
Terms for subject Life sciences containing Drilling | all forms | exact matches only
diamond drillingDiamantbohrung
drill stem for percussion well drilling machineBohrstange für Schlagtiefbohrgeraete
drilling jarRutschschere
drilling machine setter-operatorBohrmeister
drilling machine setter-operatorBohrer
drilling siteBohrplatz
drilling stringStrang
drilling stringBohrgarnitur
exploring drillingUntersuchungsbohrung
exploring drillingErkundungsbohrung
geological map based on the results of drilling exploitationBohrriss
map of drilling pointsBohrfeldkarte
map of oil drillings with production dataProduktionsriss
percussion drillingstossende Bohrung
percussion drillingStossbohrung
subterrene melt-drillingSubterrene-Verfahren
subterrene melt-drillingSchmelzbohrverfahren