English | German |
Access Web Services API | Access-Webdienste-API (An API that provides programmatic access to the capabilities on SharePoint) |
Accessibility API | Barrierefreiheits-API (An API that contains controls and features that facilitate accessibility) |
API call | API-Aufruf (A transition from user to kernel mode) |
API server cursor | API-Servercursor (A server cursor that is built to support the cursor functions of an API, such as ODBC, OLE DB, ADO, and DB-Library) |
ASP.NET Web API | ASP.NET-Web-API (A framework that lets developers use the .NET Framework to build HTTP services (for example, RESTful applications) that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices) |
Camera Capture API | Kameraaufnahme-API (The API that allows for devices to expose capture controls, a preview window, and the ability to specify resolution and codecs for audio/video capture) |
Crypto API Diagnostics | Krypto-API-Diagnose (A utility that can only be enabled by an administrator and which logs events associated with an applications use of certificates) |
Data API | Daten-API (An API that contains controls and features for accessing, working with, and storing data and documents) |
Data Protection API | Datenschutz-API (A set of routines, protocols, and tools that provides information confidentiality to user and system processes by applying password-based cryptographic protection at the local operating system level) |
Device Access API | Gerätezugriffs-API (A set of COM interfaces that a device companion app can use to send requests, to a specialized device, synchronously or asynchronously) |
DRT API | DRT-Plattform (The Application Programming Interface (API) that allows applications to publish and resolve numeric keys in a peer network) |
Globalization API | Globalisierungs-API (An API that contains features enabling apps for a global audience) |
Input Source Identification API | Eingabequellenidentifikations-API (A native API that, when an app gets input, tells the app what kind of hardware it came from) |
JavaScript API for Office | JavaScript-API für Office (A JavaScript API that provides simple and consistent programmatic access to Office documents and applications across Office client environments through common as well as application-specific data types, objects, functions and events) |
licensing API | Lizenz-API (A Microsoft Windows programming interface used for license compliance, anti-piracy protection and restricted digital distribution) |
Management API | Verwaltungs-API (An API that contains controls and features for deploying, administering, and managing apps) |
national language support API | National Language Support API (Set of system functions in 32-bit Windows containing information that is based on language and cultural conventions) |
Networking API | Netzwerk-API (The API for networking) |
Notification API | Benachrichtigungs-API (A Windows API that is used for sending user notifications to the system, such as telling the system that the user is busy. It provides intelligence regarding when to draw a notification or perform some other custom action, and mechanisms for anchoring these notifications around the system) |
Proximity API | Näherungs-API (An API that enables awareness of device proximity within an app. The simple physical gesture of tapping devices together can be used to login to Windows, launch applications, connect with other devices, and share content between devices -- all without the user needing to initiate any other action) |
Security API | Sicherheits-API (An API for asset protection, usage control, privacy, and policy application) |
Smart Device Connectivity API | Smart Device Connectivity-API (An application programming interface that enables developers to establish a connection between a desktop computer and a device. This API enables developers to focus on creating remote tools, while it handles the details of device interconnectivity and transport mechanisms) |
SMS API | SMS-API (An API that is part of the Windows 8 extensible platform for sending and receiving SMS text messages through a mobile broadband adapter or a cellphone connected to a PC) |
system API call | System-API-Aufruf (A transition from user to kernel mode) |
Telephony API | Telefonie-API (An application programming interface (API) used by communications programs to work with telephony and network services) |
Timer Coalescence API | Timerkoaleszenz-API (A native API that allows apps that aren't Windows Store apps and that use timers to coalesce timer messages such that when the screen is off, timers continue to fire but the app wakes less often, thus saving battery life) |
Touch Injection API | Toucheinfügung-API (A native API for touch that allows a desktop app to send touch input to the screen (it already exists for mouse and keyboard). It simulates touch by sending messages that look like touch messages. It can be used to automate testing of a Windows Store app (larger company), and is used to support a class of devices) |
Virus Scanning API | Virenscanner-API (A virus-scanning API that is used by third-party antivirus service providers to protect computers that have the Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox server role installed) |
web worker API | Web-Worker-API (The API that defines a way to run scripts in the background. Web Workers are specified in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s Web Workers specification) |
Windows API | Windows-API (The functions, messages, data structures, data types, and statements you can use in creating applications that run under Microsoft Windows 95 or later, including procedure declarations, user-defined type definitions, and constant declarations) |
Windows Live Contacts API | Windows Live-Kontakte-API (The API that defines a set of web services which can programmatically access the Windows Live Contacts Address Book database) |
Windows Portable Device API | Windows-API für tragbare Geräte (An API that provides access to digital still cameras, media players, and multi-function cellular phones that implement Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)) |
Windows Web Services API | Windows-Webdienste-API (A native-code implementation of SOAP that provides a foundation for building Web services for internal Microsoft customers such as components of Windows and parts of Office) |