
Terms for subject Optics branch of physics containing absolute | all forms | exact matches only
absolute accelerationabsolute Beschleunigung
absolute altitudeFlughöhe über mittlerer Bezugshöhe
absolute cumulative errorabsoluter Summenfehler (the difference between the true length of an object at standard temperature and its apparent length at the same temperature)
absolute cumulative errorMaßstabsfehler (the difference between the true length of an object at standard temperature and its apparent length at the same temperature)
absolute densityabsolute Schwärzung
absolute freedom from striaeabsolute Schlierenfreiheit
absolute location in spaceabsolute Lage im Raum
absolute luminance thresholdabsolute Leuchtdichteunterschiedsschwelle
absolute orientationabsolute Orientierung
absolute readingAbsolutanzeige
absolute readingsAbsolutanzeige
absolute registerabsolute Übereinstimmung
absolute registerabsolute Entsprechung
absolute restabsolute Ruhe
absolute scale of temperatureabsolute Temperaturskale
absolute scale of temperatureKelvin-Skale
absolute stereoscopic parallaxHorizontalparallaxe
concept of absolute restBegriff der absoluten Ruhe
detect absolute accelerationabsolute Beschleunigung nachweisen
detect absolute accelerationabsolute Beschleunigung feststellen
unattainability of absolute zeroUnerreichbarkeit des absoluten Nullpunktes