
Terms containing certification | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaccount certificationkontocertifiering (The process that associates user accounts with key pairs)
fin.account certificationattestering av räkenskaper
account., polit., agric.account certification reportattesteringsrapport
comp., MSaccount certification servicekontocertifieringstjänst (A Windows RMS Web service that creates and distributes RM account certificates)
comp., MSAFNOR certificationAFNOR-certifiering (A certification that accounting software is legally compliant with French legislation for electronic accounting)
transp., avia.Air Operator Certificationcertifiering av operatörer
health., anim.husb.animal health certificationutfärdande av djurhälsointyg
comp., MSAssociation Française de Normalisation certificationcertifiering från Association Française de Normalization (A certification that accounting software is legally compliant with French legislation for electronic accounting)
scub.certification agencyCertifierings organisation
transp., avia.certification authorisationcertifieringsauktorisation
comp., MScertification authoritycertifikatutfärdare (An entity entrusted to issue certificates that assert that the recipient individual, computer, or organization requesting the certificate fulfills the conditions of an established policy)
tech.certification authoritycertifieringsinstans
gen.certification authoritycertifieringsmyndighet
comp., MScertification authority hierarchycertifikatutfärdarhierarki (A hierarchy in which the roles of the certification authority are separated into one root CA and one or more subordinate CAs)
comp., MSCertification Authority Web EnrollmentWebbregistrering hos certifikatutfärdare (The role service that provides a set of web pages that allow interaction with the Certification Authority role service)
industr.certification bodycertifieringsorgan
account., polit., agric.certification bodyattesterande organ
scub.certification cardCertifikat
fin.certification free-ridingsnålskjuts på bekräftelsen att varan är av bra kvalitet
comp., MScertification hierarchycerifieringshierarki (A model of trust for certificates in which certification paths are created by means of the establishment of parent-child relationships between certification authorities)
scub.certification levelCertifieringsnivå
econ., agric.certification markkvalitetsmärke
econ., agric.certification markkvalitetsstämpel
gov., empl.certification mechanismcertifieringssystem
fin., agric.certification of accountsgodkännande av räkenskaperna
transp., avia.certification of airworthinessluftvärdighetsbevis
industr.certification of compliancecertifiering av överensstämmelse
commun., industr.certification of conformitycertifiering av överensstämmelse
ed.certification of learning outcomescertifiering av studieresultat
pharma.certification of medicinal productsutfärdande av certifikat för läkemedel
fin., industr.certification of originintygande av ursprung
comp., MScertification pathcertifieringssökväg (A sequence of certificates, where each certificate in the sequence is signed by the subsequent certificate. The last certificate in the chain is normally a self-signed certificate)
gen.certification pathcertifieringsväg
transp., avia.certification pilottestpilot
fin.certification procedurecertifieringsförfaranden
gov., empl.certification procedurecertifieringssystem
account., polit., agric.certification reportattesteringsrapport
lawcertification servicecertifikattjänst
fin., ITcertification service providertillhandahållare av certifieringstjänster
law, commun.certification service providertillhandahållare av certifikattjänster
patents.certification servicescertifieringstjänster
transp., avia.certification specificationscertifieringsspecifikationer
commun.certification stampäkthetsstämpel
comp., MScertification statuscertifieringsstatus (The stage of an app in the certification process)
forestr.certification systemscertifieringssystem
commer., industr.Committee for implementation of the Kimberley Process certification scheme for the international trade in rough diamondskommittén för genomförande av Kimberleyprocessens certifieringssystem för den internationella handeln med rådiamanter
transp., mil., grnd.forc.Committee on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certificationKommittén för tilldelning av infrastrukturkapacitet, uttag av avgifter för utnyttjande av järnvägsinfrastruktur och utfärdande av säkerhetsintyg
econ.Community certificationgemenskapscertifiering
industr.domestic certification processinhemsk rutin för godkännande
transp., avia.dual certificationdubbelcertifiering
law, construct.EEC self-certificationEEG-självcertifiering
industr.EEC-self certificationEEG-självcertifiering
comp., MSenterprise certification authorityutfärdare av företagscertifikat (A computer service that issues digital certificates that can only be used inside a business or organization)
industr., polit.European Organisation for Testing and Certificationeuropeiska samordningsorganisationen för provning och certifiering
law, tech.European Organisation for Testing and CertificationEuropeiska organisationen för provning och kontroll
gen.European Organization for Testing and CertificationEuropeiska provnings- och certifieringsorganisationen
market., agric.examination for breed certificationbedömning för avelsvärdering
gen.export certification schemeexport certifikat schema
econ.forest certificationskogscertifiering
