
Terms for subject Microsoft containing START | all forms | exact matches only
auto-startautomatischer Start (A feature of Windows Server AppFabric that allows a WCF or WF service to automatically start when it is created, or when IIS is started)
cold startKaltstart (A startup process that begins with turning on the computer's power. Typically, a cold boot involves some basic hardware checking by the system, after which the operating system is loaded from disk into memory)
cycle start dateAnfangsdatum des Zyklus (The beginning date of the active period on which the variable compensation award is based)
cycle start dateZyklusstart (The defined beginning of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
empty console start pageStartseite für leere Konsole (The start page that appears when no snap-ins have been added to a snap-in console (.msc file))
Fast StartSchnellstart (A feature in Bit Rate Throttling that delivers a maximum amount of data to a client's buffer before throttling is applied. Fast Start reduces startup latency in the client)
late start datespätester Anfang (The last possible date a task could be started if all predecessor and successor tasks also start and finish on their late start and late finish dates)
Office Start screenOffice-Startbildschirm (A screen that gives users quick access to recent documents and recommended templates when an Office application starts)
Pin to Start"An ""Start"" anheften" (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen)
pin to startAuf Startseite (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen)
Power button on the Start menuNetzschaltersymbol im Startmenü (The power button (that has no label) in the Windows Vista Start menu)
Quick StartSchnellstart (A virtual machine deployment that installs Remote Desktop Services on one server, creates a collection and publishes select RemoteApp programs)
Quick Start GuideErste Schritte, Schnellstarthandbuch (The initial user reference guide or piece of documentation for using a device or feature)
snap-in console start pageStartseite für Snap-In-Konsole (The start page that appears in the results pane when the snap-in console root node is selected in the tree)
snap-in start pageSnap-In-Startseite (The start page that appears in the results pane when a given snap-in is selected in the tree)
soft startVorlauf (In a preset recording interval, a starting point which includes extra buffer time allocated to a planned scheduled recording in case the program starts a little early)
Start a New Conference...Neue Konferenz beginnen... (An item on the More/Actions menu that starts a conference with the person the user selects from the corporate address book. Also an item on the right-click menu for a person that starts a conference with the person)
Start a Video Conversation...Videounterhaltung beginnen... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Start an Audio Conversation...Audiounterhaltung beginnen... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
start angleStartwinkel (The angle of rotation, between 0 and 360, at which the scale will begin. The zero (0) position is located at the bottom of the gauge, and the start angle rotates clockwise. For example, a start angle of 90 degrees starts the scale at the 9 o'clock position)
Start Application Sharing or WhiteboardAnwendungsfreigabe oder Whiteboard starten (The button on the toolbar in a conversation window that starts a sharing session with the participants of the current conversation)
Start BurnBrennvorgang starten (An option that starts the CD burning process)
Start buttonStarttaste (The hardware button on the phone, pressed to pressed to go to the Start screen)
START buttonSchaltfläche "Start" (A hardware button on Portable Media Center)
start capLinienanfang (The start of a line)
Start charmCharm "Start" (The charm that takes users to the Start screen)
start dateStartdatum (The date when a project or task is scheduled to begin)
Start HereBeginnen Sie hier: (A phrase that clearly indicates to the customer to begin reading instructions at this point)
Start menuStartmenü, Menü "Start" (A menu containing important and frequently used programs, folders, and utilities. To open the Start menu, click the Start button on the taskbar)
Start Microsoft Office Live MeetingMicrosoft Office Live Meeting starten (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office Live Meeting program)
Start Microsoft Office Live Meeting...Microsoft Office Live Meeting starten... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a Live Meeting session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Start Microsoft Office OneNoteMicrosoft Office OneNote starten (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office OneNote program)
Start new experience screenNeustartbild (The screen that appears when a Surface unit times out (that is, when a Surface unit doesn't receive any contact for a while). The Start new experience screen enables users to return to the previously running application or to start a new experience)
start pointStartpunkt (The beginning of a path)
Start screenStartbildschirm (A screen that gives users quick access to recent documents and recommended templates when an Office application starts)
Start screenStartseite (The Home screen of an unlocked Windows Phone)
Start Sharing...Freigabe starten... (An item on the Actions menu that starts a sharing session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
warm startWarmstart (The restarting of a running computer without first turning off the power)