
Terms for subject Agriculture containing as of | all forms
bricks of dried manure with straw used as fuel, sometimes for buildingin Ziegelform (Heizmaterial)
bricks of dried manure with straw used as fuel, sometimes for buildinggetrockneter Kuhmist
expressed as a quantity of white sugarin Weißzuckerwert ausgedrückt
land allotted to a farm worker for his own cultivation as part of his wageDeputatland
land put at the disposal of a farm worker as a form of wageDeputatland
lean meat as percentage of carcase weightMuskelfleischanteil eines Schweineschlachtkörpers
Subgroup on Non-edible Animal Products horns, hooves, skins, wool etc. as possible Vectors of Infectious DiseasesUntergruppe " Nicht geniessbare tierische Erzeugnisse Hoerner, Klauen, Häute, Wolle usw. soweit sie gegebenenfalls Traeger von ansteckenden Krankheiten sind "
the ecological functions of wetlands as regulators of natural resourcesdie oekologische Bedeutung von Feuchtgebieten als Regulatoren des Naturhaushalts
the young farmer sets up as head of the holdingNiederlassung als Betriebsinhaber
variety planted as the result of a transferim Rahmen der Übertragung angepflanzte Sorte
water content expressed as a percentage of the fat free matterWassergehalt als Prozentanteil an der fettfreien Masse