
Terms for subject Optics branch of physics containing cell | all forms | exact matches only
barrier-layer cellHalbleiterelement (photocell)
barrier-layer cellSperrschichtelement (photocell)
barrier-layer cellHalbleiterfotoelement (photocell)
barrier-layer cellSperrschichtfotozelle (photocell)
barrier-layer cellSperrschichtzelle (photocell)
barrier-layer cellFotoelement
barrier-layer photoelectric cellHalbleiterfotoelement
barrier-layer photoelectric cellHalbleiterfotozelle
barrier-layer photoelectric cellSperrschichtfotozelle
barrier-layer photoelectric cellSperrschichtzelle
barrier-layer photoelectric cellSperrschichtelement
barrier-layer photoelectric cellHalbleiterelement
cell carriageKüvettenschlitten
cell carrierKüvettenträger
cell compartmentKüvettenraum (housing)
cell configurationZellenaufbau
cell configurationZellenanordnung
cell holderKüvettenhalter (mount)
cell mountKüvettenhalterung
cell mountFassung
cell mountingFassung
cell of small sensitive areaZelle mit kleiner empfindlicher Fläche
cell path lengthSchichtdicke der Küvette
cell temperatureKüvettentemperatur
cell wellKüvettenschacht
cell windowKüvettenfenster
Christiansen cellFilterküvette des Christiansen-Filters
contents of the cellInhalt der Küvette
demountable cellzerlegbare Küvette
desiccated cell compartmentTrockenfach für Küvetten
disassemble the lens from its celldie Linse aus ihrer Fassung ausbauen
divert the beam onto a lead sulphide cellden Strahl auf eine Bleisulfidzelle ablenken
double transit through the cellzweifacher Durchtritt durch die Küvette
echelon cellStufenküvette
edge of the unit cellKante der Elementarzelle
exit face of a cellAustrittsfläche einer Küvette
fixed path-length cellKüvette mit fester Schichtdicke
flow-through cellDurchflußküvette (cuvette)
flush the cell compartmentden Küvettenraum durchspülen
front cell focussingFrontlinseneinstellung
fused glass cellverschmolzene Glasküvette
gas cellGasküvette
glass-in-liquid cellDispersionsfilterküvette (of a Christiansen filter)
Golay cellGolay-Zelle
guide through the celldurch die Zelle leiten
heated cellHeizküvette
heated gas cellheizbare Gasküvette
inner cell of a lensInnenfassung einer Linse
Kerr cellLichtsteuerzelle
Kerr cell cameraKerr-Zellen-Kamera
Kerr cell shutterKerr-Zellen-Verschluß
large-size cellGroßzelle
lattice unit cellElementarzelle (of a crystal)
lead sulphide photoconductive cellPbS-Fotowiderstandszelle
lead sulphide photoconductive cellPbS-Fotowiderstand
lead sulphide photoconductive cellBleisulfidfotowiderstand
liquid cellFlüssigkeitsküvette
living celllebende Zelle
locate the cell in the light pathdie Küvette in den Strahlengang bringen
long path cellKüvette mit großer Schichtdicke
low temperature cellTieftemperaturzelle
measuring cellMeßküvette
mechanical cellLinsenfassung (holding a lens)
multiple fixed path-length cellKüvette mit mehreren Schichtdicken
multiple Kerr cell systemMehrfach-Kerr-Zellensystem
multiple-pass absorption cellAbsorptionsküvette mit mehrfachem Strahlendurchgang
multiple-pass sample cellKüvette mit mehrfachem Strahlendurchgang
multiple-reflection cellKüvette mit mehrfachem Strahlendurchgang
outer cell of a lensAußenfassung einer Linse
parallel-ended cellKüvette mit parallelen Endflächen
photoconductive cellauf dem inneren Fotoeffekt beruhendes halbkugelförmig
photoconductive cellWiderstandszelle (it is composed of a body semiconductor whose conductivity increases on exposure to light, plus electrodes attached to opposite ends or sides of this body)
photoconductive cellHalbleiterfotozelle mit innerem fotoelektrischen Effekt (it is composed of a body of semiconductor whose conductivity increases on exposure to light, plus electrodes attached to opposite ends or sides of this body)
