
Terms for subject Environment containing Planning | all forms | exact matches only
acoustical planningakustische Planung
Action Plan on LandscapesAktionsplan für Landschaften
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial PolicyAktionsplan für Nachhaltigkeit in Produktion und Verbrauch und für eine nachhaltige Industriepolitik
Adriatic Sea Environmental Master PlanUmweltschutzrahmenplan für das Adriatische Meer
African Elephant Action PlanAktionsplan für den afrikanischen Elefanten
agricultural planning The development of plans and measures to achieve greater and more efficient output from agriculture; a sound agricultural policy should be able to reconcile three basic needs: the production of food and agricultural products, the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the socio-economic structure of rural areasAgrarplanung
agricultural planningAgrarplanung
agriculture framework planLandwirtschaftsrahmenplan
agriculture framework plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of soil, crops and livestockLandwirtschaftsrahmenplan
Air Quality Maintenance PlanLuftreinhalteplan
airspace planning The activity of organizing or preparing for transportation through the atmosphere above earth's surfaceLuftraumplanung
area development planEinzeleinrichtungsplan
area of special planning controlLandschaftsschutzgebiet
Bali Action PlanBali-Aktionsplan
Bali Action PlanAktionsplan von Bali
Blue Plan on the MediterraneanAktionsplan für den Mittelmeerraum Blue Plan
building planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for future construction or reconstruction of edifices and facilitiesBauleitplanung
building planningBauleitplanung
coastal zone planning The objective of coastal management and planning is the preservation of coastal resources whilst simultaneously satisfying the sometimes conflicting interests and requirements of protection, development, usage and conservationKüstengebietsplanung
coastal zone planningKüstengebietsplanung
Commission for Spatial Planning, Urban Issues, Energy and EnvironmentFachkommission "Raumordnung, Städtefragen, Energie, Umwelt"
Committee on the Environment, Regional Planning and Local AuthoritiesAusschuss für Umwelt, Landesplanung und Kommunalbehörden
conditioning plan for the siteNachrüstprogramm
Coordinating Unit of the Mediterranean Action PlanKoordinierungsstelle für den Mittelmeer-Aktionsplan
departmental plan for the elimination of domestic and related wasteDepartementplan über die Beseitigung von Abfällen aus Haushalten und diesen gleichgestellten Abfällen
development planning The act or process of formulating a course of action that promotes the economic advancement of a region or people, particularly in countries known to have low levels of economic productivity and technological sophisticationEntwicklungsplanung
disaster contingency plan An anticipatory emergency plan to be followed in an expected or eventual disaster, based on risk assessment, availability of human and material resources, community preparedness, local and international response capability, etc.Katastrophenplan
disaster contingency planKatastrophenplan
drinking water action planPlan zur Sanierung von Trinkwasser
economic planning An economy in which prices, incomes etc. are determined centrally by government rather than through the operation of the free market, and in which industrial production is governed by an overall national planWirtschaftsplanung
educational planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the training, instruction or study that leads to the acquisition of skills or knowledge, or the development of reasoning and judgmentBildungsplanung
emergency plan Program of procedures to be undertaken in the event of a sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action, especially an incident of potential harm to human life, property or the environmentNofallplan
emergency planNofallplan
emergency response planNoteinsatzplan
Environment Action PlanUmweltaktionsplan
Environmental Action PlanUmwelt-Aktionsplan
environmental contingency planning The production of an organized, programmatic and coordinated course of action to be followed in the case of some accident, disaster or occurrence threatening an ecosystem and the human health or natural resources within itUmweltkontingenzplanung
environmental contingency planningUmweltkontingenzplanung
environmental planning The identification of desirable objectives for the physical environment, including social and economic objectives, and the creation of administrative procedures and programmes to meet those objectivesUmweltplanung
environmental planningUmweltplanung
environmental protection planUmweltschutzplan
Environmental Technologies Action PlanAktionsplan für Umwelttechnologie
EU Action Plan to 2010 and BeyondEU-Aktionsplan bis zum Jahr 2010 und darüber hinaus
EU Biodiversity Action PlanEU-Aktionsplan bis zum Jahr 2010 und darüber hinaus
European Research Institute for Regional and Urban PlanningEuropäisches Forschungsinstitut für Regional- und Stadtplanung
