
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing coke oven | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
battery of coke ovensKoksofenbatterie
battery of coke ovensKoksofengruppe
closed coke ovengeschlossener Koksofen
coke oven batteryKoksofenbatterie
coke oven cokeHüttenkoks
coke oven cokeZechenkoks
coke oven with utilization of by-productsKoksofen für Gewinnung der Nebenerzeugnisse
coke-oven plantKokerei
door of coke ovenKoksofentür
integrated steel-works with their own coke-ovensVerbundstahlwerke mit eigenen Kokereien
purified coke oven gasKokerei- Rheingas
treated coke oven gasKokerei- Rheingas