
Terms containing conversations | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSactive conversation areaBereich für aktive Unterhaltungen (A conversation area where active conversations and associated information are displayed)
commun., ITauxiliary conversationNebengespräch
busin., ITbegin of conversationGesprächsbeginn
busin., ITbeginning of conversationGesprächsbeginn
f.trade.break in a the conversationGesprächspause
gen.break off a conversationein Gespräch abbrechen
commun., ITcall forwarding to idle station with conversationRufweiterleitung auf unbesetzten Apparat nach Meldung
AI.casual conversationkasuelle Konversation (alle Teilnehmer haben dieselbe Rolle)
gen.casual conversationsalopper Umgangston
amer.cell phone conversationHandygespräch
gen.change the topic of conversationdas Gespräch auf ein anderes Thema bringen (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.cockpit conversationsCockpitgespräche
gen.conduct a conversationein Gespräch führen
busin., ITconference conversationKonferenzgespräch
gen.confessional conversationBeichtgespräch
AI.conversation analysisKonversationsanalyse
telecom.conversation conditionGesprächszustand
nat.res.conversation feedbackKonversationsrückmeldung
comp., MSconversation handleKonversationshandle (An handle which uniquely defines a conversation)
comp., MSConversation HistoryAufgezeichnete Unterhaltungen (The folder in Outlook where instant messages and phone conversations are stored)
ed.conversation lessonKonversationsstunde
AI.conversation machineKonversationssystem
AI.conversation machineDialogsystem
el.conversation meterGesprächsmesser
microel.conversation modeDialogbetrieb
commun.conversation opinion scoreGesprächsbewertung (Yc)
AI.conversation systemKonversationssystem
AI.conversation systemDialogsystem
tel.conversation testGesprächsprüfung
commun.conversation timegebührenpflichtige Gesprächsdauer
commun.conversation timeGesprächsdauer
comp., MScurrent conversationaktuelle Unterhaltung (A conversation that you are currently having, as opposed to a past conversation)
comp., MSCurrent Conversations groupGruppe "Aktuelle Unterhaltungen" (A group, at the top of the Contact List, used to show any ongoing or open instant messaging conversations)
comp., MSDDE conversationDDE-Verbindung (The interaction between two applications that are communicating and exchanging data through special functions and code known as dynamic data exchange (DDE))
gen.deep in conversationin eine Unterhaltung vertieft
ed.child's development conversationEntwicklungsgespräch
gen.dinner conversationTischgespräch
comp., MSdynamic data exchange conversationDDE-Verbindung (The interaction between two applications that are communicating and exchanging data through special functions and code known as dynamic data exchange (DDE))
busin., ITend of conversationGesprächsende
gen.engross the conversationdie Unterhaltung dominieren
gen.enter into a conversationein Gespräch anknüpfen
law, ADRenter into a conversation withmit jdn in e-e Unterhaltung eintreten (smb.)
commun.gap in the conversationGesprächspause
amer.get into a conversation withmit jdm. ins Gespräch kommen
gen.get into conversation withmit jdm. ins Gespräch kommen
gen.have a desultory conversationeine zwanglose Unterhaltung führen
gen.He edged himself into the conversationEr mischte sich in die Unterhaltung
gen.He had lost the thread of the conversationEr hatte den Faden verloren
law, ADRhold a conversatione-e Unterredung fuhren
gen.ideogrammatic conversationideogrammatischer Dialog
comp., MSincoming conversationeingehende Unterhaltung (A conversation initiated by another user)
comp., MSincoming conversation alertBenachrichtigung über eingehende Unterhaltung (A notification that the user receives when someone is sending an invitation to the user to begin a conversation in Lync or Communicator)
comp., MSincoming conversation areaBereich für eingehende Unterhaltungen (A conversation area where incoming conversations, including phone calls, conference calls, and instant messages, are displayed)
gen.installation for secret conversationGeheimsprecheinrichtung
gen.installation for secret conversationGeheimschaltung
gen.installation for secret conversationEinrichtung für Geheimverkehr
comp., MSinstant message conversationChat (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
ed.instructional conversationUnterrichtsgespräch
comp., MSInvite to New Conversation...Zu Neuer Unterhaltung einladen... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a multi-party conversation that invites the selected person to a new conversation, separate from the current conversation)