market.franchise contract notarial certificationregistrering av franchisekontrakt
market.franchise contract notarial certificationregistrering av franchiseavtal
tech., lawGeneral requirements for bodies operating product certification systemsAllmänna krav för organ som handhar produktcertifieringsprogram
transp., avia.installation certificationinstallationscertifikat
comp., MSintermediate certification authoritymellanliggande certifikatutfärdare (A certification authority that has the ability to issue the intermediate certificates needed to certify the subject identified by the end certificate)
fin.international certification scheme for rough diamondsinternationellt certifieringssystem för rådiamanter
transp., nautic.International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarersden internationella konventionen angående normer för sjöfolks utbildning, certifiering och vakthållning
comp., MSissuing certification authorityutfärdande certifikatutfärdare (In a public key infrastructure hierarchy, the certification authority that that issues certificates to users and computers)
transp., avia.JAA type certificationJAA:s typcertifiering
gen.key certification centrecertifieringsinstans för öppna nycklar
commer., polit., tech.Kimberley certification scheme for rough diamondsKimberleyprocessens certifieringssystem
commer., polit., tech.Kimberley Process certification schemeKimberleyprocessens certifieringssystem
commer., polit., tech.KP certification schemeKimberleyprocessens certifieringssystem
IT, el.line certificationproduktionscertifiering
met.material covered by the certification schemematerial med intyg
environ.noise certification of an aircraftbullercertifiering av flygplan
IToperating system certificationcertifiering av operativsystem
IT, el.operator certificationauktorisering av operatör
environ., agric., polit.Pan-European Forest Certification Projectalleuropeiskt skogscertifieringsprojekt
agric.phytosanitary certificationcertifiering
met.procedure for certificationcertifieringsförfarande
environ.quality certificationkvalitetscertifikat
environ.quality certification The formal assertion in writing that a commodity, service or other product has attained a recognized and relatively high grade or level of excellencekvalitetscertifikat
gen.return certification pathomvänd certifieringsled
comp., MSroot certification authorityrotcertifikatutfärdare (The most trusted certification authority (CA), which is at the top of a certification hierarchy. The root CA has a self-signed certificate)
comp., MSRoot certification authority certificaterotcertifikatutfärdarcertifikat (A certificate signed by the certification authority that is used to verify the authenticity of a server certificate created by the certification authority)
lab.law., transp., nautic.Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Codekoden för sjöfolks utbildning, certifiering och vakthållning
lab.law., transp., nautic.Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping CodeSTCW-koden
med.seed certificationofficiell frökontroll
agric.seed certificationutsädescertifiering
med.seed certificationfrökontroll
ITsoftware certificationverifiering av programvara 2)certifiering av programvara
comp., MSstand-alone certification authorityfristående certifikatutfärdare (A certification authority (CA) that is not integrated with Active Directory)
tech., mater.sc.standard certificationcertifieringsmärkning
industr.standardisation and certificationstandardisering och godkännande
industr.standardisation and certificationstandardisering och certifiering
comp., MSsubordinate certification authorityunderordnad certifikatutfärdare (In a public key infrastructure (PKI) hierarchy, any certification authority that is not the root CA)
agric.Swedish Seed Testing and Certification InstituteStatens utsädeskontroll
ITsystem certificationsystemcertifiering
comp., MSTrusted Root Certification Authoritiesbetrodda rotcertifikatutfärdare (Implicitly trusted certification authorities. Includes all of the certificates in the Third-Party Root Certification Authorities store plus root certificates from the user organization and Microsoft)
comp., MStrusted root certification authoritybetrodd rotcertifikatutfärdare (A root certification authority that appears in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities console of the Windows operating systems and is trusted by the operating system)
transp., avia.type certificationtypcertifiering
transp., avia.type certification of products and partstypcertifiering av produkter och delar
health., anim.husb.veterinary certificationveterinärintyg
comp., MSWindows App Certification KitCertifieringspaket för Windows-program (A part of the Windows SDK that validates both Windows Store apps for the Windows Store and Windows desktop applications)
comp., MSWindows Certification Program for HardwareWindows Certification Program för maskinvara (A certification program to ensure that systems and hardware are compatible and reliable and can perform to meet Windows standards)
comp., MSWindows Desktop Apps Certification KitCertifieringspaket för Windows-appar (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
comp., MSWindows Hardware CertificationCertifiering för Windows-maskinvara (A certification program to ensure that systems and hardware are compatible and reliable and can perform to meet Windows standards)
comp., MSWindows Hardware Certification KitCertifieringspaket för Windows-maskinvara (The test automation framework used to certify devices or systems for Windows)