
Terms for subject Fish farming pisciculture containing S/S | all forms
Allison's tunaGelbflossenthun (Neothunnus albacora, Neothunnus macopterus, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus albacores)
Allison's tunaAlbacore (Neothunnus albacora, Neothunnus macopterus, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus albacores)
Baird's smooth-headGlattkopf (Alepocephalus bairdii)
Blainville's spurdogBlainvilles Dornhai (Squalus blainville, Squalus fernandinus, Squalus blainvillei)
Canestrini's gobyCanestrini-Grundel (Pomatoschistus canestrinii)
Convention concerning Fishermen's Articles of AgreementÜbereinkommen über den Heuervertrag der Fischer
Convention concerning Fishermen's Certificates of CompetencyÜbereinkommen über die Befähigungsnachweise der Fischer
Couch's sea breamGewöhnliche Sackbrasse (Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus), Pagrus vulgaris, Sparus pagrus)
couch's sea breamSackbrasse (Sparus pagrus)
to depend on fishing for one's livelihoodvon der Fischerei leben
diver's ladderTaucherleiter
dog's tooth breamZahnbrasse (Dentex dentex (Linnaeus), Dentex vulgaris)
double weaver's knotdoppelter Schotstek
double weaver's knotdoppelter Schotenstek
Europe's Fisheries Policies "Blue Europe"Blaues Europa
Grohman's scaldfishThors-Lammzunge (Arnoglossus moltoni, Arnoglossus thori)
Gunther's nototheniaGünthers Notothenia (Notothenia guentheri, Patagonotothen brevicauda guntheri)
Hoven's carpSiambarbe (Leptobarbus hoeveni, Leptobarbus hoevenii)
Hoven's carpRotschwanzbarbe (Leptobarbus hoeveni, Leptobarbus hoevenii)
Hoven's carpHovens Karpfen (Leptobarbus hoeveni, Leptobarbus hoevenii)
improvement of crew's living quartersRenovierung der Mannschaftsräume
Kathleen's icefishAugenfleck-Eisfisch (Chionodraco rastrospinosus)
kelly's eyeOchsenauge
Klein's soleSchwarzrand-Seezunge (Pegusa kleinii, Solea kleinii(Bonaparte,1833), Synapturichthys kleinii)
Kuhl's scorpionfishKuhls Drachenkopf (Pontinus kuhlii)
miller's thumbTulzbull (Cottus gobio)
miller's thumbKoppe (Cottus gobio)
miller's thumbKaulkopf (Cottus gobio)
miller's thumbGroppe (Cottus gobio)
Nilsson's pipefishKleine Seenadel (Syngnathus rostellatus)
Osbeck's grenadier anchovyGrenadieranchovy (Coilia mystus)
Panizza's gobyPanizza-Grundel (Knipowitschia panizzae)
Panizza's gobyGhiozzo (Knipowitschia panizzae)
Ray's breamBrachsenmakrele (Brama brama (Bonnaterre))
ray's breamBrachsenmakrele (Brama brama, brama rayi)
Resolution on large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing and its impact on the living marine resources of the world's oceans and seasResolution über die Fischerei mit großen Hochseetreibnetzen und ihre Folgen auf die biologischen Ressourcen der Ozeane und Meere
risso's dolphinRisso's delphin (Grampus griseus)
Saint Andrew's crossAndreaskreuze
Saint Andrew's crossAndreaskreuz
That's a different kettle ofDas steht auf einem anderen Blatt.
Vladikov's lampreyVladikov-Lamprete (Eudontomyzon vladykovi)
Vladikov's lampreyVladikov-Bachneunauge (Eudontomyzon vladykovi)
weaver's knotSchotstek
weaver's knotWeberknoten
weaver's knoteinfacher Schotenstek
weaver's knotSchotenstek
weaver's knotFischerknoten