
Terms containing Login | all forms | exact matches only
inet.login accessAnmeldezugriff (Andrey Truhachev)
inet.login accessLogin-Zugang (Andrey Truhachev)
comp.login authorizationZugangsberechtigung
inet.login dataEinlogdaten (Andrey Truhachev)
inet.login dataZugangsdaten (Andrey Truhachev)
comp., MSlogin IDAnmelde-ID (" A string that is used to identify a user or entity to an operating system, directory service, or distributed system. For example, in Windows® integrated authentication, a login name uses the form "DOMAIN\username.")
comp.login messageAnmeldenachricht
comp.login nameBenutzeridentität
comp.login nameregistrierter Name
comp.login nameBenutzemame
comp.login requestAnmeldeanforderung
comp., MSlogin scriptAnmeldeskript (A file, typically a batch file, that runs automatically every time a user logs on to a computer or network. It can be used to configure a user's working environment whenever a user logs on, and it allows an administrator to influence a user's environment without managing all aspects of it. A logon script can be assigned to one or more user accounts)
comp., MSlogin security modeAnwendungssicherheitsmodus (A security mode that determines the manner in which an instance of SQL Server validates a login request)
comp., net.remote loginFernzugriff
comp., MSremote login identificationRemotebenutzername (The login identification assigned to a user for accessing remote procedures on a remote server)
comp., MSSQL Server loginSQL Server-Anmeldung (An account stored in SQL Server that allows users to connect to SQL Server)