
Terms for subject Medical containing Cell | all forms | exact matches only
adult stem cellvävnadsstamcell
adult stem celladult stamcell
adult tissue stem celladult stamcell
adult tissue stem cellvävnadsstamcell
anchorage-dependent cellvidhäftningsberoende celler
anchorage-dependent celladhesionsberoende celler
authorised removal of cellsauktoriserat avlägsnande av celler
B-cell growth factorB-celltillväxtfaktor
balloon cellsballongceller
basal cell carcinomabasaliom (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell carcinomabasalcellscancer (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell epitheliomabasalcellscancer (epithelioma basocellulare)
basal cell epitheliomabasaliom (epithelioma basocellulare)
blood cellblodcell
cancer cellcancercell
carcinoma of alveolar cellsbronkioalveolär cancer
carcinoma of alveolar cellsalveolarcellscancer
cell assemblycellgrupp
cell assemblycell-assembly
cell-based assaycellbaserad metod
cell bodycellkropp
cell breakagecellfraktionering
cell countingcellräkning
cell disruptioncellfraktionering
cell divisioncelldelning
cell fusioncellfusion
cell layercellager
cell-mediated immune responsecellmedierat immunsvar
cell-mediated immune responsecellmedierad immunrespons
cell membrane defectmembrandefekt
cell morphologycellmorfologi
chromatophore cellpigmentcell
chromatophore cellkromatofor
clonogenic cellklonal cell
cover cell tumormesoteliom
culture embryonic cellodlad embryonal cell
cytotoxic T-cellscytotoxiska T-lymfocyter
epithelial cell clustersepitelöar
epithelial cell tumescenceepiteliom
ethmoidal cellssilbensceller
ethmoidal cellsetmoidalceller
foam cellskumceller
genetically modified cellgenmodifierad cell
genetically modified cellgenetiskt modifierad cell
ghost cell corpuscleblodkroppsskuggor
giant-cell carcinomajättecellscancer (carcinoma gigantocellulare)
giant-cell carcinomacarcinoma gigantocellulare
giant tumour celltumörjätteceller
glia cellgliacell
glial cellglia
glial cellneuroglia
graft of thymic cellstransplantation av thymusceller
grandmother cellmormorscell
granulosa cell carcinomagranulosa-tumor
granulosa cell carcinomagranulosa-tumör
granulosa cell tumorgranulosa-tumor
granulosa cell tumorgranulosa-tumör
heckel celltaggcell
heckel cellcell i stratum spinosum
HeLa cellHeLaceller
helper cellhjälp-T-cell
helper cellhjälp-T-lymfocyt
host cellvärdcell
Huerthle cell tumourHürthlecellstumör
human B-cell lymphotropic virushumant B-lymfotropt virus
human embryonic stem cellmänsklig embryonal stamcell
human T-cell leukemia virus type 4humant immunbristvirus typ II
human T-cell leukemia virus type 4HTLV typ IV
human T-cell leukemia virus type 2HTLV typ II
human T-cell leukemia virus type 2humant T-lymfotropt virus typ II
human T-cell leukemia virus type 4humant T-lymfotropt virus typ IV
human T-cell leukemia virus type 4HIV typ II
human T-cell leukemia virus type 1humant T-lymfotropt virus typ I
human T-cell leukemia virus type 1HTLV typ I
human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3humant immunbristvirus
human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3humant T-lymfotropt virus typ III
human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3HTLV typ III
human T-IV cell lymphotropic virusHTLV typ IV
human T-IV cell lymphotropic virushumant T-lymfotropt virus typ IV
human T-IV cell lymphotropic virushumant immunbristvirus typ II
human T-IV cell lymphotropic virusHIV typ II
immobilized-cells culturekultur av immobiliserade celler
immobilized-microbial-cells reactorbioreaktor med immobiliserade celler
islet cell carcinomaöcellscarcinom
islet cell carcinomamalignt insulom
islet cell hyperplasiaöcellshyperplasi
mass cell culturemasscellkultur
mast cellmastcell
mastoid air cellscellulae mastoideae
memory cellminnescell
microscopic cluster of cellsmikroskopisk cellansamling
myeloid cellmyeloid cell
myeloid cellmyelocyt
naevus cellsnevusceller
neutrophilic cellneutrofil granulocyt
neutrophilic cellneutrofil
nevus cellnevuscell
Niemann-Pick cellsNiemann-Pickceller
non-producer cell lineicke-producerande cellinje
null cellnull-cell
null cellnollcell
packaging cellpackningscell
packed cell volumehematokrit
packed cell volumeerytrocytvolymfraktion
permissive cellpermissiv cell
pigmentophore cellkromatofor
pigmentophore cellpigmentcell
plaque forming-cellplaque-bildande cell
plaque forming-cellplackbildande cell
prickle cellcell i stratum spinosum
prickle celltaggcell
prickle-cell layertaggcellsskikt (stratum spinosum)
prickle-cell layerstratum spinosum
producer cell lineproducerande cellinje
pyramidal cellpyramidcell
reticular cellretikelcell
self-multiplication of cellsspontan celldelning
somatic-cell hybridizationsomatisk hybridisering
somatic cell therapysomatisk cellterapi
somatic stem celladult stamcell
somatic stem cellvävnadsstamcell
spindle-cell carcinomafusocellulärt carcinom (carcinoma fusocellulare)
spindle-cell carcinomaspolcellscancer (carcinoma fusocellulare)
spindle-cell carcinomacarcinoma fusocellulare
squamous cellskivepitelcell
squamous cell cancerskivepitelcancer
squamous cell carcinomaskivepitelcancer
squamous epithelial cellskivepitelcell
stellate cellkorncell
stem-cell leukaemiastamcellsleukemi
stem cell leukemiastamcellsleukemi
suppressive cellsuppressorceller
suppressive T cellsuppressorceller
suppressor T cellsuppressorceller
T4 cellhjälp-T-lymfocyt
T4 cellhjälp-T-cell
target cellmålcell
thecal granulosa cell tumourtheca-granulosacellstumör
T-helper cellsT-hjälparceller
tissue stem celladult stamcell
tissue stem cellvävnadsstamcell
transformed celltransformerad cell
T-suppressor cellsuppressorceller
tumour cell embolustumörembolus
two-cell stagetvåcellsstadiet
young cellprimärcell