
Terms for subject Medical containing with | all forms | exact matches only
amino acid labelled with C-14aminosyra märkt med C-14
astigmatism with the ruledirekt astigmatism
astigmatism with the ruleastigmatism enligt regeln
congenital keratosis with bullaeerythrodermia ichtyosiformis hereditaria
congenital nonhaemolytic jaundice with kernicterusCrigler-Najjars syndrom
congenital nonhaemolytic jaundice with kernicteruskongenital hyperbilirubinemi
congenital nonhemolytic jaundice with kernicterusCrigler-Najjars syndrom
congenital nonhemolytic jaundice with kernicteruskongenital hyperbilirubinemi
diarrhea with vomitingmaginfluensa
egg fertilised with a view to insertionbefruktat ägg för implantation
embryonic disease with bad prognosisembryonal sjukdom med dålig prognos
exchange of blood with the motherutväxling av blod med modern
experimentation tainted with a dehumanizing purposeförsök som gör ett inhumant intryck
hereditary disease linked with the sexkönsbunden ärftlig sjukdom
hybrid embryo with various genomeshybridembryo med olika genetisk information
people living with HIV and AIDSpersoner som lever med hiv/aids
people living with HIV and AIDSmänniskor som lever med hiv/aids
pericarditis with effusionpericarditis exsudativa
pericarditis with effusionexsudativ perikardit (pericarditis exsudativa)
structure with human potentialstruktur med human potential
sweetened with sugarsockertillsats
tuberculosis combined with asbestosisasbestotuberkulos
wound with loss of substancesår med substansförlust