuerung
comp., MSfuzzy matchingFuzzyübereinstimmung (In Integration Services, a lookup methodology that uses an approximate matching algorithm to locate similar data values in a reference table)
AI.fuzzy measureunscharfes Maß
AI.fuzzy measureFuzzy-Maß
AI.fuzzy modelunscharfes Modell
AI.fuzzy modelFuzzy-Modell
textilefuzzy moteFaserflugansammlung
AI.fuzzy numbervage Zahl
AI.fuzzy numberFuzzy-Zahl
comp.fuzzy programmingProgrammierung mit Unschärfe
comp.fuzzy programmingFuzzy-Programmierung
AI.fuzzy reasoningungesichertes Schließen
ITfuzzy reasoningunscharfes Schließen
AI.fuzzy reasoningungefähres Urteilen
AI.fuzzy reasoningFuzzy-Schließen
commun.fuzzy searchunscharfe Suche (data base)
AI.fuzzy setF-Menge
AI.fuzzy setunscharfe Menge
AI.fuzzy setgefaserte Menge
AI.fuzzy setvage Menge
AI.fuzzy setgefranste Menge
AI.fuzzy setFuzzy-Menge
busin., ITfuzzy set theoryUnscharfe-Mengen-Theorie
AI.fuzzy-set theoryTheorie der unscharfen Mengen
ITfuzzy set theoryFuzzy-Logik
ITfuzzy set theoryVagheitslogik
ITfuzzy set theoryunscharfe Logik
math.fuzzy set theoryfuzzy set-Theorie
math.fuzzy set theoryTheoie unscharfer Mengen
AI.fuzzy-set theoryFuzzy-Mengentheorie
AI.fuzzy systemunscharfes System
gen.fuzzy systemFuzzy-System
construct.fuzzy texturefehlerhafte Glasuroberfläche mit geschlossenen und geplatzten Bläschen
busin., ITfuzzy theoryUnschärfe-Theorie
IT, dat.proc.fuzzy theoryunscharfe Logik
IT, dat.proc.fuzzy theoryFuzzy-Logik
busin., ITfuzzy theoryFuzzy-Theorie
AI.fuzzy truth valueunscharfer Wahrheitswert
AI.fuzzy truth valueFuzzy-Wahrheitswert
comp.fuzzy variableunscharfe Variable
comp.fuzzy variableFuzzy-Variable
AI.fuzzy wordunscharfes Wort
AI.fuzzy wordFuzzy-Wort
inf., slangfuzzy-wuzzy derogatory for a black personWuschelkopf
AI.iconic fuzzy setikonische Fuzzy-Menge
AI.iconic fuzzy setbildhafte Fuzzy-Menge
inf.mop of fuzzy hairWuschelkopf
gen.parallel fuzzy searchparallele fusselige Sucharbeiten
gen.temporal and fuzzy logictemporale und fusselige fuzzy Logik
gen.warm and fuzzy feelingwohlig warmes Gefühl ums Herz