gen.join in a conversationsich in ein Gespräch einschalten
psychol.leading a conversationGesprächsführung
gen.main topic of conversationHauptgesprächsthema
gen.mainstream conversationTagesgespräch
gen.make conversationein Gespräch führen
comp., MSMerge a ConversationUnterhaltungen zusammenführen (The heading, in the Invite menu, for the list of available conversations that a user can bring into the current conversation)
comp., MSmerge a conversationUnterhaltungen zusammenführen (To bring a separate conversation, including all its participants, into the current one)
comp., MSmissed conversationverpasste Unterhaltung (An incoming conversation that was not acknowledged by the user. Missed conversation notifications are saved and reported to the user)
gen.mobile phone conversationHandygespräch
f.trade.monopolise the conversationdas Gespräch allein bestreiten
amer.monopolize the conversationden Ton angeben
gen.off-the-record conversationHintergrundgespräch
gen.Our conversation ran dryUns ging der Gesprächsstoff aus
gen.our conversation yesterdayunser gestriges Gespräch
f.trade.participant in a conversationGesprächsteilnehmerin
gen.participant in a conversationGesprächsteilnehmer
comp., MSpending conversation areaBereich für ausstehende Unterhaltungen (A conversation area where conversations that are not active (e.g., on hold) are displayed)
comp., MSprepare a conversationUnterhaltung vorbereiten (To set up the participants of a call or instant message prior to placing the call or sending the instant message)
comp., MSprepared conversationvorbereitete Unterhaltung (A conversation in which you have set up the participants prior to placing the call or sending the instant message)
busin.private conversationvertrauliches Gespräch
gen.private conversationPrivatgespräch
comp., MSPublic ConversationsÖffentliche Unterhaltungen (A wall in Dynamics CRM for conversations that are marked as being able to be seen by the entire organization)
f.trade.record the conversationdas Gespräch aufzeichnen
comp., MSReestablish Instant Message ConversationChat wiederherstellen... (The item on the right-click menu for a participant in a conversation that reconnects the selected participant to the current conversation after disconnection)
f.trade.referring to the conversation withbezugnehmend auf das Gespräch mit
comp., MSRemove from This ConversationAus dieser Unterhaltung entfernen (An item on the right-click menu for a contact that disconnects the selected participant from the current conversation)
gen.scrap of conversationGesprächsfetzen
tech.selling conversationVerkaufsgespräch
gen.snippet of conversationGesprächsfetzen
ed.Socratic conversationsokratisches Gespräch
comp., MSStart a Video Conversation...Videounterhaltung beginnen... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
comp., MSStart an Audio Conversation...Audiounterhaltung beginnen... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
econ.subject of conversationGesprächsthema
gen.subject of conversationGesprächsgegenstand
busin.support the conversationdas Gespräch in Gang halten
busin.support the conversationGespräch in Gang halten
comp., MStabbed conversationUnterhaltung in Registerkarten (A conversation that is displayed with other conversations in one window. The conversations are loaded into sections or tabs of the window, rather than in multiple windows)
comp., MStabbed conversationsUnterhaltungen in Registerkarten (A presentation method in Messenger that allows someone to maintain multiple conversations in a tabbed view)
gen.tap into a phone conversationein Telefongespräch abhören
gen.telephone conversationTelefonat
gen.telephone conversationTelefongespräch
gen.telephone conversationsTelefongespräche
telegr.telex conversation modeTelexdialogbetrieb
gen.Their conversation ran dry.Ihnen ging der Gesprächsstoff aus.
f.trade.thread of a conversationGesprächsfaden
commun.three-way conversationDreierkonferenz
industr., construct.timer for registering the duration of telephone conversationsGespraechszaehler
gen.to be deep in conversationin ein Gespräch vertieft sein
gen.to be engrossed in conversationin ein Gespräch vertieft sein
gen.topic of conversationGesprächsgegenstand
gen.topic of conversationGesprächsthema
gen.topics of conversationGesprächsstoff
comp., MSvideo conversationVideounterhaltung (An instant message conversation in which one or both participants is broadcasting a video feed by using a camera)
comp., MSVideo ConversationVideounterhaltung (A button in the conversation window that starts a video conversation with the participants of the current conversation)