
Terms containing caller | all forms | exact matches only
commun., amer.adjustable tone callerTonrufschweller
comp., MSAllow Partially Trusted Callers AttributeAttribut zum Zulassen teilweise vertrauenswürdiger Aufrufer (An attribute that tells the CLR to remove the implicit LinkDemands. By default, strongly named, fully trusted assemblies are given an implicit LinkDemand for FullTrust on every public and protected method of every publicly visible class. Essentially, any code that someone outside of your assembly could use as an entry point into your code is protected with this demand)
commun.call waiting with caller's number indicationAnklopfen mit Anzeige
gen.caller IDRufnummernüberprüfung
comp., MScaller IDRufnummernanzeige (A feature that displays the identity of the originator of an incoming call on the device screen)
commun.caller IDAnruferkennung
commun.caller IDAnrufer-ID
comp., MSCaller IDAnrufer-ID (The identity of the originator of an incoming call)
comp.caller IDAnruferkennummer
gen.caller identificationRufnummernüberprüfung
telecom.caller identificationNamensanzeige
commun.caller identificationAnrufer-ID
commun.caller identificationAnruferkennung
busin., ITcaller identificationAnrufererkennung
comp.caller identification numberAnruferkennummer
commun.caller location informationInformationen zum Anruferstandort
econ.caller's letterpostlagernder Brief
commun.distant callerferner Teilnehmer
f.trade.enquiries from personal callersAnträge Anfragen im Publikumsverkehr
econ.go ahead, caller!Teilnehmer, bitte melden!
tel.nuisance callerKlingelstörer
commun.outside callerAmtsteilnehmer (PBX)
econ.personal callersPublikumsverkehr
comp., MSset-by-caller callbackvom Anrufer festgelegter Rückruf (In Network Connections, a form of callback in which the user supplies the telephone number that the remote access server uses for callback. This setting spares the user any long-distance telephone charges)
gen.stage callerInspizient
tel.three-tone callerDrei-Ton-Ruf
tel.tone callerTonruf
comp., MSunidentified callerunbekannter Anrufer (A caller whose caller ID information is not available)