
Terms for subject Environment containing Economy | all forms | exact matches only
carbon-free economykohlendioxidfreie Wirtschaft
carbon-free economyCO2-freie Wirtschaft
decarbonisation of the economyUmstellung auf eine CO2-arme Wirtschaft
decarbonisation of the economyDekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft
dual economy An economy based upon two separate/distinct economic systems which co-exist in the same geographical space. Dualism is characteristic of many developing countries in which some parts of a country resemble advanced economies while other parts resemble traditional economies, i.e. there are circuits of production and exchangeDualwirtschaft
dual economyDualwirtschaft
environmental economy issue A matter of public importance involving both a community's or a country's management of financial resources and its protection of natural resourcesUmweltökonomische Angelegenheiten
Green Economy InitiativeGreen Economy Initiative
market economy A mixed economy that relies heavily on markets to answer the three basic questions of allocation, but with a modest amount of government involvement. While it is commonly termed capitalism, market-oriented economy is much more descriptive of how the economy is structuredMarktwirtschaft
national economy A nation's financial resources and its financial management, with a view towards its productivityVolkswirtschaft
water economyBewirtschaftung der Wasservorkommen