
Terms for subject Communications containing Narrow | all forms | exact matches only
ITU-T CCITT recommendation relating to the technical requirements for narrow-band up to 1929 kb/s video communication servicesH.320 (It is also the generic recommendation governing all other H-series recommendations)
narrow-band equipmentSchmalbandgerät
narrow-band filterSchmalbandfilter
narrow-band FMSchmalband-FM
narrow-band ISDNSchmalband-ISDN
narrow-band noise in the sending directionschmalbandiger Geräuschpegel in Senderichtung
narrow-band polarizerSchmalbandpolarisationsgerät
narrow-band radiotelex-telegraph equipment for receiving maritime, meteorological and navigational informationAusrüstung von Schmalband-Funktelex zum Empfang von maritimen, meteorologischen und navigatorischen Mitteilungen
narrow-band receiverSchmalbandempfänger
narrow-band serviceSchmalband-Dienst (e.g. telephone, videophone)
narrow-band signalSchmalbandsignal
narrow-band telephone networkschmalbandiges Telefonnetz
narrow-beam antennascharfbündelnde Antenne