
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Association | all forms | exact matches only
association classAssoziationsklasse (A class that describes a relationship between two classes or between instances of two classes. The properties of an association class include pointers, or references, to the two classes or instances)
association endAssoziationsende (The end of a binary or other association where it connects to a class. By associating properties with an association end, you can indicate the role or direction)
Association Française de Normalisation certificationZertifizierung der Association Française de Normalisation (A certification that accounting software is legally compliant with French legislation for electronic accounting)
association lineZuordnungslinie (A line leading from a field or property to a shape that represents that field or property's type)
association setZuordnungssatz (A logical container for instances of associations of the same type)
binary associationbinäre Assoziation (In a static structure diagram, a relationship between exactly two classes. You can add name and stereotype properties to a binary association. The point where a binary association connects to a class is an association end or role)
cross-model associationmodellübergreifende Zuordnung (A relationship that allows users to define links between reference data elements to enable fact data movement)
dimension associationDimensionszuordnung (A relationship between source model dimensions and destination model dimensions. One or more of these can exist for each model association)
Electronics Industries AssociationUS-amerikanischer Verband von Herstellern elektronischer Produkte, Electronics Industries Association (An association based in Washington, D.C., with members from various electronics manufacturers. It sets standards for electronic components. RS-232-C, for example, is the EIA standard for connecting serial components)
foreign key associationFremdschlüsselzuordnung (An association between entities that is managed through foreign key properties)
independent associationunabhängige Zuordnung (An association between entities that is represented and tracked by an independent object)
member associationElementzuordnung (A relationship between a source dimension member and a destination dimension member. One or more of these can exist for each dimension association)
model associationModellzuordnung (A relationship that allows users to define links between reference data elements to enable fact data movement)
n-ary associationn-äre Assoziation (In a static structure diagram, an association among three or more classes (a single class may appear more than once). Each instance of the association is an ordered set of values from the respective classes)
online identity associationOnline-Identitätszuordnung (The binding of an online identity with the user account on a given PC. Once the association exists, the online identity can be used as a pointer to the user account. For example, with remote media connection, the online identity can be used to point to PC names and IP addresses)
Remove associationZuordnung entfernen (An option that allows the user to remove the link between an item and a To Do)
security associationSicherheitszuordnung (A combination of identifiers, which together define Internet Protocol security (IPsec), that protects communication between sender and receiver)