
Terms for subject Life sciences containing boundary | all forms | exact matches only
atmospheric boundary layerPlanetary boundary layer
atmospheric boundary layeratmosphärische Grenzschicht
atmospheric boundary layerplanetarische Grenzschicht
atmospheric boundary layerGrenzschicht
boundaries of a mining fieldVierung
boundary of a mining fieldMarkscheide
boundary point in the rockErbstuffe
boundary point in the rockErbstufe
boundary springalluviale Hangquelle
boundary stone of a mining fieldTagepflock
boundary stone of a mining fieldMarkstein
boundary stone of a mining fieldLochstein
boundary stone of a mining fieldLochortstein
boundary symbolGrenzen-Kartenzeichen
boundary waterGrenzgewaesser
concentration boundaryEiskonzentrations-Grenzlinie
crust-mantle boundaryGrenze zwischen Erdkruste und Erdmantel
data for setting out the new boundariesAbsteckungsmaße
to find the underground position of a boundary stonelochsteinfällen
ice boundaryMeereisgrenzlinie
ice boundaryEisgrenzlinie
map of mining boundariesBergwerksbesitzkarte
map of mining boundariesBergwerksarealkarte
map with mining field boundariesZulegungsriss
map with mining field boundariesFeldeszulegungsriss
placing of boundary stone on a mining fieldErbvermessen
planetary boundary layerBodenreibungsschicht
plate boundaryPlattengrenze
to set out boundary stones of a mining fieldlochsteinen
slide boundaryBruchrand
smooth boundaryglatte Wandung
stake for marking boundariesMarkpflock
surface boundary layerPrandtl-Schicht
surface boundary layerbodennahe Grenzschicht
turbulent boundary layerturbulente Grenzschicht