
Terms for subject Medical containing base of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
angle of the base of the skullSchädelbasiswinkel
angle of the base planeBasiswinkel
angle of the base planeBasisebenenwinkel
annular ligament of base of stapesLigamentum anulare baseos stapedis
base of an artificial limbProthesenfuß
base of bladderHarnblasengrund (fundus vesicae urinariae)
base of lungLungenbasis (basis pulmonis)
base of noseApertura nasalis anterior (apertura piriformis)
base of prostateProstatabasis (basis prostatae)
base of stapesSteigbügelplatte (basis stapedis)
base of the bladderBlasengrund
base of the bladderHarnblasengrund Blasenboden
base of the bladderBasis vesicae
base of the bladderFundus vesicae
base of the bladderInfundibulum vesicae
base of the bladderFundus vesicae urinariae
base of the bladderBlasenboden
base of the metacarpalsBasis ossium metacarpi (basis ossium metacarpalium, basis ossium metacarpi)
base of the metacarpalsBasis ossium metacarpalium (basis ossium metacarpalium, basis ossium metacarpi)
base of the metatarsalsBasis ossium metatarsi (basis ossium metatarsalium, basis ossium metatarsi)
base of the metatarsalsBasis ossium metatarsalium (basis ossium metatarsalium, basis ossium metatarsi)
base of the noseNasenbasis (basis nasi)
base of the noseBasis nasi (basis nasi)
base of the patellaBasis patellae:Kniescheibenbasis (basis patellae)
base of the phalanxBasis phalangis (basis phalangis)
base of the renal pyramidsBasis pyramidis (basis pyramidis renalis)
base of the sacrumFacies terminalis cranialis (basis ossis sacri)
base of the sacrumKreuzbeinbasis (basis ossis sacri)
base of the sacrumBasis ossis sacri (basis ossis sacri)
base of the skullSchaedelbasis (basis cranii, basis encephali)
base of the skullSchädelbasis (basis cranii)
base of the skullBasis cranii (basis cranii, basis encephali)
base of the stapesBasis stapedis (basis stapedis)
cascade of the cranial baseBasiskaskade
centre of the base of the skullSchädelbasismitte
fissure of the base of the stapesPlatinofissur
fracture of the base of the skullSchädelbasisfraktur
index of skull base centreSchädelbasismitte-Index
inflexion of the base of the skullSchädelbasisknickung
internal base of the skullFacies interna
internal base of the skullBasis cranii interna
meningitis of the baseBasilarmeningitis
mobilization of base of stapesFußplattenmobilisation
removal of baseDebasierung
resection of base of stapesFußplattenresektion
width of the base of the skullSchädelbasisbreite