
Terms for subject Health care containing Protein | all forms | exact matches only
animal proteintierisches Protein
antibody that reacts with the core proteinAntikörper, der mit dem Kern reagiert
antibody that reacts with the envelope proteinAntikörper, der mit dem Hüllprotein reagiert
automated protein analyser and synthesizerautomatisierte Protein-Analyse und-Synthese
automated protein analyzer and synthesizerautomatisierte Protein-Analyse und-Synthese
awd proteinProtein awd
bioactive proteinbioaktives Protein
building blocks of proteinGrundbausteine der Proteine
catabolite activator proteinkatabolitisches Aktivierungsprotein
CD4 proteinCD4-Protein
cell protein markerzellulärer Marker
cell-surface activator proteinaktivierendes Protein an der Zelloberfläche
cell-surface proteinauf der Zelloberfläche sitzendes Protein
cellular protein kinasezelleigene Proteinkinase
cellular protein NF-kBProtein namens NF-kB
core proteinKernprotein
deficient proteinMangel an einem Protein
early proteinfrühes Protein
entomopathogenic proteininsektenpathogenes Protein
envelope proteinHüllprotein
envelope transmembrane proteinTransmembran-Protein
extraction of proteins produced by tumor cellsExtraktion der von den Krebszellen produzierten Proteine
foreign human proteinfremdes menschliches Protein
functional site of a proteinfür die Funktion wichtiger Bereich eines Proteins
G proteinsG-Proteine
group-specific proteingruppenspezifisches Protein
heat-shock proteinHitzeschock-Gene
hydrolysed proteinhydrolysiertes Protein
immunogenic viral proteinimmunogenes Virusprotein
inner protein coatinnere Proteintunica
large envelope proteingroßes Hüllprotein
lethal proteinzytotoxisches Protein
loop of a proteinSchleife eines Proteins
major envelope proteinHaupthüllprotein
metastasis suppressor proteinSuppressorprotein der Metastasierung
middle envelope proteinmittleres Hüllprotein
myelin basic proteinbasisches Protein der Myelinscheiden
myosin proteinMyosin
nef proteinnef-Protein
nef proteinnegatives Regulationsprotein
negative regulatory factor proteinnegatives Regulationsprotein
negative regulatory factor proteinnef-Protein
negative regulatory proteinnegatives Regulationsprotein
negative regulatory proteinnef-Protein
normal PrPc proteinnormales PrPc-Protein
pathogenic PrPsc proteinpathogenes PrPsc-Protein
pit of a proteinVertiefung eines Proteins
precursor of a proteinVorläufer eines Proteins
precursor proteinVorläuferprotein
processed animal proteinverarbeitetes tierisches Eiweiss
protein activationProteinaktivierung
protein and fat dietEiweiß-Fettdiät
protein backboneAminosäurekette
protein-cleaving enzymeProteinase
protein-cleaving enzymeproteolytisches Enzym
protein-cleaving enzymeProtease
protein-cleaving enzymeeiweißspaltendes Enzym
protein coatProteinmantel
protein designProteinstruktur
protein-energy deficiencyProtein-und Energiemangel
protein-free dieteiweißlose Futtermittel
protein kinaseKinase
protein kinase CProteinkinase C
protein knobProteinnoppe
protein levelProteingehalt
protein moleculeProteinmolekül
protein moleculeEiweißmolekül
protein of crop originpflanzliches Eiweiß
protein-production machineryProteinsynthese-Apparat
protein restEiweissrast
protein signalsProtein als Botstoff
protein stabilityEiweissstabilitaet
purification of proteins produced by tumor cellsReinigung der von den Krebszellen produzierten Proteine
purified protein derivativegereinigtes Tuberkulin
recombinant human proteinrekombinantes Humanprotein
regulator of virion-protein expression generev-Gen
single-cell proteineinzelliges Protein
single-cell proteinEinzellerprotein
single-cell proteinEinzellereiweiss
steady level of tat and rev proteinskonstante Menge an tat- und rev-Proteinen
storage proteinVorratsprotein
storage proteinSpeicherprotein
stress proteinStreßprotein
surface protein of virusOberflächenprotein des Virus
synthesis and secretion of proteinsHerstellung und Sekretion von Proteinen
synthetic fragment of a proteinkünstlich hergestelltes Fragment eines Proteins
tissue-typing proteinindividualtypisches Protein
toxic proteintoxisches Protein
transmembrane proteinTransmembran-Protein
tumour marker proteinProteintumormarker
tumour marker proteinTumormarkerprotein
type-specific proteintypenspezifisches Protein
viral proteinvirales Protein
viral proteinVirionprotein
viral-protein synthesisSynthese der Virus-Proteine
virion proteinVirionprotein
virion proteinvirales Protein