
Terms for subject Nuclear physics containing S/S | all forms
Agency's safeguards systemIAEO-Sicherheitskontrollsystem
Agency's safeguards systemSicherheitskontrollsystem der IAEO
Bonner's multisphere systemModeratorkugelsystem
Bragg's lawBraggsche Gleichung (on Xray, electron and neutron reflection)
Bragg's reflection conditionBraggsche Gleichung
Campbell's methodCampbell-Verfahren
Chaoul's methodChaoulsche Nahbestrahlung
d'Alembert's paradoxD'Alembertsches Paradoxon
d.s. projectiond.s.-Projektion
d.s. projectionDextro-sinister-Projektion
Fowler's equationFowler-Gleichung (for average number of ions)
IAEA's safeguards systemIAEO-Sicherheitskontrollsystem
IAEA's safeguards systemSicherheitskontrollsystem der IAEO
Miller's tradeMuellerei
Mohr's saltEisenII-ammoniumsulfat (for the Fricke dosimeter)
nuclear power station's auxiliariesNebenanlagen des Kernkraftwerks
Radon's equationRadonsche Gleichung (in image reconstruction)
Reynold's numberReynoldsche Zahl
Reynold's numberReynolds Zahl
Ruhmkorff's induction coilInduktionsspule
S423 spatial frequencyOrtsfrequenz
S480 spot-film deviceZielaufnahmegerät
s.d. projections.d.-Projektion
s.d. projectionSinistro-dexter-Projektion
s-diphenyletheneStilben (C6H5 — CH = = CH — C6H5, a scintillant)
Secretary General/High Representative's Personal Representative for non-proliferation of weapons of mass destructionBeauftragte der EU für Nichtverbreitung und Abrüstung
S-N unitSabouraud-Noiré-Einheit (for X-rays)
S-N unitSN-Einheit (for X-rays)
S-N unitSabouraud-Noiré (for X-rays)
State's system of accountancy accounting for and controlstaatliches Nachweisführungs- und Kontrollsystem (of nuclear material)
Villard's rectifier circuitVillard-Schaltung (e.g. for X-ray tubes)
Young's modulusElastizitaetsmodul (i.e. modulus of elasticity)