photoconductive cellFotowiderstandszelle (it is composed of a body of semiconductor whose conductivity increases on exposure to light, plus electrodes attached to opposite ends or sides of this body)
photoelectric celllichtelektrische Zelle mit äußerem Fotoeffekt (a two-electrode valve, in which the cathode emits electrons when light falls upon it, the number of electrons being proportional to the incident light)
photoelectric cellFotozelle (a two-electrode valve, in which the cathode emits electrons when light falls upon it, the number of electrons being proportional to the incident light)
photoelectric cellFotoelement
photoemissive cellFotoemissionszelle (photodetector in which an electron is emitted from a photocathode by the absorption of a photon)
photoemissive cellEmissionsfotozelle (photodetector in which an electron is emitted from a photocathode by the absorption of a photon)
photojunction cellGleichrichterzelle (rectifying p-n junction device)
photovoltaic cellHalbleiterelement (no external bias is required to separate the electron-hole pairs created by photons; instead, the junction of two different materials produces a contact potential)
photovoltaic cellHalbleiterfotoelement (no external bias is required to separate the electron-hole pairs created by photons; instead, the junction of two different materials produces a contact potential)
photovoltaic cellSperrschichtelement (no external bias is required to separate the electron-hole pairs created by photons; instead, the junction of two different materials produces a contact potential)
photovoltaic cellHalbleiterfotozelle
photovoltaic cellSperrschichtzelle (s. a. Sperrschichtelement)
photovoltaic cellSperrschichtfotozelle (s. a. Sperrschichtelement)
photovoltaic cellFotoelement (no external bias is required to separate the electron-hole pairs created by photons; instead, the junction of two different materials produces a contact potential)
potassium bromide absorption cellAbsorptionsküvette mit Kaliumbromidfenster
powder cellPulverzelle
quartz cell of... cm optical path lengthQuarzküvette mit einer Schichtdicke von... cm
reference cellVergleichsküvette (cuvette)
reference cell compartmentRaum für die Vergleichsküvette
sample cellProbenküvette (cuvette)
sample cellKüvette
scatter cell windowStreuungsküvettenfenster
sealed cell with NaCl windowsKüvette mit NaCl-Fenstern
secondary cell mountingSekundärspiegelfassung
selenium cellSelenelement
selenium photovoltaic cellSelensperrschichtzelle
selenium photovoltaic cellSelenzelle
selenium photovoltaic cellSelenfotoelement (s. a. Selensperrschichtzelle)
sensing cellSehzelle
sensory cellSehzelle
separate cell mountgesonderte Linsenfassung
silicon n-p junction photovoltaic cellSiliziumsperrschichtzelle des np-Typs
silicon photovoltaic cellSiliziumfotoelement
single-crystal cellEinkristallzelle
sintered cellSinterzelle
sliding cell carriageKüvettenschieber
solar cellSonnenzelle (photovoltaic cell employed for the generation of electrical power from sunlight)
solar cellSonnenbatterie (photovoltaic cell employed for the generation of electrical power from sunlight)
solar cellSolarelement (photovoltaic cell employed for the generation of electrical power from sunlight)
standard cellStandardküvette
standard rectangular cellrechteckige Standardküvette
stoppered cellverschließbare Küvette
suck into the cellin die Küvette saugen
temperature-controlled cell holdertemperierter Küvettenhalter
test cellMeßküvette
traverse the celldie Küvette durchsetzen
traverse the celldie Küvette durchlaufen
variable path cellvariable Küvette
variable path-length cellKüvette mit variabler Schichtdicke
variable-path cellKüvette mit variabler Schichtdicke
wall of the cell wellKüvettenschachtwand