family planning The control of the number of children in a family and of the intervals between them, especially by the use of contraceptivesFamilienplanung
Flood Action PlanFlutkatastrophenplan
Flood Action PlanAktionsplan gegen Flutkatastrophen
German-Dutch Committee on Town and Country PlanningNiederländisch-deutscher Ausschuss für Raumordnung
Gleneagles Plan of ActionAktionsplan von Gleneagles
Global Plan of ActionGlobaler Aktionsplan für die Erhaltung und nachhaltige Nutzung pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft
Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and AgricultureGlobaler Aktionsplan für die Erhaltung und nachhaltige Nutzung pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft
Green Space Structure PlanStrukturplan für Grünräume
heat load planWaermelastplan
industrial planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the manufacturing, producing and processing of goods or merchandiseIndustrieplanung
integrated management plan for catchment areasintegrierter Plan für die Einzugsbereiche
Johannesburg Plan of ImplementationImplementierungsplan von Johannesburg
Johannesburg Plan of ImplementationJohannesburger Implementierungsplan
Johannesburg Plan of ImplementationUmsetzungsplan von Johannesburg
Johannesburg Plan of ImplementationDurchführungsplan von Johannesburg
key planning decisionPlanfeststellungsverfahren
key planning decisionPlanfeststellungsbeschluss
land management and planning Operations for preparing and controlling the implementation of plans for organizing human activities on landRaumordnung und -planung
land management and planningRaumordnung und -planung
land planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for the future use of solid areas of the earth's surface, especially regions valued for natural resources, utilized as agricultural resources or considered for human settlementLandplanung
land use plan The key element of a comprehensive plan; describes the recommended location and intensity of development for public and private land uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and agriculturalFlächennutzungsplan
land use planFlächennutzungsplan
land use planning The interdisciplinary process of evaluating, organising, and controlling the present and the future development and use of lands and their resources in terms of their suitability on sustained yield basis. Includes an overall ecological evaluation in terms of specific kinds of uses as well as evaluations of social, economic, and physical contexts to the land concernedFlächennutzungsplanung
land use planningFlächennutzungsplanung
land use planning and environmental protectionLandespflege
land use planning and managementRaumordnung und -verwaltung
landscape planning The aspect of the land use planning process that deals with physical, biological, aesthetic, cultural, and historical values and with the relationships and planning between these values, land uses, and the environmentLandschaftsplanung
landscape planningLandschaftsordnung
landscape planningLandschaftspflege
landscape planningLandschaftsgestaltung
landscape planningLandschaftsplanung
low-carbon growth planPlan für ein emissionsarmes Wachstum
meeting of the Ministers of Spatial Planning of the European Union in Noordwijk in June 1997Treffen der Minister für Raumordnung der Europäischen Union in Noordwijk im Juni 1997
minimal cost planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the production of goods or services at an output that would require the lowest possible expenditure of money, time or laborMinimalkostenplanung
minimal cost planningMinimalkostenplanung
Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the EnvironmentMinister für Wohnungswesen, Raumordnung und Umwelt
municipal environment plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of a city or town's natural or ecological resourcesStädtischer Umweltplan
National Allocation Plannationaler Plan für die Zuteilung von Zertifikaten für Treibhausgasemissionen
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plannationale Strategie und Aktionsplan zugunsten der Artenvielfalt
national emission reduction plannationaler Emissionsverminderungsplan
National Environmental Policy PlanNationales Maßnahmenprogramm für die Umweltpolitik
National Hydrological Plan of SpainSpanischer Nationaler Hydrologischer Plan
national planning The step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of actions to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives for a country or a large body of people associated with a particular territory, often sharing similar ethnic backgrounds, customs and languageLandesplanung
Network Land Planning ObservatoryEuropäisches Raumbeobachtungsnetzwerk
noise exposure planLärmexpositionsplan
noise exposure plan A formulated or systematic method to prevent the effects of being subjected to loud or harsh soundsLärmexpositionsplan
on-site emergency planinnerbetrieblicher Gefahrenabwehrplan
physical planning A form of urban land use planning which attempts to achieve an optimal spatial coordination of different human activities for the enhancement of the quality of lifeRaumplanung
