
Terms for subject Technology containing degree | all forms | exact matches only
angular degreeWinkelgrad
centesimal degreeNeugrad
centesimal degreeGon
degree FahrenheitGrad Fahrenheit
degree fahrenheitGrad Fahrenheit
degree of accuracyMessgenauigkeit
degree of accuracyGenauigkeit
degree of angleWinkelgrad
degree of brightnessHelligkeitsgrad
degree of coherenceKohärenzgrad
degree of complexityKomplexitätsgrad
degree of containmentStufe des Sicherheitseinschlusses
degree of contractionVerschwächungsgrad
degree of contractionSchwindmaß
degree of coverageÜberdeckung
degree of cureAushärtungsgrad
degree of curvatureKurvigkeit
degree of depolarisationDepolarisations-grad
degree of detailFeinheitsgrad
degree of drainageGrad der Entwaesserungswirkung
degree of drainageAusmass der Entwaesserungswirkung
degree of drynessTrocknungsgrad
degree of drynessTrockenheitsgrad
degree of duration controlGrad der Dauerregelung
degree of efficiencyWirkungsgrad
degree of forcing reductionReckverschmiedungsgrad
degree of hardnessHärtegrad
degree of innovationInnovationsgrad
degree of inspectionPrüfungsgrad
degree of ionizationIonisationsgrad
degree of latitudeBreitengrad
degree of longitudeLängengrad
degree of moistureFeuchtigkeitsgrad
degree of moistureFeuchtigkeitsgehalt
degree of polarizationPolarisations-grad
degree of pollutionVerschmutzungsgrad
degree of protectionSchutzgrad
degree of protectionSchutzart
degree of purityReinheitsgrad
degree of recrystallizationRekristallisationsgrad
degree of reflectionGlanzgrad
degree of reflectionReflexionsgrad
degree of saturationV-Wert
degree of saturationSaettigungsgrad
degree of sealingVersiegelungsgrad
degree of shrinkageSchwindmaß
degree of sophisticationSchwierigkeitsgrad
degree of stimulationReizungs-stadium
degree of urgencyDringlichkeitsstufe
degree of weakeningVerschwächungsgrad
degree RankineGrad Rankine
degree scaleGradeinteilung
degrees of hardness after quenching the steelHaertegrade nach dem Haerten des Stahls
degrees per hourGrad pro Stunde
discharge degreeLadezustand
doctor's degreeDoktorwürde
doctor's degreeDoktortitel
heating degree-daysHeizgradtage
high degree of particle size uniformityhoher Grad einheitlicher Korngrößen
maximum permissible degree of fillinghochstzulässiger Füllungsgrad
method of regulating the degree of drynessRegelungsart des Trockenheitsgrades
normalization degreeNormalisierungsgrad
pollution degreeVerschmutzungsgrad
state-licensed engineer with m.s. degreeDiplomingenieur