
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Acquisition | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition dateAnschaffungsdatum (The date that an asset is acquired)
aggressive address acquisition retryWiederholung des aggressiven Adressbezugs (A registry setting that allows the DHCP client to transmit more messages to the server to obtain an IP address when the PC is in connected standby mode. This setting can increase power consumption but can also help resolve IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) problems more quickly)
data acquisitionDatengewinnung (The process of obtaining data from another source, usually one outside a specific system)
license acquisitionLizenzerwerb (The process of obtaining a license to play content that is protected with usage rights and restrictions policies)
Strategic Merger or Acquisition EvaluationBeurteilung der Fusions- und Akquisitionsstrategie (A template that addresses, from a Strategic Business Development perspective, the general activities that a company goes through to determine their business growth strategy. The roadmap includes understanding market position, evaluating trade-offs between mergers/acquisitions and internal development, evaluating M&A candidates and placing valuation on target companies)