physical planningRaumordnung
phytosanitary risk management planRisikomanagementplan fürPflanzengesundheit
plan for protecting public healthPlan zum Schutz der öffentlichen Gesundheit
plan for protecting the environmentUmweltschutzplan
planning and building permissionBaugenehmigung
planning and management of land resourcesPlanung und Bewirtschaftung der Bodenressourcen
planning law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to organize, designate and regulate land use within its domain through zoning laws, subdivision regulations, rent and sign controls, growth management and other measures designed to protect human health and ecological integrityPlanungsrecht
planning measurePlanungsmaßnahme
planning measure A procedure or course of action taken to design, organize or prepare for the futurePlanungsmaßnahme
planning permission An authorization, license or equivalent control document issued by a government agency that approves a step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of action to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectivesPlanfeststellung
planning permissionPlanfeststellung
Planning-Programming-Budgeting System A system to achieve long-term goals or objectives by means of analysis and evaluation of the alternatives. PPB is designed to solve problems by finding the most effective and most efficient solution on the basis of objective criteriaPlanning-Programming-Budgeting
Planning-Programming-Budgeting SystemPlanning-Programming-Budgeting
Policy Document on Town and Country PlanningBericht zur Raumordnung
policy planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate any course of action that may be adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organizationPolitikplanung
policy planningPolitikplanung
regional plan for the management of wasteregionaler Plan für die Behandlung der Abfälle
regional planning The step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of actions to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives for a designated area or an administrative division of a city, county or larger geographical areaRegionalplanung
regional planning requirementsBebauungs- und Flächenplan
risk exposure plan A scheme or method of acting that takes effect if the probability of harm to an area or its population increases beyond a normal levelRisikoexpositionsplan
risk exposure planRisikoexpositionsplan
river basin management planBewirtschaftungsplan für die Einzugsgebiete
route planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for the construction of boulevards, turnpikes, highways and other roadsTourenplan
route planningTourenplan
rural management and planning The activity or process of overseeing and preparing for the future physical arrangement and condition of any agricultural or pastoral area, which may involve protecting and developing natural and human resources that affect an area's economic vitalityLändliche Raumplanung
SCP/SIP Action PlanAktionsplan für Nachhaltigkeit in Produktion und Verbrauch und für eine nachhaltige Industriepolitik
Shelter Implementation PlanShelter Implementation Plan
Spanish National Hydrological PlanSpanischer Nationaler Hydrologischer Plan
spatial planningRaumordnung
Steering Committee for Regional PlanningLenkungsausschuss für Regionalplannung
Strategic Plan for BiodiversityStrategischer Plan für Biodiversität
Strategic Plan for BiodiversityStrategischer Plan für biologische Vielfalt
Strategic Plan for BiodiversityStrategieplan für die biologische Vielfalt
Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the MediterraneanAktion der Gemeinschaft zum Schutz der Umwelt im Mittelmeerraum
tracking planZielverfolgungsplan
tracking plan A formulated or systematic method for following or tracing environmentally related issues or concernsZielverfolgungsplan
transport planning A programme of action to provide for present and future demands for movement of people and goods. Such a programme is preceded by a transport study and necessarily includes consideration of the various modes of transportTransportsystemplanung
transport planningTransportsystemplanung
Tropical Forestry Action PlanTropenwald-Aktionsplan
Tropical Forestry Action PlanAktionsplan für die tropische Forstwirtschaft
urban planning The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for the future lay-out and condition of a city or townStadtplanung
urban planning and development The activity or process of preparing for the future arrangement and condition of an urban center, particularly the development of its physical lay-out, which would include the construction, reconstruction, conversion, alteration or enlargement of buildings and other structures, and the extension or use of undeveloped landStadtplanung und -entwicklung
urban planning and developmentStadtplanung und -entwicklung
urban planning standardsPlanungsrichtlinien
waste management planAbfallwirtschaftsplan
waste management planAbfallbewirtschaftungsplan
World Plan of Action on the Ozone LayerWeltaktionsplan für die Ozonschicht