
Terms for subject Banking containing Joint | all forms | exact matches only
joint accountOderkonto
joint adventuremetageschäft
joint and several bondvon zwei oder mehr Schuldnern garantierte Schuldverschreibung
joint and several debtorsSolidarschuldner
joint custody accountOderdepot
joint custody accountGemeinschaftsdepot
joint debtorsSolidarschuldner
joint guaranteeselbstschuldnerische Bürgschaft
joint guaranteeSolidarbürgschaft
joint guarantorselbstschuldnerischer Bürge
joint ownership of subsequently acquired propertyZugewinngemeinschaft
joint ownership of subsequently acquired propertyErrungenschaftsbeteiligung
joint propertyGesamteigentum
joint safekeeping accountOderdepot
joint safekeeping accountGemeinschaftsdepot
joint venturemetageschäft
partner in joint accountTeilhaber auf gemeinsame Rechnung